How to make a button with your own hands from yarn. Let's knit our own buttons. Crochet buttons: photo tutorial

Make a basic knitted button. Each of these embellished buttons starts with the basic buttons described above. Since the stitches are more visible on the magic ring option, this option is more acceptable, but you can experiment with any option.

  • Make sharp edges using colorful threads. Use a crochet hook and embroidery needle to weave colorful threads along the edge of the double loops into the magic ring of the base button.

    • Insert hook into top of double loop. Grab the multi-colored thread and pull it through the loop to the right side.
    • Without removing the loop from the hook, insert it between the double loop and pull up a new second loop.
    • Pull the second loop through the first.
    • Continue in the same manner, working counterclockwise around the button and pulling new stitches between the double stitches.
    • As you pull the thread through the last stitch, trim the end and thread it through an embroidery needle. Insert the needle under both loops of your first color stitch and back through the back loop of the last one. Pull the thread on the back of the button.
    • Sew the ends into the back of the button using an embroidery needle.
  • Make a star in the center or a snowflake. You can make a simple six-pointed star or snowflake with a 30cm cross weave using colored threads by threading with a needle through the double loops of the magic ring.

    • Cut a piece of colored thread 30 cm long.
    • Thread the tip of the thread into the eye of the needle.
    • Insert the needle under two stitches of one double loop. Working from the top of the button, insert the needle into the center of the button and pull it out at the back.
    • Starting from the back, insert the needle again through two stitches of the next double buttonholes. Starting from the front side, thread the needle through the center again.
    • Continuing in this manner, you will end up with six lines extending from the center to the edges.
    • Weave the ends through the stitches on the back of the button to hold everything together.
  • Decoration in the form of a flower. Floral embellishments are a little more complex and require one color of thread for the center and a different color for the five petals.

    • For the center of the flower:
      • Thread the embroidery needle.
      • Pull the needle through the center of the button. Weave it under one inner loop and return to the other side. Secure it with a loop on the tip of the needle.
      • Pull all the thread through the two loops you just made.
      • Repeat similar stitches through each loop in the center of the button. Tie on the back of the button.
    • For the petals:
      • Thread the needle.
      • Pull the thread through the buttons, from under the center of your flower. Do not pull through the center of the flower.
      • Re-insert the needle into the center. Do not tighten the loop, but rather leave it loosely around the perimeter of the button.
      • Starting at the back, insert the needle through the two loops on the edge of the button, pulling it toward the center and through the loop you created when you started from the center.
      • Tighten the loop. The first petal is ready.
      • Weave the needle along the outer edge of the petal and back to the back of the button.
      • Starting from the back, repeat the same steps, creating four more petals. Finally, secure the edges to the back.
  • Original knitted buttons can become the highlight of your outfit.

    In fact, making your own buttons using a crochet hook and yarn is super easy, and you can always freshen up your favorite outfit with these DIY buttons.

    Necessary materials– cotton yarn, hook, scissors, embroidery needle.

    Step 1 – Making a magic ring. Using a thread of the main color, make a magic ring and secure the thread.

    Step 2 – Knit a button. Make 2 chain stitches and then knit 11 double crochet stitches around the magic ring. Knit tightly, forming a circle. You now have 12 loops. Actually, your button is already half ready.

    Step 3 – Connect the ends using a needle. Cut the thread and pull it into the loop on the hook. Thread this thread through the needle.

    Complete the round by threading the tip of the needle through the top of your first double crochet stitch (that is, into the second stitch, not the first one), and then thread the needle back through the last stitch.

    This will create an extra decorative stitch and your button will look neater.

    Step 4 – Decorate the button. Now you can use contrasting thread to decorate your project. To create a contrasting border, take a different color of yarn, insert the hook between the button posts and pull a loop between them.

    Insert your hook between adjacent two double crochet stitches, pull up a new loop and work a chain stitch. Continue knitting counterclockwise until you reach the last stitch.

    Cut the thread, tighten it in the last loop and pass the end of the thread through the needle. Pass the needle under both strands of the first loop and then inside the last loop. Tighten the thread and cut it.

    Your button is ready!

    To decorate your button with radiating rays, take a small piece of contrasting yarn (about 30 cm in length). Thread the needle. First, pass the needle between two double crochets, then into the center of the button.

    As a rule, knitted items with button fasteners bring problems with their selection. It is very difficult to find the ideal option that suits this particular product. Therefore, it is better to take the simple route and create buttons with your own hands from leftover yarn. There are many different ways to make these buttons - crocheting them is very easy and quick, and the item will look amazing!

    Materials and tools

    There are a huge number of methods for forming this fittings. These include covering ready-made plastic buttons or bases of suitable size (coins, rings), and knitting with double crochets, crochet, independent flat products, and the production of spherical buttons with stuffing.

    All buttons are suitable for tying, but the optimal choice would be light, transparent plastic ones with legs - they are invisible inside, they are easier to decorate and subsequently sew on.

    The hook must be taken in a smaller size than required by the thickness of the yarn - the knitting should be as tight as possible, without any gaps in the warp.

    A needle with a large eye and beads for finishing will also come in handy.

    Simple Crochet Buttons

    You can knit them in any way you like - round, square, in the form of flowers, leaves, etc. Let's try to make a simple crocheted button from threads, in the shape of a ball without a base.

    We make a loop of yarn by wrapping the end of the index finger in one turn clockwise (the tip of the thread is on the left side). We grab the thread and pull it into the resulting ring - this is the first loop. We knit another 9-10 single crochets and tighten the loose tail tightly (carefully, without tearing it off). Close the row with a “blind” stitch. One lifting loop for the second row, we knit single crochets into each loop of the previous row, we knit 2 such stitches from every second loop. Next, to tighten our button, you need to knit one of the three loops of the second row. Connect with a “blind” column. Now we pull the free piece of yarn to the wrong side - it will be used as stuffing. Using a needle, sew up the remaining space at the bottom and that’s it, our button is ready!

    If you need to create a larger button, you just need to add rows.

    You can also crochet square buttons with small beads.

    First, let's string the beads onto a thread and move them further away - we need it for the last row. We knit a ring of four air loops. In the first row we knit “2 single stitches, 2 air loops.” From "to" we repeat 4 cycles. The result is a square motif. Next - 1 air. loop and tie the perimeter of the post. without nac. We add rows depending on the size of our button. We crochet the last row, add beads at a certain distance and monitor their location on the front side. You can add extra rigidity by knitting another motif without beads and stitching it to the first. Using a needle and thread, we make a “leg” - we sew 2 loops on the bottom side of the button with tightly fitting loops.

    It is advisable to knit such buttons from cotton yarn - in this case there is no need to make an additional base.

    Button made of two colors of yarn

    Now let's knit a more complicated button. For it, you can take a plastic ring of a suitable size, but you can do without it, replacing it by repeatedly winding the threads on your finger.

    So, we make 8-10 turns of yarn on the index finger. We tie the resulting ring with single crochets, placing them very tightly to each other, trying to form a very rigid ring. We knit the next row with yarn of a different color and close it with a half-column.

    Now take a needle and thread and make jumpers inside the ring, stretching even stitches. We wrap them, pulling the working thread tightly. The button is ready - due to its interesting decorative appearance, it can be used as an independent decoration. Based on this detail, it is possible to make buttons - flowers or geometric figures.

    Knitted buttons

    Original accessories can become a bright accent in any knitted item. We are now going to learn how to crochet a button.

    Let's start this lesson with a small ring made of air. loops, or better yet from a loose ring - this will make it possible to tighten the middle of the circle tightly. We tie with single crochets or double crochets with the smallest size crochet hook, leaving no space between the loops. The work goes in a circle, with constant addition of loops in each subsequent row to obtain a flat piece. We put a button or some prepared base inside and knit, reducing the number of loops. We cut the thread and hide the end of it inside the case. Take a needle and use it to tighten the last row.

    You can decorate these homemade buttons with anything - beads, sequins, rhinestones, embroidery - to suit your taste and imagination.

    Amazing women's cardigans can transform any woman and add luxury and nobility to her look. To accentuate the style, various models are used, decorated with embroidery, lace, satin inserts, and straps. The main accent of a trendy bow can be the most insignificant detail, for example, a clip for.

    This product resembles jewelry and serves as a decorative element with a functional load. A small thing connects the stripes of the jacket, while decorating the product and adding a special twist to a woman’s look.

    Types of clips for cardigans

    Depending on the method of cutting and sewing women's jackets, they have a different way of connecting the front panels. , buttoned or do not require brooches or clips. fastened with a belt or strap. A cardigan clip without buttons is often used to securely connect the two panels of the jacket.

    Clamp models:

    • Triangle.
    • Clamp - clip.
    • Pin.
    • With pendants.
    • Handmade brooch (plants, flowers, figures).
    • Diamonds with stones.
    • Stars on a chain.
    • Holder in the form of two squares and a chain.

    Available in single clips or double clips in Duck Family or Deer styles. You can purchase products in different patterns in silver or golden color. Attractive products significantly influence the perception of a woman’s appearance and add special chic and originality to the image.

    The clamp plays a dual role. On the one hand, this is a functional product that allows you to create a specific cardigan shape. On the other hand, the clip is the main accent of style and decoration of a woman’s image. A minor detail can radically transform women, adding sophistication and nobility to their appearance.

    Jewelry materials

    A stylish decoration – the clip will decorate any woman. Clamps are made from stainless steel, white enamel, and metal alloys. The structure and composition of the material influence the color and style of the product. Copper samples have a yellow tint, nickel-plated products are blackish with a silver tint.

    Due to the resistance of metal alloys to corrosion and mechanical stress, the clamps have excellent performance. These are durable and strong products that are not afraid of water and friction, serve for a long time and reliably.

    What do cardigans decorated with a clip go with?

    Cardigans with a clip are loose and moderately form-fitting products that can be perfectly combined with things of different styles. For everyday wear, you can use a pencil skirt, straight trousers, or jeans. A festive ensemble will allow you to create an evening dress and a light openwork knee-length cardigan, the main accent of which will be a stylish brooch.

    Jackets decorated with fringes, silver clips and monochrome are suitable for walking. A working option is a short knitted jacket with a clip in combination with a straight skirt or riding breeches.

    Fashionable looks

    A beautiful women's ensemble can be created with cardigans with a clip made in the shape of a bowl, flowers, plant elements or geometric shapes. Exclusive items allow you to emphasize the individuality and originality of a woman’s image. For everyday style, strict clips without unnecessary patterns are suitable. Festive items will be decorated with items reminiscent of flowers, spirals or animal figures.


    • Long cardigan, openwork with brooch +.
    • Knitted Knee Clip Pattern + Jeans + Top.
    • with brooch + midi + silk blouse.
    • Medium-length item with a clip + straight trousers + T-shirt or combo dress.
    • + + golf or blouse.
    • Sleeveless jacket with brooch + long skirt + T-shirt.

    Whatever style and image you choose, the main thing is to follow the golden mean and use elements that are in harmony with each other. This accessory is perfect for feminine and elegant looks!

    Selection of accessories

    A cardigan with a clip is elegant and formal in itself, so you shouldn’t overload your look with unnecessary decorative elements and accessories. You can use an elegant bracelet, a thin gold chain, exquisite silver earrings, stylish beads. A hairpin, pendant, ring, watch will complete the look. A transparent scarf or an elegant scarf made of silk or chiffon will allow you to accentuate your style.