Care and protection - rating of the best creams for hands. Best Hand Cream - Test and Results Moisturizing and Food

Thin skin leather, prone to the formation of cracks and increased dryness, will now not deliver discomfort. Restoring cream for very dry skin gives not only excellent moisturizing, but also restores damaged epidermis. If you are on drafts, are forced to be in contact with water, to be in the cold or heat, then it is a means of Mast Hav in cosmetic.

Excellent moisturizing and nutrition provide two active components:

  • allantoin - possesses healing properties, eliminates small cracks and smoothes areas with peeling;
  • glycerin - envelops the skin with a thin film, thereby preventing the evaporation of the giving moisture.

The technology of the company produce useful substances by the extraction method. This allows you to preserve the maximum cleanliness and high quality of natural compounds. Hand cream passed a number of dermatological tests that proved hypoallergenicity and absolute cosmetics safety.

For what customer love this product:

  • well absorbed;
  • does not leave fat traces;
  • perfectly copes with dryness;
  • smoothes outward plots.

Viva Oliva "Rejuvenating"

Ukrainian Viva Oliva positions their funds as absolutely natural. Their formula is built around the living olive oil with the addition of additional beneficial components. This anti-aging hand cream contains olive and grape oils that fight for youth and skin beauty 24 hours a day.

In the composition of the product Olive oil works as a powerful softening component. Extract of grapetes is known for its antioxidant properties. It slows down the aging processes, increases the elasticity of the skin and excellently moisturizes them. From active ingredients, you can also mention aloe extract, castor oil and algae extract. They create that nutritious basis, which allows the skin to be intensively updated, remain velvety and soft.

The surprisingly gentle and light texture of the cosmetic means is absorbed very quickly. Therefore, cream can be used daily and update the nutritious layer several times during the day.

Advantages of the means:

  • big bottle with a convenient dispenser;
  • efficiency due to a small consumption;
  • gentle unobtrusive smell;
  • not washed off when in contact with water;
  • saves properties in the cold and in the heat.

Natura Siberica "For Daily Care"

If you can't pick up the best moisturizing hand cream, we suggest testing the funds from Natura Siberica. The Russian brand manufactures products based on extracts of Siberia wild plant plants. Organic cream has air yoghurt consistency. It instantly moisturizes and softens the skin without leaving behind the feeling of fatty and stickiness.

List of cream ingredients, like all Natura Siberica, is quite impressive:

  • cedar milk;
  • pink Rhodiola;
  • siberian rowan;
  • hawthorn;
  • a series;
  • cedar stabel;
  • siberian flax;
  • melissa extract;
  • provitamin B5.

Special attention deserves such a component as EthylHeXyl Methoxycinnamate. According to the manufacturer, this is an organic UV filter, which makes the skin of hands immunity to the destructive effect of ultraviolet. Cream can be used as a daily basis and as first aid after dying and dehydration.

Reviews about the means are only positive:

  • he lies in small damage on the skin;
  • well copes with inflammation and irritation;
  • makes a pleasant herbal fragrance;
  • softens the skin;
  • does not contain synthetic components.

Velvet Handles "Luxury Makadamia"

The product is included in the exclusive luxurious line of means based on macadamia oil. The ingredient from the nuts of the Australian Plant by the method of cold spinning is mined. This technology allows the active ingredients to remain primarily, while maintaining all the beneficial properties of the healing plants.

Macadamia oil action in hand cream:

  • smoothes small wrinkles;
  • increases skin tone and leveled relief;
  • deeply moisturizes and nourishes;
  • eliminates the peelings and the consequences of allergic reactions;
  • soothes irritated covers.

The useful properties of Makadamia walnut are supplemented with no less useful compounds that are part of white lupine. The tool acts comprehensively, but at the same time very carefully. Cream can be used as supportive cosmetics for hands in the seasons of adverse weather conditions. It is ideal for strong cold weather when the dermis is acutely saturated with oils and moisture.

Pros tools:

  • awesome sense of softness after applying;
  • low-fat pleasant consistency;
  • minimum flow;
  • fast absorption;
  • creates the effect of "gloves" as thermal protection.

Lirene Stop Dryness "Regeneration"

With the onset of the cold and the opening of the heating season, the skin on the hands begins to demand a special care. About the moisture and nutrition deficiency, it signals dry and pinching, the epidermis begins to be rude and peel. To keep the situation under control, take advantage of the wonderful Polish to the company Lirene.

  • healing oil Avocado - heals the wounds, restores the elasticity of the skin, serves prevention of dermatitis, stimulates respiratory and metabolic processes;
  • aloe Vera's useful extract - soothes the inflamed skin, perfectly moisturizes and struggles with early aging.

Scientists have proven that aloe extract penetrates deep layers of skin 4 times faster than ordinary water. This explains the pronounced moisturizing properties of the plant, which literally drinks the cells of living moisture.

Customer Reviews confirm:

  • excellent nutrition and moisturizing;
  • hypoallergenic properties;
  • elimination of the feeling of tightness.

Amalgam Suite "Liquid Hand Cream"

This universal means has gained the heart of the buyers with the optimal combination of efficiency and pricing manufacturer. The cream has a rich history and enjoys a continuing success since 1960, annually increasing the pace of sales.

The cream is designed for emergency humidification and restoration of the skin of the hands affected by the wind and cold air. The tool is developed on the basis of glycerol and lyophilic components. Their barrier properties allow you to create effective protection of the epidermis, fencing it from annoying external factors. The cream retains the optimal balance of moisture and nutrients in the thickness of the skin, eliminates the shortage of fatty and vitamin compounds. With each use of cosmetics, the skin is gradually transformed - becomes velvety, soft, moistened. With this cream you can boast of well-kept hands and strong nails, because they also need food.

The advantages of cream:

  • efficiency is proved by time;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • universality - suitable for the treatment and prevention of skin problems;
  • equipped with a dispenser;
  • low price.

Le Petit Marseillais "Nutritious Hand Cream"

What needs dehydrated weakened skin hands? Of course, the maximum moisture and oils. LE PETIT MARSEILLAIS specialists know all the features of dry skin. Therefore, the composition of the hand cream with nutritional properties fully satisfies the needs of dry epidermis.

What is part of the funds:

  • oil Carite - has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • sweet almond extract - suspends skin aging processes, softens, moisturizes, normalizes cellular metabolism;
  • argan oil - makes skin coils elasticity and supports Nimotonus, refreshes and eliminates peeling in record short time.

Thanks to a rich natural composition, the product is enriched with a complex of vitamins that skin like that so much - these are vitamins E, F, B2, A. Mineral component is represented by such elements as magnesium, calcium, iron and selenium.

What is good this cream:

  • smoothes the skin;
  • does not roll after applying;
  • leaves after itself a perfumed smell;
  • it has a pleasant texture.

Nivea Body Hand Cream

Nivea continues to delight its fans with high-quality care products of universal orientation. Products of the brand passed the time check, and the company's cosmetics trust not one generation of women. The cream for hands "Complex" will become a real panacea from dryness and lack of full-fledged skin nutrition. He is worthy to become your favorite leaving product at any time of the year.

Formula means is based on two useful components - sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E. Sea buckthorn oil - the most valuable component donated by nature itself. A golden berry has a full-fledged vitamin and mineral composition and is rich in antioxidants. Vitamin E is considered the main fighter for the youth and health of the skin. It neutralizes the action of toxins and free radicals, suppresses the signs of early aging and launches the update processes.

Cream under the power to restore the optimal hydrobalance, make the handles soft and well-groomed. You can apply the composition to the nails, intensely rubbing in the plate. This will make your nails more well-groomed, and the cuticle is soft and pliable.

Advantages of the means:

  • suitable for hands and nails;
  • shown for any type of skin;
  • has a high level of fatty, preventing the evaporation of moisture;
  • it is inexpensive, despite the brandness.

Eveline Cosmetics SPA Professional Argan & Vanilla

High quality of this hand cream is guaranteed by a unique patented complex Rich Nourishing. The complex includes 7 active ingredients whose skin health is indisputable:

  • argan oil - provides nutrition and recovery;
  • hyaluronic acid - prevents moisture losses, supports elasticity;
  • D-panthenol and allantoin - have soothing and softening properties;
  • wheat sprout oil - prevents aging of the skin;
  • lacrichny extract - reduces pigmentation, whitens;
  • natural betaine - gives the skin of the hands of silkness and smoothness.

For its regenerating and rejuvenating properties, the tool received the name cream-serum category SPA Professional. The vanilla fragrance is used, which gives the cream a recognizable "delicious" aroma and caught warmth.


French Hand Cream has pronounced antibacterial properties. For disinfection and destruction of bacteria, the Allantoin component is responsible - a natural antiseptic. It penetrates deep into the layers of the epidermis, supports the turgor of the skin, moisturizing it at the cellular level. Detox capabilities of the product deserve special attention - it eliminates the fabric from toxic compounds and harmful metabolic products. The skin is released not only from pathogenic bacteria, but also from free radicals and radionuclides.

Any hand cream must be used regularly, and apply very carefully, processing every finger. Only so the product will fully perform all the functions assigned to it and build a reliable barrier around defenseless leather. We hope that our top creams will help draw up a general impression of the means that modern ladies prefer.

Hands are a business card of every girl. Gentle and well-groomed handles are able to draw attention to the opposite sex. Make them can be the best hand cream. Every representative of the fine sex, it is its own, as it is selected individually, in accordance with its preferences and features of the skin. But what useful properties this tool must have how to choose it and identify the best manufacturers - we have to find out.

When choosing cream, you must first decide which function it must be executed: protection, care or treatment. Such products are most successful in the fall and winter, since it is in the autumn-winter season to our hands often aggressively affect low temperatures. If you manage to choose a good and high-quality protective cream for hands, then he, like a glove, protect the handles and will help them endure all the adversity.

  1. Creamy Cream Perform moisturizing and nutrition functions. In the first case, to make the skin sufficiently moisturized, the cream is instantly absorbed and becomes an indispensable assistant in spring-summer time, and in the second one is perfect for use in the cold season and also for very dry skin experiencing irritation.
  2. There are also funds anti-aging, not only feed and moisturizing skin, but also smoothing wrinkles and making pigment stains noticeable at a minimum.
  3. Medical cream Much more intense than any other means affect the skin, regenerating it and struggling with the flabbing sites and microcracks.
  4. Also all these tools differ in composition, depending on how to apply what time of day they are intended ( happy or night). In daytime hand creams, the structure is more easily ease, they absorb faster, have protection functions, UV filter. Cream for use at night is fatal and saturated with various useful components, actively nourish the skin at night, contributing to restoration.
  • paraffin - mitigation;
  • lanolin - feeding;
  • glycerin - moisture;
  • tea tree oil - anti-inflammatory effect;
  • allantoin - getting rid of irritation;
  • panthenol - healing of skin damage;
  • oils and vitamins - giving a healthy skin and velvety.

Anti-aging creams contain also an aloe extract, elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, mineral and vitamin complexes.

What nevertheless hand cream is considered better? Understand this will help the rating of the most preferred creams according to the portal Mark.Guru. It includes products of different manufacturers used for humidification and nutrition of the skin of the hands, as well as the anti-aging effect.

Moisturizing and nutrition

Six different manufacturers entered the list of funds used for this purpose.

Moisturizes the skin of the hands very intensively, actively protects against withering. Instantly absorbed, saturates the skin with sufficient moisture, eliminating it from dryness and giving elasticity. As part of the funds are acid hyaluronic, collagen hydrolyzate, soy and olive oils, a large amount of lipids that restore the hydrolyphid protective barrier. It is produced in a 300 ml jar.


  • large volume;
  • fast absorption;
  • good moisturizing.

Disadvantages: it costs expensive (varies in the range of 633-711 rubles).

Prices :

Cream due to contained in the composition of thermal water and allantoin contributes to the rapid restoration of the hydrolyphic mantle of the skin and softening it. Provides hand protection against aggressive external environmental factors.

Suitable for children ranging from 3 years and adults.


  • comfortable tube;
  • gentle pleasant smell;
  • efficiency.

Disadvantages: The cost is high (varies in the range from 497 to 519 rubles).

Prices :

3. Velvet handles

Tools of this brand can perform batteries and humidification.

Moisturizing "Due to the grape seeds contained in the composition of the oils and olives has wonderful moisturizing properties, and also can support moisture in the skin at a sufficient level. After its use, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, radiating beauty and youth.


  • absorbed instantly;
  • does not leave the fatty film on the surface of the skin;
  • very cheap (within 40 rubles).

Disadvantages: not detected.

Prices Hand Cream Moisturizing Velvet Handles:

Nutritious cream - very intensively feeds the skin of the hands, at the same time softening it. As part of the funds there are oils avocado and shea, as well as provitamin B5, thanks to which it actively affects the skin of the hands, soothing, moisturizing, eating and making it more elastic. The skin acquires velvety and smoothness.


  • absorbed perfectly;
  • exudes a pleasant light fragrance;
  • it is inexpensive (within 40 rubles).

Disadvantages: no longer acts, the feeling of dryness is returned, it is necessary to apply more often.

Prices Hand Cream Nourishing Velvet Handles:

4. Neutrogena

Carries out careful skin care, ideal to protect the skin from cracks and dryness. It has a soothing, moisturizing and restoring effect on it. There is quite large demand for this cosmetic, because with its help every girl can give her hands tenderness and freshness.

The cream consists of safe components and has an anti-aging effect.


  • does not cause allergies;
  • gives an instant effect;
  • spent economically;
  • an acceptable cost (varies in the range from 160 to 237 rubles).

Disadvantages: not detected.

Prices NEUTROGENA Hand Cream:

5. Bioderma.

The cream carries for dry and irritated skin of the hands. Suitable for the implementation of basic care in case of skin diseases such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis.

With daily use, it feeds and restores the skin subject to peeling, cracks, irritation and contributes to moisturizing and regeneration of skin cells.

The cream has a saturated, nutritious texture.


  • hypoallergenicity;
  • lack of fragrances.

Disadvantages: high cost (the price varies in the range of 389-514 rubles).

Prices :

6. Domix.

The cream for the hands of this brand contains tea tree oils, mint, aloe juice, keratin, and even silver. Keratin has the ability to penetrate the most deeply in dry skin, moisturize it, and also stimulate the regenerative process of skin cells.

Silver does not give a multiply on the skin of the hands of microbes, and get inside it, and at the same time he heals small scratches and cracks.


  • light texture;
  • good absorption;
  • there is no fat trace;
  • an acceptable cost (varies in the range of 60-118 rubles).

Disadvantages: not detected.

Prices :


The French antioxidant cream with an orange aroma provides protection and soft care of the skin of the hands, giving them moisturizing and youth.

Thanks to the melting structure, the cream is easily and evenly distributed over the skin, eliminating age-related changes.

The handles look neat and well. The skin becomes lighter, smoothed, acquires elasticity.


  • economical flow;
  • no fatty film.

Disadvantages: It is expensive (varies in the range of 886-938 rubles).

Prices :

Keeps the skin of the hands young due to the coenzyme contained in the composition with the coenzyme Q10, which stimulates the natural features of the cells and thereby makes the skin more elastic.

In addition, the cream is famous for efficient hand skin protection abilities from the appearance of pigment spots due to the contents of the UVA and UVB filters.


  • fast absorption;
  • good moisturizing;
  • nice smell;
  • acceptable cost (within 134 rubles).

Disadvantages: not detected.

Prices Nivea Anti-aging Hand Cream Q10 Plus:

3. Librederm

One of the best and most effective rejuvenating hands for hands, has a strong softening and moisturizing effect. Thanks to its properties, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin of the arms are restored, small wrinkles are smoothed.

This cream protects gentle skin from the harmful effect of external aggressive factors not only in winter, but also to other seasons, in addition, it makes slower the processes of aging.

It has a silky structure due to the content in its composition of argan oil and hyaluronic acid.


  • quickly absorbed;
  • there is no fatty film;
  • acceptable cost (within 145 rubles).

Disadvantages: not detected.

Prices :

4. The Saem.

This hand cream is different from all others, since it is created on the basis of a snail extract, has a rejuvenating effect. It intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin on his arms, filling it with necessary vitamins and minerals. Effectively struggles with pigment stains, lightening them.

Snail extract is a strong antioxidant, protecting hands in winter and at another time of the year from the aggressive impact of external factors.


  • effective moisturizing;
  • spent economically;
  • thin gentle smell.

Disadvantages: expensive costs (within 890 rubles).

Prices for the cream The Saem:

The rating included creams of the best manufacturers according to consumer reviews, and we hope that thanks to the list presented by those who only think about the selection for their hands of a suitable cream will be able to make it unmistakably.

Maintain youth and beauty was relevant at all times. Previously, in order for the skin is not older and looked attractive, the girls had to do special champs independently, ointment, etc. In our time, the representatives of the beautiful floor were lucky much more. It is enough just to come to the cosmetics store, and the best leaving funds are already waiting for you on the shop windows. One of the most sought-after among them is hand cream. It not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also protects it from environmental impact (cold, water, pollution, etc.). Manufacturers offer various care options, characterized in both the composition, texture, and appearance, price.

Proper to monitor the skin at any time of the year will help the right-selected hand cream. They differ in the appointment, characteristics, properties, etc. First of all, 5 species are allocated.

  • Moisturizing. Can accelerate cell regeneration. Ideal for dry skin, because satisfy her moisture.
  • Nutrient creams fill the skin with the useful substances, make it elastic and healthy.
  • For sensitive skin. Such means have special hypoallergenic substances as part.
  • Anti-aging is a separate appearance that women and men use after 30 years. Wrinkles in the hands - a common problem, which can be solved easily with the help of special means. They improve regeneration and prevent aging.
  • Protective. When interacting with water and soap in the hands, a natural layer of skin is destroyed, such creams prevent this process and can be protected from chemical and other damage.

The skin of the hands needs special care. To spend it efficiently and efficiently, it is worth purchas only good and proven funds. The composition of such creams for hands must necessarily include oils, nutrients, plant extracts, vitamins, water and trace elements. It should be avoided with non-natural ingredients (dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc.). The rating of the best creams for hands includes the most reliable means for moisturizing, preventing wrinkles, nutrition, etc.

Best Moisturizing Hand Cream

3 velvet handles complex

Optimum value
Country Russia
The average price: 70 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Budget cream for hands from the Russian manufacturer has a moisturizing effect and eliminates peelings. Pleasant texture and unobtrusive fragrance. The skin becomes more gentle after the first use. A tube with a special shape of the lid leaves cream sterile all the time and allows you to apply correct dosages. Low price is another argument in favor of buying this fund.


  • optimal cost;
  • economical packaging;
  • suitable for dry skin;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • light pleasant aroma;
  • good texture.


  • there are insignificant components;
  • not too noticeable effect.

2 La Roche-Posay Lipikar Xerand

Best Care of Dry Skin Hands
Country: France
Average price: 640 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The brand of French Cosmetics La Roche-Posay presents cream for dry skin based on thermal water. It has natural composition and does not contain parabens. Quickly absorbed and an instant moisturizing effect is provided. This hand cream is recommended dermatologists throughout Russia with atopy, other inflammations or excessive dry skin. After using the tool, the skin becomes shining, beautiful and well-groomed. Does not cause an allergic reaction and prevents microcracks and inflammation. The unique composition of the cream attaches elasticity and elasticity of your skin.


  • excellent composition;
  • natural useful ingredients;
  • fast and good result;
  • effectively eliminates dryness.


  • high price;
  • small packaging.


Best food
Country Russia
The average price: 800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The unique composition of the Hand Cream with Hyaluronic Acid Hashes perfectly and moisturizes the skin. It does not need to constantly apply again, because The product has a long effect. Strict packaging has an easily removed cover, reliably protecting the cream from dust and dirt. Large volume (300 ml) provides long use. Fully absorbed and leaves no discomfort on the skin. Delicious fragrance makes the cream applied procedure even more comfortable. It struggles with dryness and small damage. Eliminates peeling on the skin.


  • economical packaging;
  • good composition;
  • elasticity of the skin after applying;
  • well absorbed;
  • suitable for dry skin;
  • it has an excellent moisturizing effect.


  • high price;
  • does not care for the nails.

The best anti-aging hand cream

3 Tony Moly Red Apple

Best packaging design
Country: The Republic of Korea
The average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The unusual and bright packaging of the cream for hands from Tony Moly in the form of a red apple is due to the extract of this fruit in its composition. Shea and jojoba oil make a consistency of thick and oily, which provides perfect moisturizing in the winter. Therefore, the cream is well suited for dry skin. Spicy fragrance leaves a good impression after each use.


  • beautiful compact packaging that can be taken with you;
  • apple extract smoothes wrinkles and speeds up regeneration;
  • struggles with inflammation;
  • economical consumption (there is a small amount of cream for humidifying hands completely);
  • perfectly nourishes the skin;
  • long noticeable effect.


  • too fat texture, suitable not to all types of skin.

2 Limoni Collagen Booster

Good composition
Country: The Republic of Korea
The average price: 420 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The cream from the Korean company Limoni has a unique composition that enhances the production of collagen and elastin. Thanks to specially selected nutrients and microelements, Collagen Booster's hands cream accelerates skin regeneration, warning her aging. The effect of rejuvenation is the main advantage of the funds. After several use, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic. The consistency is characterized by a special ease.


  • fruit fragrance;
  • stylish packaging;
  • warning skin aging;
  • excellent composition (herbs, plant extracts, oil, etc.).


  • the moisturizing effect disappears in a few hours;
  • little volume.

1 Christina Forever Young

Excellent effect of rejuvenation
Country: Israel
The average price: 1000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A popular Israeli company presents to your attention a cream for hands preventing skin aging. It has an average degree of protection against UV radiation (SPF15), which replaces the use of sunscreens. Well nourishes the skin with useful elements, gives natural radiance. Warns wrinkles and has an excellent moisturizing effect. Light texture contributes to rapid absorption and leaves no fat traces on the skin. Packing volume 75 ml.


  • high rejuvenating effect;
  • nourishes the skin;
  • nice texture;
  • excellent sun protection;
  • not felt on hand.


  • high price.

Best Cream for Sensitive Skin Hands

3 Neutrogena Norwegian Formula

Excellent value for money and quality
Country: France
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Neutrogena has a pleasant tart of aroma and economical packaging. For humidification, a small amount of cream is required, which is easily distributed on the skin and quickly eliminates dryness. It has a positive effect on the condition of the cuticle - it becomes well-groomed, soft after the first use. Texture Oil, which makes this tool especially relevant in winter weather. Elements specially included in the composition soothe sensitive skin in a short time.


  • fast and noticeable effect;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • struggles with dryness;
  • perfectly moisturizes;
  • compact packaging;
  • economical flow;
  • restores damaged skin.


  • does not contain natural oils;
  • the composition includes preservatives;
  • suitable not to all types of skin.


The best composition
Country: Germany
The average price: 260 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The German cosmetic company has developed intensive hand cream specifically for sensitive skin. It has a unique composition in which: vitamin E, olive oil, aloe leaves juice, different essential oils and other natural ingredients. The manufacturer declares that the cream does not contain dyes, flavors, paraffins, silicones, and even gluten. Quickly and for a long time moisturizes hands. It is featured by the consistency of medium density, which makes it suitable for absolutely any skin.


  • natural pleasant fragrance;
  • not chemical composition;
  • soothing properties;
  • good degree of moisture;
  • high production standards;
  • optimum cost.


  • not detected.


The longest effect
Country: France
The average price: 550 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

French-made cream Noreva Laboratories Aquareva is well suited for sensitive skin. It has a positive effect not only on hand, but also on the nails. Makes the cuticle with soft and moisturized. Prevents nail stuffing. The texture of the cream is ideal, because Melt oily and light. Savings skin from dryness, filling it with moisture and nutritional elements. It struggles with irritation and inflammation, has a soothing effect. Quickly softens the skin.


  • prevents aging;
  • well feeds and moisturizes;
  • enough for a long time;
  • soothes sensitive skin.


  • it is felt on the hands of the first 10 minutes;
  • slowly absorbed.

Best Nourishing Hand Cream

3 velvet handles nutritious

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
The average price: 60 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Brand "Velvet Handles" is considered one of the leaders of the rating of the best in several categories. This cream abundantly softens the skin of the hands, eliminates dryness and fills with nutritional elements. After applying, it is noticeably smoothed. Among the components there is a shea oil, famous for its unique properties. Regular use of funds with it makes hands more well-groomed, beautiful and pleasant to the touch. Despite low cost, has high efficiency. This is indicated by numerous customer reviews. The composition is also enriched with provitamin B5 and avocado oil, which in the complex act very intensively.

Suitable whose hands are often overwhelmed due to contact with aggressive substances. Quickly absorbed, has a neutral smell. The volume of the tube is 80 ml. According to expense, it is beneficial from competitors. The texture is light enough, quickly distributed over the skin. Immediately after use felt soft. The cream is tested by dermatologists. Main advantages: the best price, excellent efficiency, a noticeable result immediately after applying, optimal consumption, a lot of positive feedback.

2 Garnier Intensive Care

The best means for very dry skin
Country: France (produced in Israel)
The average price: 215 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Garnier company presents a superior care cream "Intensive care", which occupies a confident position to the top of the best. It is created for daily use and has good protective properties. Prevents premature aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and cracks. Suitable for very dry and damaged skin, actively restores it. Regular care with the Garnier cream makes the hands well-groomed, and the skin is gentle and soft. Over time, damage, corn and others are disappeared. Among the components there are allantoin, which has a powerful healing effect, and glycerin responsible for protecting against negative factors.

The fragrance can be attributed to perfume, he likes many girls. The gently pink cream has an optimal consistency in thickness, it is easily distributed and well absorbed. Can leave not quite pleasant sensations - film. Produced in bright packaging with a wide neck and unscrewed lid. The volume is 100 ml. Main advantages: Changes with very dry skin, good protective properties, healing effect, excellent fragrance. Disadvantages: forms a film, anti-aging effect, rejuvenating effect.

1 Librederm Ayevit

Great complex leather care and nails
Country Russia
Average price: 160 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The cream of the popular manufacturer Librederm is an excellent tool for intensive care not only by hand, but also nails. It has a pronounced softening effect. It has an antioxidant and regenerating effect. The active ingredients here are vitamins A and E, castor oil, silk extract and amur velvet, as well as alpha bisabolol. Buyers noted that the result is noticeable immediately after applying. Hands are becoming smooth, and the skin is more elastic and fresh.

Created for integrated nail and hands. Suitable for tired and dry skin. It is applied if necessary. Produced in an increased volume - 125 ml. There is enough one tube minimum for 3 months of regular use. An important feature is not containing fragrances, but at the same time has a pronounced pleasant aroma. Regular use contributes to the acceleration of nail growth. Main advantages: Intensive complex care, excellent result, pleasant smell, optimum cost, positive customer reviews, powerful nutritious effects on the skin.

Best Premium Hand Cream

3 Ahava Deadsea Water Mineral Hand Mandarin & Cedarwood

Best efficiency, great reviews
Country: Israel
Average price: 1200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

At the next position, the cream of Israeli production AHAVA is located. The company is the only one located on the shore of the Dead Sea. Its fundamentals include its mineral and other useful ingredients. Numerous positive feedback indicate better efficiency with regular use. Immediately after applying, the skin of the hands is smoothed, softens and intensively moistened. Such an effect is saved for a long time. Its main purpose is to protect the hands from aggressive environmental factors and the impact of chemical domestic products. The cream successfully copes with these goals.

The composition includes a special OSMOTER complex, which is the concentrate of minerals. This also includes extract of Gamamelis and other important components. The aroma of mandarin-cedar. The texture is quite oily, the cream is easily distributed and does not leave stickiness, pulp or oily shine. Perfect for dry skin. Advantages: proven effectiveness, optimal price, good reviews, Israeli quality, natural components, incredible smell.

2 Sothys velvet

Unique thermal water based formula
Country: France
The average price: 2200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Created on the basis of thermal water from the MARIE Henriette Spatm source, Sothys cream is well caught by the hands. The remedy moisturizes and soothes the skin. The main component is thermal water - accelerates cell regeneration, maintains the natural condition of the skin. The composition also includes such ingredients such as amino acids, betaine, vitamins, beech kidney extract, creete oil and almonds, as well as a unique complex of olive oil, wheat, soybean and pollen extract. In the aggregate, they protect against the effects of UV rays, restore the skin, improve the synthesis of collagen, support protective functions.

The cream is called "velvet" due to its texture. It delivers pleasant sensations during application and after. Light aroma remains on her hands for some time. Produced in a tube with a narrow neck in two volumes: 50 or 150 ml. Girls note that regular use contributes to an increase in skin elasticity and its noticeable moisturizing. Suitable for small inflammations and damage. Advantages: Unique formula based on thermal water, best reviews, the highest quality, excellent composition, pleasant sensations from use. Cons: high cost.


Only useful components in the composition
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 2800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The ranking of the best did not cost without the unique tool of Swiss-made from Eldan Cosmetics. This cream stimulates the accelerated growth of the nails, increases the resistance to negative surrounding factors and perfectly cares for the skin. Its composition is enriched with propolis, which prevents the appearance of cracks, dryness and the invalid exposure, as well as shelter oil, which is responsible for food and soothing skin. The tool contains other useful components: vitamins A and E, almond oil, lecithin, stearic acid and glycerin.

The main difference is the absence of harmful elements in the composition. It is manufactured in 250 ml jars. By texture, cream is quite dense and thick, but absorbed well. After applying, the skin of the hands becomes smooth, soft, moistened. It is used as daily care. Many girls are put on cream before bedtime, and in the morning they enjoy the result. Main advantages: excellent composition, impact of natural useful ingredients, optimal consumption, large volume, high efficiency. Disadvantages: high price.

Without hand cream in women's cosmetic, it is impossible! This helper should always be with us not only at home, but also in the office to protect our skin from the effects of dry air.

All because the skin on the hands, alas, ages faster - this is due to the fact that it is more subtle and practically deprived of the saving layer of subcutaneous fatty fiber, which performs a protective function.

In addition, the hands of caring constantly interact with rigid water and household chemicals. And even if you wash the dishes with the most delicate means, the moisturizer will never hurt.

Active Components: Olive and laurel oil, dyagil extract, daisy rose oil, chamomile oil, extract from rowan fruits, blending of juice extracts.

Cream that pleases very gentle, fresh herbal aroma. Despite oil-rich composition, it is light in texture, leaves no greasy, the skin after it is smooth, smooth, the cream perfectly softens the cuticle. The cream has a very convenient dispenser, economical consumption. In such a simple bottle, a real assistant is hidden from dryness and peeling. Pair of application per day enough to moisturize the handles.

Active Components: Sunflower oil, beeswax, corn oil, olive and shea, glycerin, peppermint essential oil, orange, incense, vitamin E.

The cream, which became a favorite at once in several 4fresh :) it smells like a freshly baked lemon cake, perfectly feeds the handles, as if envelops them. One application is enough to forget about dryness. For those who went out into the street and forgot about gloves, and reaching his hands did not reach their hands, this cream is that the doctor prescribed! Perhaps this is not the most budget, but an incredibly effective cream from cracks and temptation.

Active Components: Nima wax, vegetable glycerin, inulin, d-panthenol, oil almond, apricot oil, bubass, wheat embryos, vegetable lanolin, lactic acid, lavender essential oils, palmaroza, sage, nervous, honeysuckle extracts, sage, maleia, calendula, chestnut , Echinacea, Rhodiola Pink, Horseta.

The cream will especially like those who love the fragrance of Lavender. This tool will not only moisturizes and emphasize the skin, but also removes inflammation and redness, will calm down. It is a pleasure to use the cream for the night - the lavender smell relaxes and prepares for pleasant dreams. Hand leather velvet, moisturized. The cream itself in a glass jar with a convenient dispenser, the consumption is minimal.

Active Components: Sweet almond oil and coconut, glycerin, squalene, lysoletin, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, magnolia extract, orange essential oil.

The cream is very nutritious, the texture is a little greasy, but the skin absorbs easily. The fragrance is pleasant, natural, although not a bright coconut, which one can expect from the cream with the name. This salvation for the creep of the skin of the hands, prone to peelings. The cream is enough to use in the morning and in the evening to get skin.

Active Components: Aloe juice, shea oil, olive, argan, almond, calendula extracts and arnica.

Cream with a thin creamy berry smell, a gentle texture, I want to apply it again and again, but it really grabs once to get skin. It is good to use it shortly before going out to protect against the temple. It is easily absorbed, but the pleasant feeling of moisture in the hands leaves. Super-economically spent due to the dispenser.

Active Components: Panthenol, oils: cannabis, rice bran, argan, chaulmugry, licorice extracts, aloe and garcia, healing salt, composition of essential oils.

This cream with some incredibly pleasant perfume fragrance, despite the fact that there are no synthetic fragrances. If in a nutshell - then moisturizing and healing. The texture is very light, and at first glance it may seem that cream is too "summer". But in fact, he perfectly copes with cracks and peeling, its main function is not so much protective as reducing. As a bonus - strengthening nails due to therapeutic salt in the composition.

Active ingredients: Shea, coconut and grenade, glycerin, grenade juice, garnet seed extract, ubiquinone, vitamin E, rosemary extract.

We especially recommend this cream to combat wrinkles and fading of the skin, as it contains the magic ingredient of Ubiquinon, which has anti-aging and antioxidant effect. In addition, it combines the triple power of the pomegranate - and oil, and extract, and pomegranate juice, which actively restore the skin.

The cream has an elusive very pleasant berry flavor with light sourness. It absorbs quickly, without sticky and fat, the skin of the hands with it is moisturized and smoothed. Noticeable changes are visible after regular use of the cream, as it is designed for a long-term effect.

Active ingredients: Mulk milk, medpetia oil, cedar oil, calendula extracts, rowan and geranium, vitamin E.

Magic aroma, creamy milk, unobtrusive, handles are pleasantly smelling.

The consistency is light - absorbed quickly, it is not too fat and at the same time sufficiently nutritious, moisturizes well, heals the microcrain. However, if the skin is very dry, in still the day of the day is better to apply it several times for additional moisturizing.

Active ingredients: Cocoa butter, Shea, grape bones, Muru-Muru, Macadamia, Plant Squlan, Panthenol, Candelle Wax, Haluronic Acid, Honeysuckle Extracts, Walnut, Amaranth, Sage.

Cream that smells absolutely natural cocoa! It is unusually nutritious - so much that it is enough for the whole day. The manufacturer recommends the cream for moms and hostesses, who are constantly cleaning something and wash and those who are often faced with household chemicals at work. And this cream is really perfect to restore the skin even after the most detrimental effects! By the way, it can be used for kids who suffer from cold allergies, itching and redness.

Active ingredients: Glycerin, Betaine, Argan Oil, Camellia Oil, Linoleic and Linolenic Acids, Valerian and Rosemary Extracts, Vitamin E.

Mark cream Sehr Gut. From the independent German magazine OKO-TEST - well, how not to try? This means that the cream was tested for the safety of the components and got the highest rating "very good".

Now about the very means - the fragrance of his herbal, a little medicinal, but it does not remain on the skin. By texture, it is like a light balm, very quickly absorbs, but it moistives well enough. If the skin's skin is extremely dry, then it is possible to need several application. The cream softens the cuticle, soothes and smoothes the skin. The effect of it is not instant, and accumulative!

In fact, in our section to care for the skin of hands there are another 150 different natural creams, some of them are lighter and suitable for summer, and some kind of nutritious for winter, but maybe we have not had time to try them: )

And what is your favorite cream?

Do not forget that the age of women can be determined by her hands. So, trying to prevent from the first wrinkles on the face, in no case do not forget about the skin of the hands! Food, moisturizing and protection will help you preserve youth for a long time.