Belt for editing a dangerous razor of the USSR. Belt for editing a danger razor. How to care for a razor. Verification of the sharpness of the razor

Purchase is right.

Edit does not sharpen a razor, but simply levets the edges of the metal at the tip of the blade. The mandrel usually consists of two parts - leather (belt) and fabric or flax. On Len applies chalk as a small abrasive, and on the skin - the paste of Goe.

It is important to pick up the belt of the right width - it is desirable that it is a little wider or equal to the length of the razor blade, in this case, you can simply evenly rule the edge, since all the blade will fit on the belt. Otherwise, you will have to make a small displacement when moving, because the blade should be evenly sharp.

Often the fabric area ignore and rule only the skin. In general, the rule is 15 to 50 - 15 times tissue and 50 times on the skin. The process here is addressed to Honing: Holding a razor for the "shin" on the one hand, and holding two or three fingers, on the other hand, the blade is plastered onto the belt and stretches along it "ridge" forward. Again, it is important to be slightly pressed on the razor, providing contact over the entire surface - from the "ridge" to the edge of the blade, otherwise you can drive the edge and spoil the razor.

The belt must be stretched, otherwise it will take a wavy shape, which will lead to the bending of the edge. The sharp razor will issue a characteristic sound when editing on the belt.

Direction of motion blade

At the end of the movement, when the razor reaches an extreme point, it must be turned over to continue the movement - this is done by moving like a pencil rolling. Do not apply great efforts or do it quickly as a barber in the cinema - most often it leads to less control over the razor and excessive risk for the fingers and belt.

Between sharpening it is necessary to simply correct the blade on the belt after several shave sessions. The paste is to select on a razor and a belt - diamond paste, paste on chromium oxide, hematite.

On this razor sharpening process is complete. Maybe not such a bad idea - start with the already sharpened razor, because, carried away by honing and edited, you can not get to the most exciting class - shaving.

In addition to sharpening, in care of the razor, it is necessary to deal with corrosion. Leaving a razor for a long time, it is worth lubricating it with light oils. And every time after shaving - wash hot water and wipe dry, stored in a dry place in the dry place.

Sharpening a dangerous razor is a magnificent training ground for all sharpening principles, and no matter what tool.

It is a razor that gives the closest and direct acquaintance with the edge.

  1. Evaluation of geometry
  2. Correction of geometry
  3. Sharpecker
  4. Revision
  5. Edit
  6. Verification of the sharpness of the razor

1. Evaluation of geometry

Before sharpening a dangerous razor, it is necessary to evaluate its geometry. It is necessary in order to better understand how to sharpen it and on which stones it is necessary to start working: on more rude or smaller.

It is possible to assess the geometry of the razor, it is possible to put it on a flat-frame plate or just on a flat surface, for example, a piece of glass. It is necessary to put so that the windows of the razor and its training lay on the plate. Now we can notice how tightly without gaps from the edge side and the traveler is a razor. In this case, we are lucky and work we have a little, and we can start working on stone 1000 #, unless there are damage in the form of chips or "reverse smile".

It is very often found that such a razor supply is not fully adjacent to the plane, in this case we will have to eliminate this lack of a larger abrasive. We should not forget that looking at the razor on one side you need to look at the other.

It is still necessary to check and the presence of a straight line on the edge or the presence of the correct smile. The geometry disorder is the so-called "reverse smile". Such geometry will not allow us to correctly sharpen the cutting edge and it must be corrected.

2. Correction of geometry

The reverse smile and chips are cleaned with fly movements on a rough abrasive or on a skirt lying on the plane, for example on glass. Read more with this you can find on the video:\u003dgsqyvqts_eu&feature\u003dplayer_embedded There are 2.17 minutes, fan (flying) movements are shown

3. Sharpening

The sharpening is carried out on the stone grain of 800-1000 grit. The main task of this stage to form the vehicle and control the risks from the abrasive to go to the edge throughout the fodder on each side. Without performing this requirement, further work on the razor will be practically useless. Do not forget that the stone for sharpening a razor should be.

The razor training must lie on the stone and be in the same plane with the cutting razor edging is conducted by cutting edge forward. You should always turn over a razor through volatile. At this stage you can work as one and two hands.

The razor at sharpening should be at an angle to the direction line so that there is no swing when sharpening, and from here and involuntary tilt. Movements should be controlled on the entire length of the passage, as the effort should be permanent throughout the length of the stroke and remove only at a complete stop.

An dangerous razor has elastic descents and requires special pressure control. The force of pressure at sharpening should decrease both when moving from large grains into small and early and at the end of work on each bar. This is due to the fact that the thickness of the razor cannon is very thin and the edge itself is being flexed on it and you are already being processed by the edge of the transition from incoming to the supply, increasing its width and stealing the training and almost do not handle the edge itself. When decreasing efforts, handle the cutting edge. The MOT-RK to the abrasive is carried out by a circular turn of the blade for the handle around its axis, it should be optimal and by the end of the processing on the abrasive to decrease smoothly.
Second force - the force of displacement over the abrasion should act and be directed strictly parallel to the working surface of the abrasive.
Thus, there should be no pressure on the training, but only touch, to withstand the angle.

To control sharpening it is very desirable to use optical means of control. Someone is enough magnifying glass with an increase in x10, it is more convenient to use Chinese microscopes to use someone

It is necessary to control the risks along the entire length of the flow fell to the cutting edge. The width of the veins can have a different width, it is determined only by the geometry of the razor from the manufacturer, but the risks should go to the edge along the entire length, only then you can switch to a smaller abrasive.

4. Friend (in metalworking), finishing, finishing parts for the purpose of obtaining accurate dimensions (1st grade and above) and a clean surface corresponding to 10-14-m-classes, as well as triggering one part to another.

I draw attention to the fact that this stage the sharpening should be finished, that is, the risks should be uniform and throughout the length of the veil into the cutting edge. Remember the abrasive hygiene. When moving to another, more finely abrasive stone rinse the razor.

Advanced is carried out on stones with a grain grain 3000 - 4000 grit and then use smaller abrasives. Very often, many practices go after 3000 - 8000 grits to further finishing on natural abrasive stones ( , Gusevsky and other slates,). These stones have long been considered the best for the brilliance of the razor and were called razor stones. Someone remains a supporter of synthetic abrasive stones when finishing a razor. Everyone chooses for himself those methods for sharpening and finishing, the results and speed of which it suits him more. It is believed that natural abrasive stones allow to achieve a more comfortable shave rather than artificial.

Separately, I want to pay attention to. Using it allows to reduce even more sharpening time, reduce the curtain of the razor, to get a more resistant edge, because they do not leave behind deep scratches and at the same time well and quickly remove scratches from previous stones. In addition, on with very interesting and fascinating.

Movements can be circular with a slight radius and X-shaped, you can alternate: working in circular motions to work X-shaped and go to the next stone, more fine-grained. When finishing, try to use only one hand, since it is capable of much thinner to feel the pressure that is critical at this stage. It is not desirable to work with two hands, since it is almost impossible to control the minimum pressure.

If you control the process of sharpening \\ finishes in magnification and tactile on "rash", it is quite possible to choose this optimal pressure or pressure, based on the geometry of the razor, the processing area by each subsequent peasant - it comes out or not its work on the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the elasticity of a particular razor . It is necessary to achieve the exit to the edge by each stone, and at the same time not to force the supply to beton in the opposite direction, due to overpressure. By controlling the process, the pressure is not so difficult to choose. It is optimal. But in the last stages of work, it is usually minimal and often less than the weight of the razor itself. Otherwise it is impossible to achieve high sharpness and homogeneity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as long-term resistance.

5. Edit

Edit is carried out on a clean belt, it is desirable that it was a special belt for editing, and not anyone caught at hand. There are users of dangerous razors that use straps with various pastas that there are quite a lot of species. Use the passed strap or not, to solve you, we can only add that only a clean strap without a paste is necessary correctly sharpened razor.

The razor on the belt is promoted with ahead

"2. How to edit.
If the sling when the razor is edited, it saves under the cutting edge (see Figure 1) You will quickly fill the cutting edge, and the razor will very quickly become stupid. If a string when editing a razor saves under the back of the razor (see Figure 2) The cutting edge will move on the plane, you will get a very sharp edge. "

6. Verification of the sharpness of the razor

A sharp is considered a razor when it can cut the hair "on weight", that is, with a slight touch. This is determined as follows: a large and index fingers of the left hand take one hair and cut it with a razor over the fingers (Fig.). If the hair cuts easily, the razor is acute.

The sharpness of the razor can be determined on paper: thin cigarette paper bend and kept index and thumbs of the left hand; In his right hand, hold a razor from ourselves and without pressure spend on the paper seal (Fig.). If paper cuts easily, the razor is acute; if it cuts hard, stupid; If it cuts with a rustling, there is a rash on the razor.

These are methods that visually allow you to evaluate the sharpness of the razor, but only one should not forget that the hair is very different in thickness and all this is very conditionally.

What is the sharp razor? According to Dmitrich ( Vladimir Dmitrievich Vasilyeva)the razor must be acute so to be gently and nice to consider foam together with the bristle so that the skin is perfectly clean in this place in this place if they have a hand in this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin in the same direction.

An example of sharpening a dangerous razor of Kamisori from Oldtor

Continuing the samples with a Japanese razor. Short set of abrasives and finishing on Yellow Coticule.

Sharpening and finishing was performed by a minimal set of stones. I used the Japanese Combined Synthetic Vodnik Suehiro 1000 \\ 3000 GRIT, and then brought the razor on Belgian Yellow Coticule:

Of the many Belgians, what I tried, this one of the most successful, it is a pity that is very small - the size of a cigarette pack. Pebbles "Screering Conditions", as I call it, quite thinly ironed from work on the razors. Depending on the pressure, work along or cross the structure, the amount of water, gives a sufficient palette of thin nuances when improving it. In general, I have an old belgic, working no less fine, but the character of the adhesion of the veins on it is somewhat different, and it is slightly more inclined to put the edge, and a light, barely noticeable suspension allocates where to use it - in this case it seemed to be more relevant to use it .
So, at Suehiro 1000th side, I performed sharpening, I worked on the 3000th side, varying the amount of suspension or remove it at all, incl. Depending on which side of the razor, I processed - when sharpening such a razor, the difference of contact spots on different sides and the features of their interaction with abrasive should be considered. Actually, it can be seen on any single side - the difference in the surface of the refined part. Travel and chamfering:

Of course, for the sake of aesthetics, it would be possible to take Belgian Belgorod, for example, Yellow "Novodel" from Ardennes Kotikul, and cleaned more carefully from the 3000-nickname wrapping, and then you already choose what a stone to do the finish, but I was interested to cope exactly The shortest network of stones, besides, I have already made a lot on such a razor (and this in particular) Finish, and Guangxi, and Nakaima, and the Thuringian slate, and Arkansas - it was time to try the Belgian. At the end, I made 40 passes on the side on the pure belt from the horse and order. The result was pleased. / oldtor / 01-06-2013 18: 22 /


And another example of sharpening a dangerous razor on Japanese stones

... I continued to samples in the razors
I am very cool, I like, I am ready to say that this method seems to me the fastest and convenient. True, I do not know how much I could do it quickly and so convenient for myself if she had not previously acquired a considerable experience in sharpening razors in other ways.
I tried today here is such a set of stones and heat:

And what is curious, I used Medziro on both stones)
At first I used the botan on a softer stone, then Tenzo. I managed to have a little pebble and stopped giving my suspension, if it did not make it specially - the truth to the botan it seemed to me that the mixing of suspensions I had a little, but I hadn't observed this moment on the TENZE (though it was very light neat movements) . Then, on the same stone I used Medziro, it turned out like this:

According to the results of the last samples of this stone with his own suspension, and without it, the result is clearly cleaner and homogeneous, which was one of the confirmation for me, that nevertheless, the suspension of Medziro was mainly worked. By the way, after that, the Republic of Kazakhstan has already cut the hair from the beard (after TENZE, it only removed the chips from the Volos). By the way, the photo is slightly noticeable to the "step" of angle to increase the corner, made by the end of the work with a sharp decrease in pressure. For a better scale assessment, I made a photo of a hair lying on the chamfer:

Next, I used Medziro already to Nakayama. By the way, on average, the time of work on each suspension was about 3 minutes, and the work scenario on movements, the sequences of their shift, etc., observed the same one.

So, after Medziro, Nakayama came like this:

The cut of the hair on the weight increases, and actually I have not seen sense to move on coma-naguagu. But even on a clean stone, it was boring at once) Therefore, I tried one Tomo-Nagigu, kindly borrowed by Nikolai K., on which, for whom she is not small, I have already managed to finish one knife from solid carbon - really liked. Well, so, the suspension was injured, it was difficult, very thin and easy, worked the same Montukuki three on her, and then on a pure pebushka made passes for 30 to the side. That's how it happened:

the hair test is beautiful) shave gorgeous!

In general, I really liked everything - obviously, work on Nagu - "Myยป/ Oldtor /


We express great gratitude to all members of the forum who participated in the discussion of the sharpening of dangerous razors. Live communication, experience of participants, all this is a real storehouse of knowledge, one can say encyclopedia at sharpening hazardous razors. We especially want to thank the participants under Nicky: Dmitrichw, 1Shiva, Oldtor, BWMAN, Nikolay_k, Wren, Ivan-3, Vlad-Kram, Tras Krom and others.

About sharpening razors ...

From the very occurrence of the branches in the forums, the branches at sharpening hazardous razors did not give it much importance, it was not so serious and the vest Males completely will destroy the old good seas and my knowledge in this area will be not interested in anyone, but I'm glad and glad that I was wrong.

When I was salary, at the beginning of the 70s last century, at a serving course of advanced training in the formulation and conduct of the experiment, they began to teach the sharpening of almost all tools, the master who was then under 80 years old, learning clint sharpening, they began with sharpening a dangerous razor. Then we realized that this could be said to the basis for understanding the sharpening of the blades in general - teaches to feel the RK when sharpening. I did not write and did not talk about it, I'm sorry, I thought, I would not understand the guys when I say that it was necessary to start the knives to learn from sharpening. Nikolai seems to understand.

With great respect, Dmitrich (Vladimir Dmitrievich Vasilyev)

Video at sharpening dangerous razors from Yaroslav aka oldtor

Work on Japanese natural stones from Nagu
Part 1
Part 2

A.P. Kharitonchuk. Device and repair of household metal products. High school. 1978.

Konstantinov A.V. How to become a hairdresser. M.: ABC, 1993

Video at sharpening hazardous razors on Japanese stones\u003dnbeifckKykqo.
Video at sharpening hazardous razors from Lynn Abrams, founder
Lynn Abrams - World of Straight Razor Shaving

We plan to quickly prepare an article on the advanced sharpening of dangerous razors and on choosing stones to sharpen dangerous razors.

Sincerely, site administration

With frequent use, hazardous razors and knives have a blinking property and then work with them becomes painful. In order for cutting edges to become sharp again, many are resorted to a variety of grinding stones, sharpeners, special leather belts for editing and other abrasives.

Relief belt Earlier we used our fathers and grandfathers, especially in wartime. This is an excellent option for daily kennel care and other cutting tools. The strap for editing knives and the razor is considered a professional tool. With the help of it, you can make a blade to give such severity that will not give up even the blade.

A double-sided strap for editing is made of genuine dense skin of light brown. On the one hand, the skin is more grainy. The top is equipped with a special carbine for vertical mounting to any surfaces, on the other hand there is a tongue with which you can independently adjust the belt tension. The belt is designed to bring the blades to the desired sharpness, i.e. After the final sharpening (honing) razor blades or knife.

How to rule a danger razor or belt knife ?

Such a sharpening does not work the first time. To such a way of editing should be adopted. Especially should pay attention to the direction of movement, because If you incorrectly select the angle of the blade, you may appear different irregularities. Be sure to follow the belt tension.

  • Attach the blade under the lowest angle to the belt surface;
  • Carry out a tensioned belt, slightly pressed;
  • Repeat movement in the opposite direction.

note! Movements should not be very fast. For every 50 carbon sides, you must at least 10 times spend on less abrasive. For a better effect, the rough side can be treated with diamond or paste gay.

Characteristics :

  • Model: LRS 403;
  • Type: Material: Genuine Leather;
  • Color: light brown;
  • Dimensions (cm): 5.2 x 50;
  • Weight: 0.11 kg;
  • Manufacturer: EECOO;

Equipment :

  • Leather belt - 1 pc.

Details of the payment and delivery of this product


Delivery method: FSUE "Mail of Russia". D.leaving to other countries to the country's postal service that will be specified in the order.

Cost of delivery:

180 rubles - in Russia to any region;

450 rubles - to the CIS countries and neighboring countries.If another currency is selected, the amount will automatically be recalculated at the rate to the ruble.

Free shipping is valid when ordering for more than 2,700 rubles or also at the rate to the ruble in the selected currency.

The time of departure of the order: All goods, with the exception of Sugarbae's tourmaline products, is 3 working days from the date of payment of the order.

Tourmaline, jade mats, pillows and mats "Sugarbae" require a more careful inspection, therefore, the departure time is 5-7 business days from the date of payment of the order.

Delivery period: from 10 before 30 working days (depends on the post service).


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note ! With cash on delivery we are moredo not work From February 2016!


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  • "Sberbank of the Russian Federation" (cash through an ATM or branch of the Sberbank branch) -commission 1%
  • "Bank card" (for residents of CIS countries and neighboring countries ) - Commission 10%
  • "QIWI Wallet" (through the Robokass payment system) -commission 10%
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Payment through QIWI Wallet is a convenient way for buyers living in the CIS and Middle Abroad (it is possible to choose another currency).

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Pleasant shopping!


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Long searched for "golden mid", by price-quality.
Kanama is corded, of course a wonderful belt, like belts from Tony and Neil Miller, but they are not affected by many. What our master masts are doing from what material ... well, it works, but I am not satisfied and their work for all 100. So I decided to start cooperation with a professional master of their Germany.
Our forum staff Evgeny (in_je_ner).
Here is his store
In one of the topics, a long time ago, I made a review of one of his sling. To this day I work on this belt and completely suits me.
Based on its experience and experience with newcomers, I ordered a belt in size and from the skin that will most suit our tasks.
Today I present the first, trial belt for sale.
Suspended belt size 600x60x3.5 (3) mm.
Leather is a matter of nonsense or neck, vegetable tanning. The skin of their small firm, from the south of Germany, which leads its activities from the 19th century. So, everything is natural and environmentally friendly.
When handled, fat or oil is added, so the skin is soft.
Zhenya makes skin a little embryal, which gives the best effect when editing a razor.
I asked him to make a belt with a handle, as the beginners rule the razor on the bare canvas is not entirely familiar and convenient. With handle and pull it easier, and the canvas is not dirty from the hands, and the pressure can be controlled.
The belt itself is pretty heavy, with thick, soft skin and is very high quality.
If you need to replace the cloth, then it can be easily done by unscrewing the screws.
The belt can recommend not only by novice, but also to everyone who is not chasing brands and different canoems.
The price will be about the same as the zhenium in the store on the belts of the same size-45 euro. When buying a razor from my topic, free shipping.
I want to pay attention to that I practically won't earn belts, because My hobby-razor.
Just want those who bought a razor from me, did not kill it on frame soldier's belts and other popularity, and enjoyed a normal, inexpensive belt.
Price-45 euros. Sold
Attention !! I take orders for belts !! The first party will arrive at the end of July.

Skull 01.07.2015 - 08:14

I will become one strap queue.

AlexanderISHENKO 01.07.2015 - 08:31

Similarly. Stop queue

wren 01.07.2015 - 11:53

Another belt for Ivanov Nikolai. Gatchina

bES7 01.07.2015 - 19:10

Also on 1 strap stand

jimm64 07/26/2015 - 15:32

Also in line

wren 07/26/2015 - 16:04

Also in line

Hello my friend! ๐Ÿ˜Š
The first batch of belts is now coming and sent by lucky who previously paid and reserved.
I did not know how much order, so I ordered not enough for everyone. Not everyone has enough. Therefore, I order a second batch of belts. Will come at the end of August. If everything suits, and there is time to wait, I will give me to know when the belts will be with me.

AlexanderISHENKO 04.08.2015 - 20:50

Good evening! Did you get a razor for sharpening from me? When to pay and wait for sending a razor and belt?

wren 20.08.2015 - 12:56

The second batch of belts will arrive by mid-September.
Who needs, make orders.

wren 09/16/2015 - 10:16

Alone did not pass, as the second batch of belts from Germany arrived. Something has already been reserved, but they still have free. So ask. Sold out

wren 09/16/2015 - 10:20

The skin is very soft, surfacing, without defects.
Slices go different sizes. Approximately 80x300x3mm, 60x300x2 mm.
Price without delivery-10 euro ....

wren 03.10.2015 - 17:43

Several Japanese belts add. Sold out
In addition to one belt, three other used, but are in excellent working condition, without cuts and cracks. Soft, like canana.
The canvases were slightly cleaned and polished. Will serve for many more years. Three belts consist of two parts, one-one-one-sided.
Prices are negotiable. From 2500-5500 pp.
Ask ..
Also, do not miss the last German belts. There are only 2 pieces left.

wren 10/16/2015 - 16:59

All German belts sold.
Also, sold and a Japanese pin with a rod.
The remaining belts on sale.
Ask prices for each instance separately.

basp07 11/06/2015 - 18:46

Also, I can offer pieces of originated skin for a wedge belt, which will have to do it yourself.
Also one strip for me, please.

wren 11/06/2015 - 18:57

The last Japanese, non-use leopard belt remained.
In just 4500 R.

antoniomsk 11/06/2015 - 21:56

Reserve for belt.
Please send the card number for payment.

wren 07.11.2015 - 12:51

The third party of German belts for 45 euros will come by the end of November.
Who are interested, put reserves in the subject, so that I do not forget anyone.

mONJ 11/07/2015 - 18:40

Hello, reserve 1 pc.

maxik0 11/10/2015 - 12:40

One to the reserve.

Dyanukem 11/11/2015 - 12:42

Good day! One strap to reserve. If it's not difficult how the straps arrive, write to me on [Email Protected], throw off the details for payment, etc.

wren 11/11/2015 - 03:36

All reservists will definitely accomplish.

Alex.dem 11/16/2015 - 23:29

Hello again! Duplicate order for one German belt. Thank you!

Dikiy_Muzchina 11/18/2015 - 12:57

Good afternoon! In reserve 2 German belt.
Duplicated by mail.

wren 11/22/2015 - 15:27

Rest belts .... Sold out
This time the Italian bullish leather of plant tackle was used.
Unlike the previous belts, there is a little less skin thickness, but this skin is softer. It can be said that there is a grade of quality not only the remission of the skin itself, / but also the quality of editing. Not canana, of course, but still, a high-quality and inexpensive thing.
In reserve and sold 10 belts. 10 still left.
Do not miss....

basp07 11/23/2015 - 17:09

The skin for the booler belt came. The quality is excellent, the size is optimal and maximal, thanks!

Alex.dem 11/24/2015 - 21:07

Good evening! He got a belt, everything quickly and troubles. Thank you!

mONJ 12/01/2015 - 08:36

The belt received, thank you very much.

Deen 25.12.2015 - 07:47

I get up for the German strap! Please report details.

wren 25.12.2015 - 09:11

I am writing in PM.

wren 30.12.2015 - 18:35

In addition to one Japanese belt from this page, for 4000 rubles
All belts sold !!
The expected delivery of the next batch of Japanese belts-beginning of January.

wren 01/14/2016 - 16:47

Introducing a completely unused, Japanese belt, from old stocks, from horse leather.
Nichiri Co & Ltd
The quality belt is the highlight of the skin and appearance completely carries the famous Kanama Cordan. It does not have scratches, cuts, cracks, chances or other defects, characteristic of leather products. The skin is soft, smooth and elastic, like linoleum. Exceptional quality. Better and not necessary.
Size 600x65x3 mm.
Moderately soft, linen canvas, designed to edit a razor with a little ripped sharpness, or for a freshly sufficient razor, so as not to scratch dear skin.
Price $ 130 with delivery. Possible delivery of TC SDEK

wren 01/16/2016 - 14:27

The latter, unused, the Japanese belt for sale. From old stocks.
Horse skin in excellent condition. Moderately soft, but elastic, smooth, without any defects. Linen canvas, for pre-edit soft.
Price $ 100 with delivery. Delivery of TC SDEK is possible.

wren 01/21/2016 - 11:58

Both Japanese belts in reserve.

wren 03/24/2016 - 15:10

All belts sold.

wren 03/24/2016 - 15:11

From our membership represents belts.
Belt for editing a danger razor.
The working part of the belt is made of high-quality pubele vegetable oak, the skin is ground up to 2000 grit and fully prepared for work, processed by bone oil. The skin is dense, elastic and most importantly working. Straps of accessories, the handle is made of genuine leather, securely fixed with screws to the working part of the belt. The handle is stitched by the saddle seam, in his hand sits like glove, very comfortable. For greater reliability in the handle, the metal plate is sewn.
Belts characteristics:
Total length - 660 mm
Length of the working part - 600mm
The thickness of the working part is 3.7mm
Width of the working part - 60mm (or 65mm)
The kit includes a hook.
If suddenly, for any reason, the working part of the sling occurs and it is impossible to restore \\ repass, you can easily replace the work part to the new one. Available available.
The price of the belt with a width of 60 mm-2700 p, with a width of-65 mm-2800 p.

wren 11.06.2016 - 16:57

Sold out

The length of the working part is 600 mm.
Width of the canvas-62 mm.
Thickness 4mm !!.

Price - 6000 p with delivery.
2. Griffin 4000 belt

The second part of the canvas belt.
Price - 6000 p with delivery.

wren 06/14/2016 - 09:31

1. SINSEI RAZOR STROP 9000, with a horse on the canvas.

wren 06/29/2016 - 17:07

I appeared here I have several Japanese horse belts. Apparently Cordan.
Belts for razor editing. Vintage. Traces of active use is not noticed. Once, nobody used them at all, judging by the absence of scratches, cuts, traces of hands. The skin is smooth, standal, without cracks or other defects.
1. SINSEI RAZOR STROP 9000, with a horse on the canvas.
The length of the working part is 600 mm.
Width of the canvas-62 mm.
Thickness 4mm !!.
The thickness of the repair leather sling is 6 mm !!
Heavy, full-size belt, for all occasions.
Price - 6000 p with delivery.
2. Griffin 4000 belt
The dimensions are the same, only the thickness of the leather part is 3.5 mm.
The second part of the canvas belt.
Price - 6000 p with delivery.
Leather parts of the belts cleaned foam for shoes and impregnated with a very small amount of bone oil.

[b] both belts sold

wren 06/29/2016 - 17:17

I will sell the last Japanese belt Paloma
Excellent Eagle Strop
Horse-corded skin.
The size of the working part-600x62x3 mm.
The thickness of the second part is 3 mm.
Suspended, consisting of two parts.
The belt is old, but the traces of active use is not observed. It is possible that it was not in use. The skin is in excellent condition, without cuts, scratches, cracks or other defects, characteristic of leather products. The skin is smooth and soft, like a linoleum. Extensive version for editing clink razors. For the order, it impregnated with bone oil. The second part-skin of the horse, with a rough dressage. Also soft and smooth. It is intended for pre-edit razor after sharpening or for the refreshment of sharpening after a long use.
Price - 6000 p with delivery. In Moscow and MO Delivery is carried out by TK SDEK for free.

wren 07/05/2016 - 20:54

At the moment, all belts are sold.
Make orders for Japanese belts from Cordovan.
It is possible to wait long, but it is worth it.

wren 25.08.2016 - 18:35

I will sell a full-sized Japanese strap for editing razors.
The belt used, but in very good condition. The skin of the horse is soft and elastic, looks like cordated. It is possible that Cordavan is. Cracks and races are not. There are only a few shallow cuts, but almost unnoticed. Overall, a horse on a solid fourth.
The second part of the soft canvas belt, for pre-edit. The belt is not a milestone, not dirty. Sust for many more years. For order, smeared with a small amount of bone oil and proteate for skin foam.
Price 4500 p with delivery.
Considering that lately Japanese belts, such as Kanaama Butean, madly rose
http: //
Buying such a belt will be good savings.

wren 09/13/2016 - 16:48

Sold Salt
Last strap for sale ...
Japanese, suspended, full-sized horse belt.
Dimensions are standard.
Skin thick is4-5 mm.
The thickness of the second part of the belt (also the skin, but coarse) -5 mm.
Noticeable signs of active JUZ not seen. Belt in very good condition, without cuts, scratches, cracks or other defects.
Work was performed on cleaning belts of the belt from ancient patina. In connection with which the skin was polished and polished. The skin is soft, elastic, smooth. The surface is not glossy, but velvety. Over time, it should be climbed into the mirror. The inscriptions in Japanese, the bottom of the web is not preserved, because Were applied completely in simple. When grinding gone. But it is not so important.
In general, the belt is very good, heavy, made of high-quality skin. Will serve for a long time.
Price 5500 p with delivery.
Delivery of SDEK is possible.

wren 12/12/2016 - 18:07

Perhaps someone uses the repair path from the non-using Japanese belt. Part of the belt from the horse's smooth skin is not survived, and this remained in very good condition.
Pig for pre-edit razor. The leather of the horse is superfused, elastic, moderately soft and fat!
Sizes of the sling:
600x63x5.5! MM.
You can find a smooth, finishing horse's skin and report yourself very good, full-fledged belt.

Together with the skin I will give and native hanging for fastening the belt.
Such repair parts of the belts sells Maxim from Denmark.
http: //www.japanesenaturalston...-leather-strop/

wren 11/06/2016 - 15:25

Sell \u200b\u200ban old German, hairdresser's belt for editing razors.
The leather of the horse is moderately soft and enough elastic. The mains, scratches, cuts or other defects are not detected. The second part of the canvas belt for pre-edit. Very decent and inexpensive newbie strap and not only.
Price-2500 ั€ with delivery.
Do not forget also to acquire razors from my other topics.

Srgnat445 09.11.2016 - 16:51

Hello, I would like to purchase this belt, its sizes please and the skin is much tougher corded?

wren 11/09/2016 - 17:36

Of course, I forgot to specify the dimensions.
450x55x3.5 mm.
The skin is a bit hard corded, but elastic. I think over time, when editing, the skin must soften. Normal belt for your money.

wren 11/11/2016 - 11:57

Hello, I would like to purchase this belt, its sizes please and the skin is much tougher corded?

Posted by a message to PM.

wren 12/27/2016 - 22:42

In mid-January there will be two Japanese belts. Who is interested, ask.

Evgen23 09.02.2017 - 06:44

Good afternoon, if you did not sell a belt from # 47, I take away. If they sold, you need similar.

wren 09.02.2017 - 09:35

That has long been sold, but in a week there will be 10 Japanese belts, a different state. But, belts are all workers, without cuts and critical defects. There are several completely unused.
Prices from 4500-13000 p.

Evgen23 09.02.2017 - 10:54

Then I order on your site, there is a lower price of those in stock.

wren 09.02.2017 - 11:42

On the site belts from our forumchanin. You can personally contact him

Evgen23 09.02.2017 - 11:55

) I have already made an order, waiting for when you contact.

wren 22.02.2017 - 15:48

Faced with the production of belts for the editors of the razor and the search for the most "razor" skin, I understand that there are and, probably, there will be problems in the future. That Cordan, which was used earlier and is partially used now on Japanese belts, no one can reproduce. It is impossible to buy a horse's skin with such a stretching and such thickness. That is corded and walked Cordan, which is possible to get, very thin (about 1.5-2mm) and is intended primarily not for razor sling, but rather for high-quality and expensive leather things, such as bags or shoes. Because Cuts a decent skin thickness and remains only a layer of Cordovan. This does not mean that it is impossible to make a belt from such a skin, because It does not stretch at all, and in principle suitable for our purposes. It is possible and successfully done. Just now it is really expensive. I do not know how the Japanese highlight their cord. There is no information (at least I did not hear anything about it) on this: how the process is going on, where it is distinguished, by whom, etc .. only there is one name Master Naomi San, which makes apparently belts Kanayama. It is clear that that skin, which is used on Japanese belts, was posted precisely for the razor (knife) editing, and not for which otherwise. Cordan did not sophisticated during the dressing and had / has an original thickness.
Many copies were broken about what kind of skin and they are better than the right and suitable for razor editing.
It is clear that any skin, which has sufficient separation of the working surface and polished to such an extent, so as not to damage the edge (well-sharpened) razor, will be successfully edited.
Another thing is how long and will qualitatively rule the belt from one or another skin. Since any skin also lives his life, it is very important how long this or that skin will keep your "working" qualities in terms of editing razors and not harm the sharpness.
I saw hundreds of belts from a different skin and noticed that, for example, the skin of the vintage belts cattle has the properties to crack around the edges and "break" across the canvas. CRS is impossible to make such a soft like a horse. According to my observations, if over time, the Governmental properties of the CRS are reduced, the horses increase. Those. The horse becomes even softer, elastic, with a "rubber" response when editing, while the cow begins to tweet and crack. But, apparently, to see changes in the quality of the skin.
Therefore, I think so, the Japanese and made their finish belts exclusively from the best horse's skin. But the slings for the pre-edit were from the cattle, as a cheapest.
In this regard, I pay special attention to the belts from a horse, with Japanese dressing and try to offer some "golden middle" by the formula / price, quality ... if the new cord is very expensive, then the used horse is in very good condition, It will be for everyone.

wren 22.02.2017 - 16:17

I want to imagine these options today ..
Japanese pelican belt from Cordana, from the famous razor company Nichiri Co.Ltd
Belts-600x63x4 mm dimensions
Strap from old stocks. Traces of use is not noticed. There are no scratches, cuts, cracks, dirty stains characteristic of used belts. And other defects. The skin is soft, elastic, polished in the mirror.
The second part of the linen canvas belt, for pre-edit. Calm and not seamless. Corrobca included. With the belt did not do anything, did not grind the skin with skins and did not wash the canvas. The only thing is that the leather foam proteate, to remove the patina ...
Price-9000 p with delivery.
Delivery of SDEK is possible

wren 23.02.2017 - 15:45

The second Japanese belt from Cordovan for sale ..
Hoshitaka 8000
Dimensions: 600x62x3mm
Traces of active Yuza is not observed. It is possible and not right. I did not do anything with the belt. Only proteate the leather foam and folded linen canvas. The skin does not have scratches, cuts, cracks and other defects. Elastic, soft, smooth and ground in the mirror. Over time, it softens even more.
Price-7500 R with delivery.

wren 23.02.2017 - 16:01


Dimensions: 3x62x600 mm.

Price is 10,000 p with delivery.

wren 24.02.2017 - 17:21

Third Japanese Skin Belt Exceptional Quality-Shell Kordovan 8000
Dimensions: 3x62x600 mm.
Apparently the skin is non-use. There is no scratch, nor cracks. Also, the skin was not grinding, but only cleaned the surface of the foam. Linen canvas in good condition. .
This skin is different from all Japanese belts that I had. Polished to such an extent that it seems that the skin is lubricated with oil. Glitters brighter than other instances. The skin is more dense, but very elastic and smooth. The ideal quality of the skin itself and isolation.
Nothing like that never held in his hands ..
Price is 10,000 p with delivery.

lesn 03/02/2017 - 15:59

Reserve for the Japanese belt Pelican, if not yet bought

wren 02.03.2017 - 16:12

Only Hoshitaka 8000.

wren 07.03.2017 - 10:40

Unfortunately, he bought it yesterday.
Only Hoshitaka 8000.
Hoshitaka 8000.
[b] SOLD

wren 07.03.2017 - 11:02

I will sell the last non-use belt, from old stocks ...
Japanese Ribbon 7000, one of the most famous Japanese firms specializing in the past at the production of a professional hairdresser's instrument.
Belt from Cordovan. Horse in very good condition.
There are no defects on the working surface. Nobody used the belt. Soft skin and elastic. As already seen, such skin does not require any impregnation with bone oil and over time, from work, it will still soften and take a "rubber" response.
Dimensions: 600x62x3.5 mm
I didn't do anything with the belt: I did not grind the skins and did not polish. The only thing that cleaned the leather foam belt surface and that's it. The second part of the linen canvas is also in excellent condition. He was not erased and did not do anything with him.
It will be an excellent option according to the price / quality formula.
Price-7500 R with delivery. Delivery of SDEK is possible.
Come on my site

mudwin 03/07/2017 - 12:05

wren 03/10/2017 - 19:13

The last two belts remained. Belts are Japanese, used in fairly good condition ..
Japanese Extra Shell F2500
Dimensions: 600x64x3.5mm
The belt used neatly. Girl and old, but there are no critical cuts. (With the exception of 1-2 "Kotski" at the edge of the canvas. In the photo it is seen.) The belt passed a small restoration, in the form of grinding the canvas and impregnating bone oil from back the side. Canvas whole, not shabby. By this visibility, this part of the belt used very little. It was posti. The working part of the skin without cuts, scratches and cracks .. smooth, quite dense, but elastic. It will be a very good idea option for a little money.
Price-4500 R with delivery.

GENA68 03/27/2017 - 12:56 PM

Belt in ask to reserve. Posted in a personal.

Warlock1979 03/27/2017 - 09:19

Good day. Tell me, is there no fresh income?

wren 03/27/2017 - 10:55

Good day. Tell me, is there no fresh income?

Good day.
In addition to the belt from 68 post there is nothing more. In the near future, new grades are not foreseen.

wren 03/29/2017 - 14:47

Belt in ask to reserve. Posted in a personal.

Reserve for the last belt

wren 03/29/2017 - 14:50

I will sell a belt from our wizard Vintagestudio
Size: 550x65x2.8 mm
Cardanged new-fashioned, imported. Horse leather elastic, without any defects.
The second part of the new linen canvas.
Made everything neatly and beautiful, however, as usual.
Price-7500 R with delivery.

wren 05.07.2017 - 20:37

One of the two non-use belts, from the last post reserved. The latter stayed ...
Do not miss!!

djkrjlkfr 07/31/2017 - 15:47

Friends, for those who need a high-quality Japanese belt, now I can offer 2 unused.
Let me know who is interesting.

Good afternoon! Stayed another Japanese belt from the last message? What is its cost? Please answer in a personal
[Email Protected]

wren 01/05/2018 - 22:27

I have shifted here one good Japanese strap ..
Standard size for such models
63x2 (3) x600 mm
Belt from Cordovan. A little used (not quite sure), but there are no cuts, with the exception of several scratches. Perhaps and not in general, because I do not see the tracks from the edit. I did nothing with the belt, but only a little cleaned the skin foam. No grinding! The skin is in very good condition: soft, elastic, without cracks, tricks or other defects. I did not even have to lubricate with bone oil. The time the horse is polished in the mirror. Canvas is also in excellent condition. Moderately and will be pleasant in work.
Price 6500 p with delivery.

Valery44 03/05/2018 - 12:33

Pick up Perfect. Write in a personal.

Nemo77 04/19/2018 - 19:11

Greetings. What is for sale?

wren 04/20/2018 - 07:14

Good day. There is nothing of Japanese, but there are only belts from our forum master-vintage studio.

zapas63 04/28/2018 - 16:02

Noone83 16.07.2018 - 16:28

Hello, and there is an understanding of the graduation of the TRADE MARK slings, which instead of numbers written to BS?

wren 08.02.2019 - 16:41

1. SoldFisher 2500 belt from Shell Kordovan
Sizes Standard for Japanese belts of this model: 3x63x600 mm
The strap though used, but clean, not cut, with a soft and high-quality horse. The line has a native polishing of the canvas and has not been restored. A little removed the lip of patina foam for the skin and very slightly impregnated with bone oil. The second part of the linen strap is also in very good condition, without any defects.
Price-6500 R with delivery

wren 08.02.2019 - 16:49

Japanese handmade belt. What is written on the reverse side, I do not know. Need to translate. The belt has a slightly catchy traces of use, in the form of small scratches, which are the usual phenomenon for a razor belt. The state of the belt is close to the perfect. The skin is soft, elastic and without cuts. Also the state of the belt can be determined by the state of linen slings. In this case, I do not see the traces of use on it. The fabric is clean and soft. It will be an excellent option for those who do not want to spend 200 + $ for the Japanese non-use belt.
price-7500 R with delivery

wren 08.02.2019 - 17:00


Strap from old stocks. Equipped with a native box and a cover.
Skin thickness-3 mm
The skin is absolutely not corrupted by time, has no defects. Night, elastic. What is interesting, the belt is also equipped with a plank, from the original Japanese tree breed. A soft material is pasted on the daughter, the paralon type. This makes it possible to work to be edited both in a suspended condition and on the table. In this case, the belt does not require control over the belt tension. Very comfortable and high-quality thing. Appreciate in particular beginners.! Do not miss!
Price-12500 R with delivery

wren 09.02.2019 - 20:11

Non-USED Japanese Belt SP-1

Price-12500 R with delivery

wren 09.02.2019 - 20:14

Friends, do not miss the last two Japanese belts at reasonable prices !!

Nemo77 09.02.2019 - 20:38

Greetings. What is the thickness of the skin of the belt from the post 85?

wren 09.02.2019 - 20:58

Greetings. What is the thickness of the skin of the belt from the post 85?

thickness 2.5-3 mm.

wren 02/10/2019 - 15:00

Japanese handmade belt. What is written on the reverse side,
price-7500 R with delivery

wren 11.02.2019 - 20:15

Friends, there was an opportunity to offer several inexpensive Japanese belts from Cordovan.
1. Fisher 2500 belt from Shell Kordovan

Price-6500 R with delivery


wren 03/20/2019 - 19:15

Let us offer two completely unused, Japanese belts from Cordovan, from Ribbon, specializing in the production of a hairdressing, professional tool. Let me remind you that it was for them for them a razor was designed by Richie Sito.
Belts of old stocks, completely untouched by time. Leather. Low, elastic, not having scratches or other defects, as if belts only yesterday with production. I want to pay attention to the fact that the belts have a larger size against standard Japanese. But, most importantly, the belts are paired and everyone consists of two identical cords! I do not know why it was necessary to do, but still ..
Dimensions of cloth: 67x660x3 (5) mm
Ideally, you can buy a sling of their canvas on these sizes at Takeshi Aoki from here
Fortunately, this part of the belt is completely inexpensive. If you compare these belts, for example with Kanama belts, then the ribbon will stand at approximately the level of Kanyama 50000-60000
The cost of these belts consisting of one Cordovan, Maxim from Denmark can be seen
http: //
In one photo, I compared both of these belts.
The cost of the belt in this version will be 22500 p.
If you divide one belt for two, then the cost of the single Cordovan-12500 p. For $ 35, the canvas will purchase and there will be a chic belt, exceptional quality. It is possible to buy anything, but to use the perfect cord.
Do not miss an excellent and rare instance!

wren 03/28/2019 - 08:32

Friends regarding extreme Japanese belts from Cordovan Ribbon ...
Two slings are sold. Two more remained.
For a more vivid impression of using such a belt and to disclose all the possibilities of Japanese cords of the highest quality, I specifically for my current and future owners of the belts, ordered Aoki Takeshi 4 linen slings in size.
It turned out 34x4 + $ 40 delivery \u003d 176 $ or 11800 r for everything, with delivery I had to pay. Total it turns out that each path cost another 2950 r.
The ultimate cost of a full-fledged belt from Cordovan, with linen sling-15450 p
While I am waiting for the second parts of the belts from our seller from Gavayev, on the remaining 2 belt can make applications, put a reserve or leave advances. Another such is already unsoldered whether it will be in the near future.

wren 04/03/2019 - 16:18

All belts sold.
Thank you

wren 06.05.2019 - 09:27

Maybe someone will have to do ... ๐Ÿ˜Š
Old japanese cordated. There are several cuts, scratches, but you can span and lead in a less normal look. Soft skin, elastic, without cracks. Length 660 mm. . In the kit, the second belt from the canvas. There are no unfortunately. For all 1500 p.

wren 01.06.2019 - 15:15

Today I want to give some of the best and high-quality Japanese belts from the selected Cordovan .. the company "treasure" from the past, from old stocks ...
Pelican from the famous Japanese brand Nichiri Co.Ltd
Belts dimensions: 63x600x (3.5-5.5) mm
In stock Three completely non-use belts, all in boxes, with pieces of paper. It is soft, elastic, extremely quality of highlights and states. But defects: cracks, streaks, scratches, etc. Supply-canvas, unlike modern canova models Soft and, as I see, does not require preliminary training. Now it is almost unrealistic to find the hard one, in unauthorized state. If you compare Pelican belts with the same strap from Kanaama 50000, then the skin of the pelican will be thicker and a little more densely new. In my opinion it is even better, as there is a certain rigidity of the belt when editing. I can assume that the pelican in quality will be at the level of Kanaama 60000-80000. Do not miss a gorgeous thing for adequate means.
Delivery price-17500 r
Sold-2 on the residue-1

wren 01.06.2019 - 16:55

Japanese belt, unused Paloma from PerfectRezor
Sizes: 600x63x3 (5.5) mm
The belt is completely unused, in the native box and in the package. Cardigan is quite soft, elastic and without critical defects. The only thing that determines the final belt price is a small amount of small scratches in one place not related to editing. (There is a photo). Therapins will not affect the further editing process and ultimately have to be filmed. The whole part_holst-moderately hard and probably Need preparation. So, the belt is sold with a significant discount. (so that my heart is calm).
Price-10500 ั€ with delivery. Do not miss!

wren 02.06.2019 - 08:30

One pelican sold. There are only two!

wren 02.06.2019 - 09:11

I will offer a small Japanese block for editing ..
Sizes of the working part: 210x60 mm
The shoe is made of two wood species. One of this is exactly- "Adamovo Tree." Now I do not know. Between the skin and the tree there is a layer of elastic material, tapa of foam, to ensure sufficient deflection when editing. Block or non-use completely, or a little bit b. Knife without cuts, cracks or other defects. Convenient for use in hiking conditions, or in ordinary life.
Price-1500 + Delivery

Friends, do not miss the last non-using the Pelican belt, which remained. There is a lot of things from old stocks, it will simply not be !!

ilia - - 06/22/2019 - 14:06

I ask for a reserve on the third belt.

wren 06/22/2019 - 17:14


wren 07/05/2019 - 13:58


Dimensions: 600x66x2.5 (4.5) mm

Price-12500 R with delivery.
As far as it is known, the best cord is exactly what it was .rene in excellent condition. Traces of use are not seen, with storage .. The skin is smooth, elastic, without cracks, scratches, cuts or other defects. The canvas itself does not have congenital flaws, in the form of streaks, scars, etc. Elnya, also in perfect condition: soft and non-preliminary preparation.
Price-12500 R with delivery.

wren 08/18/2019 - 08:58

Today I want to present two belts, in terms of the quality of one of the best, for razor edits ...
1. Japanese walked Cardian CERTIFYD 2000

Price-12500 R with delivery.


wren 18.08.2019 - 09:00

Friends!! The latter remained, the extreme belt from Cordovan. Do not miss!!
This will no longer be!

wren 09/22/2019 - 10:28

wren 10/16/2019 - 19:38

wren 10/16/2019 - 19:42

Friends, today all belts sold.
Soon I will show another unused cord.
Do not miss..

wren 25.10.2019 - 10:01

The last and inexpensive Japanese walked Cordan .. Model 5300
Size: 600x62x3 (4.5) mm
The belt is made of old stocks. The uses of use are not selected: cracks, scratches, cuts or other defects of the horse canvas are not detected. The skin is soft, elastic, with the years it does not dry and not darkened. Only what made with the belt, it is a rubber skin foam for the skin of the shoes, and the linen sling was laid in a typewriter, on a delicate washing. Do not miss a very good option from one of the best and better horse skin samples precisely for razor edits, she was corded.
Price-8500 R with delivery.

wren 12/10/2019 - 13:51

3. Japanese Cordan, without traces of use. Pigeon (Dove) Brand-Toyo Razor Strop, from Hashimoto Riki Co.Ltd
(The company was engaged in the production of hairdressers, as well as dangerous razors. One thing that I have in the photo too)
Size slightly non-standard for the overwhelming mass of Japanese belts:
660x63x3 (4.5) mm
A longer cloth makes it possible to rule a razor with a greater amplitude and scope. Probably, this belt is easier to use, more comfortable and more pleasant.
I did not do anything with the web, except that the foam was protected by leather, removing the patina from the surface. Lands of use, in the form of scratches, cuts and something else is not observed. Apparently, the belt lay down for many years without the case. The linen straight is also soft and elastic. Ready to work.
Price-10500 R with delivery

Price-14500 R with delivery.

Sold Do not miss !! Have time to buy the last two belt !!

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"Edit"- This is a process of disappointing mechanical effect on the cutting edge of the razor in order to improve its working properties. It is important to understand that editing does not sharpen the blade, but aligns the tip of the razor metal. The process is carried out strictly on leather (only on a smooth, outside) and / or linen belt. The editing of the strap razor is the first skill to learn every newcomer before starting to learn this skill apply not only to the editors of the razor, but also to knives and rocks and a similar tool. When the tool is edited, its sharpness is saved much longer.

To begin, it should be understood by several belt rules that will help you keep the belt in proper form and warn you from cuts and other troubles:

  1. Early always keep the belt clean and smooth. If you see dark spots on the belt, or any other surface defects, the belt should be cleaned and polished.
  2. When transporting or storing the belt is strictly prohibited by deformation - Any twisting, folding, etc. If folds or wrinkles appear on the ruling web, it will be removed from it almost impossible.
  3. Store the belt is needed in a case, a closet, or any other closed space to avoid even the slightest dust hitting the cloth. Dust is an abrasive material for the cutting edge, despite its apparent invisibility.
  4. Before using the belt, it should be carefully wiped with clean palm to remove dust that could get on the belt.
  5. You should always turn the razor through the training, and not through the edge. It seems everything is obvious, but, alas, newcomers still cut straps and spoil the razors in this way. And even if you did not apply a belonging strap and razor in this way of turning the razor, then almost 99% the probability that the edge will be littered. If you make such a move slowly on the example of a knife, you can make sure how it happens.

In our online store presents 2 types of belt of 3: suspended and stretch straps.

Suspended belt - This is a piece of leather that has on the one hand what kind of fastening method to the wall is a hole, a rope, a metal ring, and on the other hand often has a handle from a metal ring or a knob of leather. One side of the belt is fixed to the wall on the hook, self-sufficiency, etc., so that it is tightly attached and not jumped. The other side is tensioning with one hand, so that there would be no deflection, like a string (edit without such tension - an error leading to rapidly blurring razor). Free hand rule on the strap razor.

Stretch strap It is stitched and put on two plates or a metal cylinder or that less often plastic connected by two rods screws, screwing, which can be increased or reduced the distance between the plates, cylinders, which changes the skin sagging, then pulling it, while relaxing.

There are several opinions about the helper of the belt. Someone says it is necessary, and someone, on the contrary, that this function of sagging is absolutely not needed and more of whether it may be harmful to the durability of the razor sharpness. In fact, with the correct operation, the belt will last equally long.

This type of belt has its own cons: about such a belt it can be easily spoiled sharpening and then the razor at all, taped when the metal plates, cylinders that are stretched through the skin.

Technique Editing:

  • The editing of the razor is carried out necessarily on a well-strained belt.
  • After the canvas is prepared, take a razor with a big and index finger and lay the neat back on the belt. In this case, the cutting edge looks vertically up. Gradually, lower the cutting edge on the belt to the side, the opposite direction where the razor will move. As soon as the edge contacts the belt, stop and fix this moment with your fingers. You must remember this moment and once and forever assimilate - the razor is sufficiently such pressure on the belt, so that it is good to go through the edit process. The most important principle of editing - a razor only gently stroking about the belt, without trying to sharpen it with pressure on the belt. Many write about the need to pressure the belt. This is mistaken and can lead to a razor bunge and strap.
  • We spend so razor to the far from yourself the end of the belt, lift the razor into the air and turn it through the volatile, so that now the razor's tire looks from us, and volatile on us. Lent a razor on the belt and spend it in your side. And so we make several cycles, from 20 to 30, more than 30 cycles do not make sense, the sharper razor will not become.

Now we will try to respond to several frequent issues that arise from a novice who decided to take on the independent editing of the razor:

On which side of the belt to edit?

If the belt is one-sided, then everything is clear here. It is better to rule on a bilateral belt on a softer side of the belt. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can try to rule on the darling side (but remember that the pile should be short - as suede and soft).

Edit before or after shaving?

It is necessary to rule the razor directly before shaving procedure. The thing is that the time has negatively affects the sharpness of the blade, for various reasons, but with time the edge loses its shape, so the professionals strongly recommend to edit immediately before shaving (you can try and so and compare the effect).

Strupp material (belt for editing)

  • Cow leather (rules)
  • Horsepower (rules). As a rule, the most smooth compared to cow's skin and, accordingly, better correctly.
  • Synthetic (rules),
  • Lyon (not ruled) - It is used to remove the burr from the razor is immediately after sharpening.
  • Cotton (not rules! Not sharpening!) - It is used in the same way as Len, to remove the burr immediately after sharpening.

Properties of high-quality belt?

  • Smoothness surface supervision. The smooth belt provides the best editing.
  • Smooth, homogeneous surface. The belt should have no depressions, cracks, scuffs and so on.
  • The belt should be thick enough. This will allow you to keep it smooth when using it. Belt will not be fed
  • At the same time, it should be soft enough and flexible.

How does the belt work?

In order to check the belt, we take a sharpened razor and shave it until it starts to "pull" the hair when shaving. This will mean that the razor fastened and requires editing. Now we take the belt, prepare it to edit and above the outlined way begin to rule the razor for 30-50 times in both directions. More makes no sense. After that, again proceed to the shave procedure.

If you did not feel any difference and when shaving feels the jerking of the hair, it means that the belt did not cope with his task and is not suitable for editing (in practice, in most cases, the wrong handicap with the belt takes place). If the razor again became sharp and shave passes flawlessly, it means that everything is in order with the belt and your skills.

What width to choose a strap to edit?

  • The most optimal belt width for editing 40-68 mm.
  • Regardless of the type of belt for editing, whether it is suspended or stretched, it is necessary to rule on a belt wide width of at least 40 mm.
  • For suspended and tension belts, i.e. which have a sagging, the width is needed at least a little bit, but less than the length of the razor blades! If the belt width is more blades, the head and heel of the razor blades will put pressure on the material for editing and create proviscial material under the rest of the blade, i.e. For the rarest exceptions, the length of the blade of a hazardous razor within 70-80 mm, an average of 75 mm. Therefore, for a tension and suspended belt, the optimal width is 40-68 mm.

So, as it became known, possessing certain knowledge and skills this process is not as folded as it seems. With regular razor and careful attitude and belt, and the razor will serve you for a very long time.