How to use eye patches correctly. Rating of the best eye patches - Korean, gold, collagen, hydrogel. Upper eyelid patches

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Nothing ages a woman like a tired look and deep shadows under the lower eyelid. Foundation, of course, can mask small imperfections, but they are not able to smooth out wrinkles and remove swelling. Only careful care can help. Special eye patches are a great alternative to expensive salon procedures. This unique invention is a small hydrogel or tissue patch impregnated with a concentrated targeted formulation. Some patches smooth, tighten, moisturize, others - relieve puffiness and fight age-related manifestations.

We have compiled a list of the best eye patches based on expert opinions and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend that you pay special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Novosvit
  1. Petitfee
  2. Secretkey
  3. Beauugreen
  4. Koelf
  5. L'SANIC
  6. La miso
For edema / bags From wrinkles For all skin types For sensitive skin For dry skin For oily skin For combination skin

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Eye patches: For puffiness / bags

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin / For dry skin / For sensitive skin / From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • The main feature of the composition of hydrogel patches are polypeptides that control the division of epidermal cells. Thanks to them, tissue regeneration in the area around the eyes occurs faster, the skin rejuvenates at the cellular level
  • The manufacturer also took care of problem areas, adding spot patches with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties to the package.
  • Colloidal gold particles help retain moisture and effectively smooth skin
  • Caviar extract tightens and smoothes expression lines
  • Extracts of aloe, ginseng and green tea slow down the aging process of cells, refresh and nourish the skin with nutrients

For combination skin / For sensitive skin / From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • The main component of the patches is a polymer 98% hydrogel, saturated with active ingredients that tighten, moisturize and smooth the skin under the eyes
  • To restore elasticity, smooth shallow mimic wrinkles, eliminate sluggishness of the skin, manufacturers added the essence of collagen and coenzyme Q10 to the impregnation of patches
  • A pronounced anti-aging effect is achieved due to the bioactive phytopeptide in the composition of the product
  • Extracts of acacia Senegalese, lavender flowers, green tea leaves, rosemary, freesia flowers and caviar help soften, nourish and smooth the skin
  • Sea water and hyaluronic acid provide deep hydration of delicate areas and maintain optimal hydration of the epidermis

For combination skin / For sensitive skin / From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • The most valuable ingredient in patches is colloidal gold. This substance accelerates cell metabolism and delivers nutrients deep into the skin, bypassing the barrier layer. As a result, the network of wrinkles is smoothed, swelling is reduced
  • To ensure a pronounced lifting effect, the manufacturer added butylene glycol to the composition - a moisturizer that retains moisture well in the upper salts of the epidermis
  • Aloe extract makes the skin elastic, vitamins C and E in its composition stimulate the production of new collagen fibers. Regular use of patches restores youthfulness to the skin
  • Beta-glucan is a polysaccharide that activates local immunity. Promotes regeneration, eliminates inflammation
  • Carrageenan or Irish moss extract contains components related to the epidermis, binds the proteins of the skin, making it dense and uniform

For sensitive skin / From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • One of the main ingredients of these patches is rose extract, which restores the walls of blood vessels, improves microcirculation. Skin tightens, creases and wrinkles are smoothed
  • The gum creates a thin, breathable film on the surface of the skin, due to which the effect of beneficial components is enhanced and the effect of patches is noticeable faster
  • Grapefruit extract tones and disinfects. If there is inflammation, the remedy will help to quickly deal with them.
  • Bamboo extract is a source of silicon, and the lack of this element leads to sagging skin. Regular use of patches can accelerate the synthesis of new epidermal cells
  • Glycerin is one of the most powerful moisturizers. Thanks to this component, the skin becomes firm and elastic

For sensitive skin / From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • The hydrolyzed collagen contained in these patches contains essential amino acids and is actively involved in the "building" of collagen fibers. Several uses - and the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed
  • Colloidal gold is another valuable ingredient that the manufacturer has added for a greater anti-age effect. It is both an antioxidant and a regeneration stimulator, which is necessary for aging skin.
  • Seaweed extract softens, smoothes the relief and reduces puffiness, this is especially noticeable if you apply the patches in the morning
  • Niacinamide in the composition gives the skin a sleek look, brightens spots, evens out tone
  • Raspberry ketone eliminates fluid retention, stimulates epidermis renewal

Show all products in the category "Puffiness / bags"

Eye patches: For all skin types

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin / For dry skin / For sensitive skin / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • Hydrogel patches with colloidal gold and snail mucin extract in just 20-30 minutes moisturize the skin, remove puffiness, reduce bruises and dark circles under the eyes
  • The serum with which the patches are impregnated contains active ingredients (extracts of hondurus seaweed and green tea, snail mucus filtrate, and others). Gold ions penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and act as a "conductor" for these components. Such a complex effect guarantees a quick and visible result
  • The patches adhere well, do not cause irritation and do not constrict. Almost invisible on the face, do not interfere with household chores
  • After application, the skin is nourished and elastic, fine wrinkles are filled, decorative cosmetics fit better
  • Patches enhance the effect of other products, along with them the effect of the use of serums, creams and gels becomes more pronounced

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin / For dry skin / For sensitive skin / From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • The action of the patches is aimed at preventing age-related changes, improving skin tone, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. With constant use, a rejuvenating effect is noticeable after 2 weeks
  • The patches themselves are made from a natural gelling agent derived from the root of the Konjac Mannan plant. This substance is able to penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis and retain water molecules there, thereby plumping and smoothing the skin.
  • The patches are good at smoothing out wrinkles formed due to dehydration. Active ingredients (cucumber and rose extracts, allantoin) activate metabolic processes and help to quickly get rid of swelling
  • The shape of the patches makes it easy to attach them under the eyes, during use they do not slip or interfere
  • If you store the patches in the refrigerator, then the effect of the application will be more pronounced: the puffiness will go away, the look will become more open, and the general appearance will be fresh and rested.

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin / For dry skin / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • The patches have a tonic effect. They can be used both in the morning to quickly relieve swelling, and in the evening as a moisturizer and nourishing agent.
  • After the first application, bags under the eyes are reduced. This is possible thanks to the damask rose extract, which has lymphatic drainage and antioxidant properties.
  • With regular use of patches for two weeks, small mimic wrinkles disappear and large
  • The composition contains the smallest ruby \u200b\u200bpowder. This component not only increases skin turgor, but also visually makes it fresher and more even, thanks to reflective particles.
  • The concentrated serum that the patches are impregnated with can be used alone as a moisturizer

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

The main advantages
  • Patches with "Photoshop effect". Thanks to their rich composition, in just 20 minutes they smooth the skin around the eyes, reduce swelling and even out the tone
  • The elements themselves are thin and soft, adhering tightly to the skin. This allows you to saturate it with nutrients in a short time. The effect of the application is similar to the effect of using a lifting mask
  • The patches are great for dry and thin skin. The main ingredients - pearl extract and shea butter - perfectly moisturize and create a protective film on the surface
  • Regular use of patches can help remove wrinkles caused by dehydration and make your skin firmer. The active ingredients trigger the natural synthesis of collagen, resulting in less expression of wrinkles and creases
  • The patches do not irritate or tighten the skin. Can be used after peels to relieve sensitivity and redness

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin / For dry skin / For wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Minimum price:

The main advantages
  • With the help of patches, you can increase the level of skin moisture several times in just 15-20 minutes, as well as saturate it with anti-aging and nourishing components.
  • Patches contain a large amount of hyaluronic acid, it is she who gives the skin elasticity and increases its turgor. It also contains niacinamide, which helps fight inflammation and soothes sensitive skin
  • If you have severe problems in other areas (dryness, peeling, irritation after cleaning, etc.), the patches can also be used. In addition, they are recommended for the prevention of glabellar wrinkles and nasolabial folds.
  • Immediately after use, the skin becomes smoother, decorative cosmetics better fit on it
  • Due to its gel structure, the patches are tightly attached, do not slip. The feeling during use is comfortable

The word "patch" in translation from English means "information that is designed to automatically make certain changes to computer files." Cosmetologists immediately took this term into circulation - they liked the analogy with the "reprogramming" of the skin. This is how eye patches, or plasters, as they are sometimes called, were born, which perform an important function - relieve dark circles under the eyes, swelling and other signs of fatigue. ELLE has selected the 7 most effective of them.

The skin around the eyes is very thin, so age-related changes appear on it first. Powercell Eye Urgency by Helena Rubinstein is a good alternative to injections for this area. The natural herbal ingredients and antioxidants included in their composition take care of the delicate skin of the eyelids, restoring tone and reducing wrinkles.

Don't forget to pack the Pure Retinol Eye Patch Kit from Pure Retinol when you go on vacation. They instantly smoothen wrinkles around the eyes, soften the skin and give it a glow, which is so necessary after a long flight.

Get a quick lifting effect with the Pro-Collagen Hydra-Gel Mask from Elemis. Stick them under your eyes and keep doing household chores or date packing. After 20 minutes, the patches can be removed - the face will look rested, and the skin under the eyes will be more hydrated.

Guerlain Super Aqua-Eye Gel Petals will help you to get rid of wrinkles and obvious signs of fatigue, which intensively moisturize the sensitive area around the eyes, smoothing the skin and eliminating swelling.


Another lifesaver can be Payot's Perform Lift Express Care for firming skin and eliminating signs of eye fatigue. A set of 10 pairs of stickers can be used both during the course and from time to time, in emergency situations - before an important meeting or date. After removing them, there is no sticky feeling on the skin, so you can immediately start applying makeup.

One of the best and most modern cosmetic products that allow you to effectively and "urgently" take care of the skin of the periorbital zone are eye patches. They can quickly provide a radiant, rejuvenating effect to the area. They are convenient for use in almost any conditions.

What it is?

A kind of masks, for which a large number of fans were quickly found, were first offered by manufacturers of Korean cosmetics, after which European competitive companies also mastered their production and release. This product is a device in the form of cosmetic patch-patches, shaped like a "crescent" and impregnated with a variety of highly concentrated cosmetic formulations. The latter, in terms of their activity, are often quite comparable to anti-aging and / or moisturizing serums.

What are patches and their varieties for?

The periorbital area is the most delicate area. It is most susceptible, in comparison with other areas of the face, to the influence of negative factors of the external and internal environment of the human body and the most rapid premature aging. The thickness of the skin in this area is only almost 0.5 mm - significantly less than in other areas. In addition, here it is practically devoid of elastin and collagen fibers, subcutaneous fat layer and sebaceous glands.

It is around the eyes that the first wrinkles appear, and with overwork, neuropsychic overload, lack of sleep, diseases of internal organs, etc. - dark circles, bruises, edema and bags. In this regard, the skin around the eyes requires daily correct delicate care, which consists in moisturizing and special nutrition, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Eye patches allow you to achieve these goals in a short time. Through their use, traces of fatigue can be quickly eliminated for a certain time, and therefore this cosmetic device is sometimes called "emergency cosmetic help". In addition, they serve as a good basis for applying makeup on the face, as the skin becomes hydrated, smooth and elastic, and somewhat tightens. This makes it possible to apply cosmetic makeup products evenly and effectively.

The composition of the active ingredients is very diverse. However, almost all patches contain glycerin, vitamins, bleaching ingredients, amino acids, extracts of various plants, panthenol, vegetable oils, etc.

There are also gold eye patches, which the manufacturers claim contain gold ions. They provide additional cooling, moisturizing, relaxing and soothing effects, and are believed to be more effective in relieving blue and puffiness under the eyes, to improve facial contours and have anti-aging effects.

Video: Cold patches for bruises and bags under the eyes

The composition of the active ingredients that are used in the production of express masks, and their concentration, depend not only on the manufacturer and the purpose of the product. Depending on the expected effect, this product is positioned as masks:

  • nutritious and healthy;
  • moisturizing;
  • smoothing;
  • decongestants, or draining;
  • restoring;
  • whitening.

Products for bags and puffiness under the eyes

They mainly have a lymphatic drainage effect. They may contain as main components:

  • horse chestnut extract, which helps to increase the tone of the walls of small venous and lymphatic vessels;
  • extract of the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba plant, which has a pronounced decongestant and antioxidant effect;
  • hexapeptide -8, which has a mild relaxing effect on facial muscles;
  • a complex of natural oils and vitamins that have a positive effect on the vascular wall and improve metabolic processes and microcirculation.

In addition, the use of patches is recommended after prolonged exposure to the sun without protective glasses and in conditions of low air humidity, with dehydration of the skin, etc., since most of them contain hyaluronic acid, peptides, collagen, etc. in moderate concentrations.

The product is applied to the skin for a long time - for 30-60 minutes (different manufacturers recommend different times).

For dark circles under the eyes

Express masks are recommended, in which caffeine is included as one of the main ingredients, which helps to increase the tone of small vessels, and fruit whitening and antioxidant agents, for example, lactic acid, tartaric or tartaric acid. However, of all the other types, these masks are the least effective, since dark circles are often caused by heredity, as well as diseases of the internal organs and endocrine glands. At the same time, if they are associated with lack of sleep, overwork, prolonged work on the computer, then the effect of the use of such masks is noticeable and comes quickly.

Thus, using eye patches is recommended as an express care for:

  • moisturizing the skin around the eyes and increasing its tone;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • reducing the severity of dark circles under the eyes and normalizing a healthy complexion;
  • reduction of periorbital edema.

Types of masks

Depending on the nature of the base, the following types of cosmetic products are distinguished:

  1. Collagenous.
  2. Tissue.
  3. Hydrogel.
  4. Silicone.

Collagen eye patches

Which is based on water-soluble collagen. Although they are described by the manufacturers as a remedy for all problems within 15 minutes and for a long period, in practice their main effect is the lifting and smoothing effects of fine wrinkles. In addition, the results of the action only last for several hours.

More pronounced and lasting positive results are noted with regular use of the product, especially based on the technology of combining collagen with coenzyme Q 10. They contribute to the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin of the periorbital area, as well as to optimize the processes of natural regeneration of the dermis.

Cloth masks

The basis of the cloth masks is mainly a cotton cloth impregnated with active cosmetic and medicinal substances, gel, cream with a high concentration of vitamins and minerals or active serums, and resembling a wet wipe. It does not adhere very tightly to the skin surface, and therefore does not have a lifting effect, and other types of exposure persist for a very short time. At the same time, the cost of fabric masks is less, which allows them to be used much more often.

Hydrogel eye patches

Contain very large doses of hyaluronic acid. It retains water and helps soften and smooth the skin, temporarily filling in fine lines in the eyelid area. Directly the hydrogel base (due to its jelly-like structure) provides a snug fit of the mask and exerts mechanical pressure on the dermal layer, which stimulates the growth of keratinocytes and provokes the accelerated synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin proteins.

Due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid in the base of the masks and the binding by it of a significant amount of water, gel patches under the eyes are characterized by a pronounced lifting effect and are intended not to eliminate edema, but to reduce the severity of wrinkles, mainly in the corners of the eyes and in the lower eyelid area.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, various plant extracts, peptides and nanoparticles with anti-aging properties, antioxidants, nicotinic and ascorbic acids are added to the masks, which help to lighten the skin, strengthen the capillary walls and improve microcirculation, maintain the natural renewal of collagen fibers in tissues and slow down the development of premature processes in them. aging. They can be used not only for the skin of the periorbital region, but also for other areas of the face and neck.

Silicone Patches

Basically, they contain one of the types of silicone, for example, methyltrimethicone, which, after being applied to the skin surface, forms a film. As a result, a visually smoothing effect is created. In addition, reusable patches are available in the form of silicone pads. Designed to protect the skin around the eyes from staining during eyelash coloring procedures, they are non-slip, self-adhesive silicone pads ideal for isolating the skin under the lower lashes during coloring, makeup and lamination. They are made in such a way that they correspond to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower eyelid and the wall of the nose, and can have any shape and contours.

Eye patches are not a panacea for long-term elimination of any or even certain defects in the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe face. However, they are quite effective means of quick skin care, especially with constant use.

Liters of coffee, sleepless nights, stress - all on your face? Only dark glasses cope with masking problems under the eyes? Time to get acquainted with the patches - the famous "patches", the fantastic abilities of which beauty bloggers talk about with aspiration.

What mask patches under the eyes can actually, let's try to find out. And we will look at things realistically - with the eyes of a skeptic, staring intently at the truth.

Therefore, it is wrong to talk about some narrow effect of the patch. Their main advantage is their versatility. Who needs collagen patches under the eyeswho can only make the skin elastic?

On the street - the 21st century. People have learned to manipulate DNA. Poincaré's theorem is proved. The Higgs boson is found. Patches should be able to everyone! And they can. At the very least, this is what the manufacturers say. AND korean eye patcheswith which the market abounds, can do everything and even more.

Korea is a small country with a fierce struggle for the consumer. It's not enough to make a product that works like everyone else. You can't think of it better - you will lose.

We'll talk about the "bestsellers" in the world of Korean patches later, but now we'll discuss how to use them correctly.

Morning does not start with coffee, or How and when to apply patches under the eyes?

When and how to glue patches under the eyes? It's simple.

  1. Wake up. You wash your face.
  2. Apply a patch under each eye, stepping back a few millimeters from the lash line, leave it on for 15-30 minutes. Hypothetically, you can drink coffee with them, do household chores, drive a car. But this is not always possible. With some (mostly "jelly") you have to lie - and strive to slide down.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, peel off the "plasters" with a movement towards the temples, picking up the edge at the nose. Pat the remainder of the cosmetic product into the skin.

Patches can be put on at night, but why?

The mask will give all the active substances in half an hour, and then only the risks. Fans of burying their face in the pillow may wake up with deep creases instead of fine wrinkles.

How often to use?

For a start, you can please your eyes with a beauty marathon - 5 procedures per week for a total of 20-30 sessions. Then - use as needed, sticking a "plaster" for emergency rehabilitation of the gaze after a successful buffet table or on the eve of it. Let's talk about the most successful patches made in Korea immediately.

Korean bestsellers: TOP 5 best patches

Patches are definitely a trend. Korean patches are undeniably a hit. The "epidemic" came from there, from the country of morning freshness, where the mysterious and forever young heroines of Kim Ki-Duk live. About the "bestsellers" in the world of Korean patches - our TOP.

  • Petitfee, Hydrogel Eye Patch Gold & Snail

Petitfee Colloidal Gold & Snail Mucin Eye Gel Patch can be an alternative to anti-aging injections. With regular use, they can smooth wrinkles and eliminate blue.

Immediately relieve swelling, moisturize and refresh. Their aesthetic properties are also magnificent - the patches shimmer with a shimmer and smell like perfume.

  • Beautydrugs, Black & Goldy Spot Hydrogel Eyepatch

Another jelly patches with gold are Black & Goldy from Beautydrugs. Companions of gold instead of snail mucin in this express tool are black pearl powder, hyaluronic acid, caviar.

If you need to quickly soothe, moisturize and eliminate signs of fatigue, Black & Goldy can be trusted - won't let you down. Beautydrugs eye patches can be applied to nasolabial wrinkles - they will smooth out.

Price: 1400 rubles, 60 pieces.

  • Secret Key, Gold Racoony Hydro Gel and Spot Patch

Raccoon eye patches were one of the first to appear on the market, but today they remain a hit. The tragicomic story of a raccoon suffering from "panda" eyes pierced the hearts of millions.

Gold Racoony hydrogel eye patches have become "Wishlist" of many, although they have almost no fundamental differences from competitors. They fight a similar spectrum of problems - wrinkles, swelling, bruising. In the composition - all the same gold "that glitters". The puck contains, in addition to 60 standard eye patches, 30 round "patches" for local use.

  • Purederm, Collagen Eye Zone Mask

Getting started with nonwoven patches can start with Purederm Collagen Mask. "Compresses" are saturated with phyto-collagen lotion, tocopherol, green tea and fruit extracts.

Packaged in a durable ziplock bag. They cope with moisturizing and smoothing the skin, but not with wrinkles and bruises. Of the advantages - they sit tightly on the skin and attract with the price.

Price: 120 rubles, 30 pieces.

  • Limoni, Wrinkle Care Eye Gel Patches

Limoni patch packaging catches the eye immediately. Lavender color, seductive promises (express wrinkle smoothing) - it's impossible not to buy. And do not deny yourself the impulse - the purchase will justify the money spent.

Thanks to the sticky gel base, the patches adhere firmly to the skin, and mechanical pressure, albeit indirectly, enhances the lifting effect. It contains tartaric acid (brightens circles), kaolin and aluminum (against edema), a complex of plant extracts (nourish and moisturize). Each pair of "patches" is packed in an individual sachet.

Eye patches are experiencing a second wave of popularity. Now they do it all: moisturize, remove bags and smooth wrinkles. I have picked out the best safe and effective eye patches!

Let's first figure out what patches are and whether there is a fundamental difference between the various forms (spoiler: yes).

Eye patches are oval-shaped petals that you need to stick under the eyes and keep for 15-20 minutes as a mask, until the solution is completely absorbed. The patches are impregnated with a liquid containing active ingredients in a concentrated form: plant extracts, peptides, vitamins and hyaluronic acid. All of them are aimed at moisturizing, smoothing wrinkles and lymph drainage of excess fluid.

Patches can be made from non-woven fabric and hydrogel. The latter are transparent and flexible, like thin silicone.

I prefer hydrogel eye patches. According to research, they are more effective at moisturizing the skin, removing swelling better and slowly releasing active ingredients. Put the patches in the refrigerator (some even store them on the top shelf), so they will quickly remove puffiness and traces of yesterday's gatherings with a friend \u003d)

I have selected the best patches with a safe and effective composition, now you have a selection of five remedies. It remains to buy the best! (the choice will be difficult, I agree).

Brightening Hydrogel Patches

I have bought these eye patches several times and still love them dearly. Contains albicia extract, kojic acid (evens out skin tone), extracts of cucumber and chamomile (soothe), darutoside (effective for smoothing wrinkles and lifting).

The patches are impregnated with a moisturizing composition and lie in a foil tray with a recess, it is more convenient to apply them while lying down. Then you can get up and calmly do business. Leave them on for 15-20 minutes, and if you want more effect, put them in the refrigerator beforehand.

Cost: about 277 rubles. Buy on iHerb.

Tansy Hydrogel Patches

In general, in my opinion, Acure has got excellent natural eye patches, and this is a great rarity these days. Natural cosmetics brands that produce patches for basic care products can be counted on one hand.

The main ingredient here is blue tansy oil, so the patches are bright blue. Also included are lemon peel extracts (tones up), chamomile, arnica (dispels blood stasis) and roses. The patches promise to remove dark circles under the eyes and bruises, as if you slept peacefully all night instead of hanging out with a friend.

Cost: about 278 rubles. Buy on iHerb.

Superfood eye patches

These super green eye patches promise to seriously invigorate and eliminate morning bags and puffiness. Caffeine is responsible for the vigorous composition (tones up well and removes puffiness), ginseng extracts, kale (antioxidant), green tea and moringa seeds.

The patches are designed to refresh the look, make it rested. They are great to stick on after a working day, before a photo session or in the evening, if you want to cheer up and go to the cinema, for example.

Cost: about 278 rubles. Buy on iHerb.

Detox eye patches

The green detox patches are also caffeinated and promise to hydrate the delicate skin around the eyes, smooth out wrinkles and remove any puffiness. In general, make your eyes look clear and youthful in 15 minutes. They are also the only “patches in a jar” with a good composition, without acrylates and controversial preservatives.

The composition includes a whole pool of working ingredients responsible for the result: hyaluronic acid, caffeine, niacinamide, arginine, licorice glycyrrhizinate and others. Plus extracts of raspberry, blueberry, black currant and green tea. There are 30 pairs in a jar and a spatula included.

Cost: about 1572 rub. Buy on iHerb.

Botox eye and forehead patches

Interesting patches are offered by the Frownies brand, they are based on a mechanical technology for smoothing wrinkles during sleep, founded since 1889.

Essentially, patches are thin strips of parchment soaked in a safe solution of water-based glue. When moistened with water, they stick to the skin and after three hours (minimum recommended time) smoothes expression lines by relaxing the skin and facial clamps.

You do not need to use any serums in conjunction with patches. Simply place the strips on dry forehead, between the eyebrows (to smooth vertical lines), in the corners of the eyes (remove crow's feet) and on the wrinkles around the mouth.

The patches work only mechanically and smooth out wrinkles by relaxing spasmodic muscles and "re-educating" our usual active facial expressions, which we sometimes do not notice. There are 144 patches in the package, they were enough for me for about half a year. Of course, I will buy more.

Cost: about 1311 rubles. Buy on iHerb.

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