A 7 month old baby should be able to. Seven months - library - doctor komarovsky. Child speech development

Those parents who closely monitor their baby are interested in knowing what a child should be able to do at 7 months. There are norms for the development of infants, on the basis of which the health of the child is judged and his behavior is corrected. Up to a year, a baby must master a lot of skills, so it is important not to miss anything and be ready at the right time to help him get used to the world around him.

At seven months, the weight gain is about 600 grams, and the baby grows by 2 centimeters. The proportions of the body are changing more and more, and the girth of the chest should be greater than the girth of the head. Normally, children at this age weigh 7.6-8.3 kilograms, and their height is 67.3-69.2 centimeters. Boys are usually larger than girls. The head circumference is 43-44 centimeters, and the chest circumference is 44.5-45.5 centimeters.


The minimum and maximum weight for a healthy girl at 7 months is 6.0 and 9.8 kilograms. Height ranges from 62.7 to 71.9 centimeters.


The boundary indicators of the boy's weight are 6.7 and 10.3 kilograms, and they grow from 64.8 to 73.5 centimeters.

What skills develop at 7 months

An important component of the development of a 7-month-old child is the ability to move independently in the surrounding space, improve fine motor skills and the emergence of more complex emotions and fears.

Neuropsychic development

The child is well aware of the speech of the parents. He learned not only his name, but also the word "No". A baby in the seventh month understands the meaning of prohibitions, and they are very upsetting him. He can point his finger at certain objects. Understands that the hidden toy has not disappeared without a trace. By facial expressions, gestures and voice, he distinguishes what emotions others are experiencing.

More intensive development of the right hemisphere of the brain is observed, which is responsible for the left half of the body. If the child begins to use his left hand more often, this is a temporary phenomenon.

Knowledge of the surrounding world

He learned to hold small objects in his hands with two fingers, and is good at both hands. He is interested in all the "sounding" toys, and the child makes a conscious noise with them. The kid rattles with rattles, knocks on the buttons of musical toys. He is interested in opening and closing boxes. He continues to try everything and reveal new properties of objects.

Likes to listen to nursery rhymes, poetry, examines picture books, can turn pages if they are thick and not torn.

Motor skills are improved

The main skill of this age is confident sitting. But all babies develop in their own way, so by 7 months they can:

  • roll over from back to stomach and back;
  • sit on their own, but they cannot sit down yet;
  • crawl, sometimes backwards, on all fours or on the stomach;
  • stand at the support and try to take the first steps, holding onto the fence;
  • try to stand on your own feet, grabbing for supports and hanging things.

Attention! Do not leave tablecloths hanging on the table, throw hot and sharp objects on the table and close to the edge. The baby can overturn everything on himself.


He is very attached to his mother, and her absence causes crying. He can hide on his shoulder, embarrassed by some people, or, conversely, considers those who are interested in him. He himself expresses his emotions, turning away or snuggling to the person. Can make friends with other babies.

Speech develops

Babbling becomes much more difficult. In the seventh month, children confidently use syllables where language is involved: ma-ma, ba-ba, la-la, ta-ta and others. He can line them up in a chain. He continues to experiment with the volume and tone of sounds, sometimes sings along with the music. It is very important to speak in his presence only in a friendly tone.

Infant vision and hearing

At this stage in an infant's life, vision and hearing are fully developed. The child reacts even to quiet sounds, may turn around when addressed. During daytime sleep, leave the background sound (TV, radio) so that later he does not wake up from the slightest rustle. He perfectly sees even fast moving objects, distinguishes shades of colors.

We develop the ability to make decisions in the child

We give the child to pick up a toy. We offer him a third. At 7 months old, the baby will think and throw one of the toys to pick up a new one.

During turns, he learns to make decisions where to turn, if there is a solid object or obstacle nearby.

What can you give a baby from food

Many have already erupted their teeth, they confidently eat from a spoon and can drink from a bottle on their own. You can start drinking them from a cup, holding them. By this time, vegetables and cereals are already included in the baby's diet. One-component porridge, gluten-free: corn, buckwheat, rice. For fruits, try pears, plums, peaches, apples and prunes. New vegetables are added: carrots, spinach, pumpkin and potatoes.

If complementary foods began at 4 months, then they are introduced to meat (veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey) and egg yolk. Already 1-2 feedings have been completely replaced by regular meals.

What are the signs to determine that the child is developing correctly?

Each baby develops at its own pace. But there are several signs that should alert parents at this age:

  • does not attempt to roll over or sit down;
  • does not play, does not knock on the table with cubes, does not repeat actions after mom (perhaps this is due to simple fatigue);
  • there is no emotional connection with parents, does not react in any way to hugs, their movement, absence;
  • does not respond to sounds, does not try to attract attention to himself;
  • does not try to talk, does not babble;
  • does not feel objects and does not try to taste them;
  • in an upright position does not support legs;
  • does not follow moving objects with his eyes, tries to catch them.

Baby development test

It is very simple to understand what skills the child has already acquired:

  1. Place the baby on the back. For the toy he turns on the side, on his stomach in both directions.
  2. Sit down with your child at the table. He can shift things on it, knock with his hands, grab the edge.
  3. Ignore the child, this should make him demand attention: whimpers, tries to catch your gaze.
  4. Fear of strangers recedes, the baby is interested in new people.
  5. Cover the face of the lying child with a diaper, he will free himself from it.

Necessary examinations of a seven-month-old baby

This month, the child must undergo a routine examination by a pediatrician, no other doctors are visited. There is no vaccination according to the vaccination calendar, unless there has been a shift in the schedule.

Problems that may arise

At this stage of the child's development, parents may be concerned about:

  • trouble sleeping and falling asleep due to vigorous physical activity during the day;
  • fear of strangers - the child distinguishes well from strangers;
  • refusal of complementary foods - the baby gets so used to the breast that he does not want to try an unfamiliar product;
  • painful sensations when teething.

It is enough to surround the child with love and care to help overcome fears, relieve pain.

What to do in case of deviations

If a child lags behind his peers in his development, this should alert the parents. It is advisable to keep a diary where all the achievements of the baby are recorded. This will help identify pathology at an early stage.

Which doctor should you contact

All developmental questions at 7 months are asked to an experienced pediatrician. He can analyze the performance of the child. If necessary, appoint a consultation with a neurologist, prescribe a therapeutic massage.

Games and activities for the child

Every day, kids learn to do something new, acquire new skills. It is very important for parents to encourage curiosity, keep exercising, teach how to play with new toys. At this age, they are interested in pyramids, tumblers, whirligig, books.


This is a playful version of morning exercises that helps to strengthen an emotional connection with parents. Together with the reading of the verse, you need to repeat the actions.

They came off the pillow.
Legs lifted
They chatted.
The arms were raised
Mom was hugged.
Smiled, twisted
And fell back! "

Examining body parts

Offer your baby a large rag doll. Let him touch the various parts of it himself, move the arms and legs. All his actions are accompanied by comments - what he is doing, and which part of the body he touches.

Warm up for fingers

Stimulates the development of fine motor skills by playing with fingers:

  • draw snails on an open palm;
  • skip the ribbon between the fingers;
  • bend and unbend fingers, playing with the family (fingers turn into grandparents, mom and dad, and the little finger is the baby himself);
  • "Dress" fingers in curlers.

Hide and seek

We play with toys. There are two options for the game. In the first case, the mother hides the toy under a blanket or behind a chair in front of the child's eyes. The kid must reveal her location. The second option, when the toy is partially removed, so that part of it remains outside, but the child does not see the moment of "hide and seek". After he is asked to find her. If these options for games have already been mastered, you can go to real hide and seek.

Ball games

The handles are well developed to handle small rubber balls. Teach your child to roll them in front of him and throw them on the floor or in a box. A larger rubber ball can be tied and hung over your child. Show him how he sways when struck, let him repeat himself.

Bath games

While swimming, floating rubber or any other objects can be lowered into the water. Let the kid catch them with his hands. Follow his actions with fictional toy stories.

Teach him to swim on his back by taking 5-10 centimeters of water and leaving him to lie down. Observe how the child moves the arms and legs.

Before bedtime

Evening rituals can be used to help your child fall asleep. A seven-month-old child can read a book with his parents before bedtime. It should have big bright pictures. Let the child, sitting on the lap of mom or dad, turn the pages himself, and the pictures should be accompanied by stories. Turning off the light should be accompanied by an appropriate phrase. Very soon the child will understand its meaning.

Your baby is seven months old, which means that it is time for active exploration, new discoveries and adventures.

Your baby already knows how to ...


63.8-74 \u200b\u200bcm.
6.8-10.3 kg.
42.2-47.7 cm.
41.7-50.1 cm.
63-73.9 cm.
6.6-9.5 kg.
41.0-47.3 cm.
41.8-48.5 cm.

A seven-month-old baby is interested in everything, he already controls his body well, but for now, everything is also trying to taste. For successful development, give your baby more freedom and independence, just make sure that the environment is safe.

Physical development of the child in the seventh month

For the seventh month of life, the child is gaining weight 600-650 grams.

The body length increases by 2 cm during this month.The circumference of the chest and head increases by 0.5 cm during the seventh month.

Most often, the first teeth erupt by the age of seven months. Usually, the lower two incisors are cut first, followed by the upper two incisors.

When teething occurs, children may become restless, whiny. Sometimes there may be a slight increase in body temperature and stool disorder.

Neuropsychic development of a child in the seventh month

In the seventh month of life, the child improves not only motor skills, but also speech and memory. One of the main achievements of this age can be considered that the child becomes more independent and independent from his parents.

What can a child at 7 months do?

Motor skills

At seven months, most babies can already crawl quite quickly and dexterously, although still for short distances. At the same time, the baby deliberately crawls exactly where he needs to (for his mother, for a toy).

Can walk for a short time with the support of an adult.

Sit down and sit on your own for a short time.

Cognitive development

The child quickly switches his attention from one object to another, to follow the movements of objects.

The baby at 7 months is still very interested in his body, head, ears, hair.

Maybe with gestures, syllables, ask to be given a toy.

Confidently turns his head towards the sound source.

Plays with both hands.

It is a great pleasure to tear paper, open and close drawers, and pull out all of them.

Easily distinguishes one object from another (only if these are objects familiar to him), understands what kind of thing we are talking about if you name an object familiar to the baby.

At seven months, hand coordination continues to improve, so the baby can pick up toys from the floor, grab objects with his whole palm, shift toys from one hand to another.


Of all the toys, the child selects the one that he likes the most, that is, his favorite toy appears.

Shows tenderness to relatives, can kiss, hug them. On the contrary, he is wary of strangers and strangers.

A feeling of jealousy appears. The kid may be jealous of his mother for another family member, or for the fact that she devotes time not only to him.

The child is actively developing long-term memory. He recognizes familiar toys, objects, poems, songs, etc.

The kid likes to look at himself in the mirror, he has a sense of humor.

As a rule, at this age, babies do not like to be alone and follow their mother on her heels.

Speech development at 7 months

The kid pronounces syllables more and more clearly, syllables appear in his arsenal using the tip of the tongue, such as "la", "wa", "yes", "ka".

By the age of 7 months, a child begins to double syllables (ma-ma, ta-ta, ba-ba, etc.), also tries to place syllables in a chain (ba-ba-ba, a-ta-ta, a-da-da, and so on ).

Knows well and responds to his name.

Clinks with tongue, repeats laughter, sneezing, coughing after adults.

Vision and hearing of a child of the seventh month of life

The visual analyzer continues to improve. At seven months, the child closely examines toys, objects, concentrates on details. The kid already knows how to focus his gaze on a particular object and is already able to distinguish colors at an adult level.

A seven-month-old baby is able to track with his eyes even the rapid movement of an object.

The kid begins to give preference to bright toys, books with large pictures.

Hearing is also improving, so the baby is sensitive to even the quietest sounds, unmistakably turns his head towards the source of the sound.

7 month baby care

At seven months, babies can crawl, sit, learn to get up and stand, so the environment must be safe for the baby. Provide a place for your child to play comfortably. This could be a playpen or a warm blanket on the floor surrounded by soft pillows.

If your home has sockets located low, then for safety reasons, cover them with plugs. Move further and higher all objects that may be dangerous to your baby.

Teach your child to eat from a spoon, drink from a cup.

Seven months is the age of active research, and many babies find it difficult to fall asleep after an interesting and eventful day. But sleep is very important for the development and health of the baby, so try to follow the daily routine. Feed and put the baby to bed at the same time, while accompanying the bed with the usual rituals for the baby.

In the seventh month of life, it is necessary to pay attention to such procedures as massage, gymnastics and hardening.

You can bathe a child at 7 months every day or every other day, while you can do this already in a large bath. Duration of bathing is 15-20 minutes. When bathing, do not leave your child unattended, as he is now very active and can easily roll over and drown in water.

Since your baby is teething, pay attention to oral hygiene.

Baby food at 7 months

In the seventh month, the baby should be fed 5 times a day (after 4 hours) with a night break of 8 hours, that is, the first feeding is at 6 am and the last at 10 pm.

As a rule, by the age of seven months, the baby already receives the first complementary food, therefore, at 6.5-7 months, a second complementary food can be introduced, provided that the child is fully adapted to the first type of cooked food. If the first course was vegetable puree, then the second would be porridge and vice versa.

The second complementary food gradually replaces the fourth feeding (at 18:00) over 1-2 weeks. During the rest of the feedings, the baby receives breast milk (or infant formula).

After the second complementary food has been introduced completely, for convenience and according to established traditions, in the morning the baby is fed with porridge (at 10:00), and in the evening they are given vegetable puree (at 18:00).

At 7 months, the child's menu expands and takes on the appearance of a dinner, that is, the child begins to receive low-fat meat broth, which is gradually replaced by soup, plus vegetable puree. The ratio between them by volume is about 1: 2, that is, about 60 ml of soup and 120 ml of vegetable puree. You can also combine these two dishes, then you get a vegetable puree soup.

A seven-month-old baby can safely be given crackers, cookies, wheat bread. Flour products are usually softened in broth (so that the baby does not choke on too large a piece).

From 7 months old, you can introduce minced meat (from chicken, beef, pork) into the child's diet. Starting with small portions of 5 grams, gradually increasing to 20-30 grams.

When expanding the second complementary foods, you should gradually accustom the child to other cereals - buckwheat, corn, then to semolina and oatmeal.

If the child is not prone to allergies, you can expand the range of fruit juices and purees.

So at 7 months a child can receive fruit juices (up to 50 ml per day), fruit purees (up to 60 grams), cottage cheese (30 grams), yolk (1 / 4-1 / 5), vegetable purees (150-200 grams) , milk porridge (100-200ml), minced meat (5-30 grams), cookies, croutons (5-10 grams), bread (5 grams).

When introducing a new product, monitor the child's condition, especially the nature of the stool and skin.

Required examinations at 7 months

Visit your pediatrician at seven months to assess the baby's physical and neuropsychic development.

Prepare in advance the questions that interest you, for example, about the rules for introducing complementary foods, about caring for the baby's teeth and gums, about hardening, preventing colds and others.

How to play with a 7 month old baby?

In the seventh month of life, the baby is very interested in various actions with objects and the study of their properties. While playing with your child, show and tell what you can do with toys, for example, build a turret from bricks or caps, assemble a pyramid, and so on.

It is very important at this stage to develop speech, talk to your baby as much as possible while dressing, bathing, massage, gymnastics, going to bed, while playing and walking. Do not distort or distort the words, call them correctly.

The baby continues to be attracted by different sounds - now foil, cellophane and tissue paper can be added to bells, rattles, bells and singing toys - the baby's hearing is able to distinguish quieter and subtle sounds.

Give the baby freedom in action, let him string the rings from the pyramid or add cubes, even if he is not doing very well, be sure to praise and encourage him.

To stimulate the child to move, you can lay out the toys on a blanket or in the arena in different directions so that the baby tries to reach or crawl to them.

You can put toys in a large box, it will be interesting for the kid to take out and throw toys on the floor, you can do it with him in turn, which will amuse him very much.

At seven months, the baby likes to rotate, press, knock, shake.

What toys are suitable for this age?

At this stage, the baby can be offered: balls of different sizes, balls, a bucket with toys inside, dishes, pyramids, caps of different sizes and colors, cubes (preferably soft or plastic).

By the age of seven months, the supply of protective antibodies that the baby received from the mother ends, which means that the baby becomes more sensitive to various infectious diseases. Therefore, pay special attention to the prevention and protection of the baby from colds.

Other information on the topic

  • Baby development at 2 months

  • Baby development at 4 months

  • Child development at 3 years

  • Child development at 1 year 9 months

  • Baby development at 6 months

A seven month old baby becomes unusually mobile, sociable and inquisitive. Now every day is filled with small discoveries and victories. How to make the development of a child at 7 months harmonious? How to adjust the daily routine so that the smallest family member has enough strength and energy to conquer new heights?

Physiological development at 7 months

The baby has grown stronger, has changed in appearance: the arms and legs have become strong, the body is elastic, and numerous relatives notice with admiration how much the baby looks like its daddy or mommy. Indeed, the facial features became clearer, and the child developed facial features and habits, which make him look like one of the family members. And, perhaps, the most important acquisition is the teeth. Someone already has them (2-4), someone is just beginning to make themselves felt with swollen gums and whims.


At 7 months, the baby has grown by 1-2 cm compared to the previous month. Boys are usually slightly taller than girls.


Do not worry if instead of the usual 800-1000 g, as in the first months, the scales in the pediatrician's office showed only half a kilogram of weight gain: now the child moves a lot, spends a lot of energy, and the weight will not grow so rapidly. Do not worry if, for example, your girl is noticeably lighter than your friend's son: this is normal, boys are ahead of girls in physical development. Although most often girls break ahead in psychomotor and intellectual development. This will continue until adolescence.

Standards: pediatricians of Russia and WHO

Do not panic if your child has slight deviations from the norm: the development of each baby is individual!

What a child should be able to do at 7 months

Physical activity

Very many babies at 7 months are already crawling well, orienting themselves in space. However, large babies can be lazy, preferring to spend time lying on their tummy. The child purposefully makes movements with his hands: picks up and throws toys, pulls his hands to the call, etc.

7 months - the time for testing the legs for stability: the children try to rise on their own, holding on to the railing of the crib or other objects.

If the baby has perfectly mastered sitting without support, then, perhaps, he is already familiar with walkers or jumpers: these devices perfectly help to develop cognitive and physical activity. But you should not get carried away with them: you can harm the baby's fragile skeleton. 30 minutes 2-3 times a day is enough.

Visual perception

See how accurately the child grabs objects! This is evidence that the baby has a sufficiently formed idea of \u200b\u200bthe visual distance and volume of objects. The kid begins to see and recognize objects from different angles.

Color and light perception is well developed. Visual reflexes for photosensitivity can be easily checked by suddenly turning on the light in a dark room: normally the child will close his eyes.

However, the eye muscles and nerves are not strong enough, so forget about educational TV programs or cartoons for toddlers!

Auditory perception

The world of sounds literally fascinates the baby. Now little ears catch both the whisper of mom and the tick of the clock. Auditory memory develops: the child recognizes the voices of family members and favorite songs.

Understanding and developing speech

The rumble is gradually replaced by deliberate babbling. Do not miss the opportunity to "talk" with the baby: this is how speech, hearing, communication skills and intelligence of a child develop. The kid already understands you well: he knows many words, but he reacts more to your intonation and facial expressions when pronouncing words.

Cognitive development of the child

Learning without teachers is difficult. Accompany the baby in his knowledge of the world, involve him in joint actions, which will later grow into independence. The child learns the world by touch and taste.

Make the house as safe as possible so that cognitive activity does not turn into trauma for the crumbs!

To do this, close the sockets with plugs, and sharp corners with overlays. Remove wires and do not leave unattended powered appliances such as iron.

Emotional and social development of a child at 7 months

Emotionally, the world of a seven-month-old child is enriched: he has reasons for joy and tears. Now conscious expression of emotions is no longer a reflex caused by hunger or wet diapers.

The kid is able to rejoice at the sight of acquaintances or to be afraid of strangers. The attachments of the child are now being formed. The role of the father is also important in this: let the father, if possible, not shift the upbringing and care to mother's shoulders. It's good when the baby is attached to both parents at once.

“A child, mainly raised by a mother, has a limited social circle, and the communication itself is more emotional,” say psychologists N. Avdeeva and O. Smirnova in the book “Raising a baby in a family from birth to three years: Psychologist's advice”. - It will be difficult for such a child to build relationships with strangers (for example, in kindergarten). Because it is impossible to enter into emotional intimate contact with a stranger: to cuddle or climb onto the arms, and a different type of relationship is not available to the baby. "

Psychological changes

7 months is the beginning of the formation of skills to control their behavior. Of course, this is just the basics, you should not expect that the baby will stop crying at your first word. The emotional background is important now: try to switch the baby's attention when he is upset.

Larissa, mother of eight-month-old Sophia: “With Sonya, this maneuver works wonderfully: as soon as she starts to sulk and be capricious, I bring her to the window and start to distract, showing where the aunt is walking, where the cat is running, where the car is driving. The window is a great tool for switching attention! "

Quick Skill Chart

Baby skills at 7 months
Possible skills
What should be alarming
  • Deliberately deals with toys, while using both hands.
  • Picks up the object with 4 fingers, opposing them with the thumb, instead of grabbing the object with the whole palm
  • Creeps.
  • Sits himself without support with a straight back.
  • It removes food from a spoon well with the lips.
  • Imitation of movement by toys (the doll "walks", the frog jumps, the bird flies, the car drives).
  • Works with fingers in isolation: for example, press the index buttons on the buttons.
  • Stands up with support.
  • He tries to sit up from a position on his side.
  • Drinks from a regular cup.
  • Not able to hold an object in his hand, "misses" when trying to grab an object or while bringing it to his mouth.
  • Almost all the time he keeps his fingers clenched into a fist, does not try to work with them.
  • Does not raise the torso, lying on his stomach and leaning on his hands.
  • Even with support, he does not keep his back straight while sitting, falls forward or to one side.
  • Chokes even on puree food, cannot swallow it.

This development table has been generated for informational purposes only. If your baby has not mastered something listed in it, this is not a reason to panic: only a specialist is able to diagnose developmental delays!

How to develop a baby at 7 months

It is necessary to continue the same activities with the child as in the previous months, slightly complicating them and slightly prolonging them. How to develop a child at 7 months, the baby himself will tell to a greater extent: stop classes if he is tired and complicate if you see that the child is coping.

Exercises and activities with the child:

Development line
Examples of exercises
Motor skills (large)
  • Development of general hand movements.
  • Development of coordination of movements and orientation in space.
  • Exercises on swinging arms, spreading arms to the sides.
  • Ball exercises: catch, sitting on my mother's lap, push.
  • "Catch-up" paired with a crawling parent.
  • Walking with armpit support, etc.
Fine motor skills
  • Development of mobility and sensitivity of the fingers.
  • Finger games and gymnastics, hand massage: "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki", etc.
  • Playing with toys containing small permanently attached parts.
Emotional and social development
  • Emotional education, instilling communication skills in interaction with adults.
  • Greetings and goodbyes.
  • The development of facial expressions by means of imitation (playing in front of the mirror, for example).
  • Reading books and poetry to your child.
  • Involving the child in joint activities.
Cognitive development
  • Learning to act with objects.
  • Enriching cognitive development with sensory and didactic toys.
  • Games with educational and didactic toys.
  • Story elements and role-playing games: the doll is sleeping, the car is driving.
  • Classes with water, cereals (only under the supervision of adults!).
  • Exercises for mastering the volume and spaciousness of objects (folding cubes into a bucket, playing with sorter).
  • Walking with commentary on what you saw.
Speech development
  • Formation of preparatory speech skills.
  • Development of phonemic hearing and imitative skills.
  • Formation of the need for communication.
  • Involving the child in dialogue, repeating sounds after him.
  • Reading poetry and nursery rhymes.
  • Learning onomatopoeia: rain drip-drip, cat meow-meow, tick-tock clock, etc.

Educational games with a child at 7 months

What should be the games with a 7 month old baby? Necessarily simple, without complicated rules. You can turn ordinary everyday activities into games. It is good to accompany them with rhythmic nursery rhymes and sentences, to carry out to the account: this way the baby will master the action faster and he will develop a sense of rhythm.


For example, waking up in the morning can be accompanied by the game "Sip", performing all the actions listed in the rhyme:

In the morning the sun woke up
Sweet and sweet stretched
There will be kids - teenagers!
We pull the handles to the sun,
And we will become big!

Examining body parts

In morning exercises, you can include an element of the game for the study of body parts, under the necessary words, touching the called part of the body with your palms and performing the actions:

Where are our legs?
Top top top!
Where are our palms?
We will show eyes -
Here and here,
Here we have hairs
We will show the ears -
Here and here
Here is our baby
All, all, all!

Warm up for fingers

Before eating, you can stretch your fingers, squeezing and unclenching them rhythmically, and then hand the baby a spoon:

Our grabbing hands
Our finger holders
We won't let go, we won't drop
And we won't allow others to take it.

Hide and seek

All kids love to play hide and seek. When the baby learns to hide his face with his palms or cover with a diaper, you can accompany the game with the sentence:

Where did the kitten hide?
Mom is looking, she won't find!
What a cunning child!
Ah, he's just about!

Ball games

And the ball games can be accompanied by the words:

Oh, kati-kati-kati,
What a ball, look:
Smooth and smooth,
Catch him, my sweet!

Bath games

You can even play in the bathroom! Take rubber ducklings and fish with you, stage the game "Catch-up", letting the baby also control toys:

Fish swim, dive,
Their ducklings are catching up!
And their baby - one and two!
And the game ended.

Before bedtime

Transform bedtime into a nightly play ritual. Dress the baby, kiss, lay, and cover with a blanket, sentence words like:

Wanted bainki
Lay down in the crib
And they fell asleep sweetly.

Such everyday "developmental girls" help to learn the rules of behavior, daily routine, names of objects and associate actions with these names.

Toys for babies at 7 months

Games and toys should promote the development of the child's nervous system, which is not yet mature enough, and should be age appropriate.

How to choose toys

When buying toys for babies, pay attention to:

  • shape - it should be simple, without sharp corners and comfortable enough to hold;
  • color - bright, but not annoying;
  • sound - good if it rings, squeaks or knocks loudly.

These are rattles and maracas, musical instruments (tambourine, drum, metallophone), pyramids, sorters, cubes, rubber animals and tooth teethers, nude dolls, buckets, etc.

DIY toys

You can make educational toys at home from scrap materials: crochet, sew, glue. Sensory mats, developing tactile sensations, fabric bags of different textures, etc. do not take much time to manufacture, but they outperform purchased ones with their originality.

For example, buy a 1x1 m piece of carpet, process the edges so that they don't fray. Cut out pieces of felt or other safe thick fabric (from old gloves, hats, etc.) in different colors and sizes. Sew the Velcro back to these pieces, and buttons, eyes, beads in front. Show your child how to assemble pictures from these Velcro on the carpet. The kid will love the process of gluing and tearing off the velcro!


Make your child's leisure time varied and quite active!


With each week, the child is now more and more awake on the street. Don't limit your walks to sitting in a stroller! Take your baby in your arms or in a sling, let him sit on the grass in summer and touch the sand with your bare feet.

Maintain interest in the world around you: comment on everything interesting that comes along the way.

You can combine a walk with a trip to the store: a lot of people, bright windows will attract the child's attention, teach you not to be afraid of the crowd. However, in the season of colds, abandon this idea: the more people, the higher the risk of getting sick.

Dress your child for the season! In winter, do not forget about the rule: we dress the baby as ourselves, plus another layer of clothing. Overalls or a warm envelope are best as outerwear.

In the summer, do not be afraid of the light breeze and do not wrap it in a hundred clothes, but beware of the bright sun: walk during the hours of its least activity (morning and evening), wear a hat!

How to keep your baby busy

In addition to walking and playing, the baby can be occupied simply by being near you: do not be afraid to take your child with you to the kitchen when cooking: put it in a high chair or playpen away from the stove, hand in a couple of spoons and bowls.

Walkers will help you to be distracted for a short time, you can move in them for up to 40 minutes a day, but at the same time the house should become safe (remove everything that can fall and break, shock or scald with boiling water, cut and prick the baby).

Valentina, Denis's mother, 9 months: “Denis and I, at 7 months old, fell in love with drawing. We took finger paints for babies, non-toxic and harmless if swallowed, and painted on a large sheet of paper or on the bathroom wall. I think this is a useful hobby for developing fingers and eyes. "

Baby food 7 months

At 7 months, few of the kids are not familiar with complementary foods.


If you started feeding at 6 months, now it's time to completely replace one feeding (preferably the second) with mashed potatoes or porridge. Now the baby's diet can contain 4-6 complementary foods.


Artificial people usually receive complementary foods earlier - at 4-5 months. So, now is the time to diversify the diet by introducing meat (lean rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal).

Mixed feeding

Baby food for mixed-fed babies is usually close to what artificial people get. 7 months is not the time to give up breast milk, even if your mother has very little of it. Morning and nighttime breastfeeding should be preserved. It is best to stick to staged complementary foods, introducing new foods gradually.


Follow these basic tips and rules if you are a pediatric feeding advocate:

  • Start introducing a new product in the morning, in the amount of no more than half a teaspoon, increasing the amount of the product every day.
  • Watch the baby's reaction: skin rashes, changes in the mode and consistency of stools, pain in the tummy and gas formation - a reason to suspend your acquaintance with this food!
  • Spoon your baby!
  • Watch the consistency of the food (it should be puree) and the temperature (slightly warmed up).
  • Do not rush to give packaged juices! Prepare juices yourself or replace with rosehip broth or compote, herbal tea. The best beverage other than milk is water. Give it enough in the summer or if the room is hot.

If the baby gets acquainted with food according to the pedagogical principle of complementary feeding, watch your nutrition! Nothing greasy, spicy, salty or smoked. The first portion of the product is no more than the tip of a spoon.

Care and hygiene

It is worth bathing your baby every evening. Water treatments before bed are relaxing and soothing. Wash body and hair with soap - once a week, or more often as it gets dirty. The child does not need any foams or shampoos yet.

It is worth washing pens with soap more often - the child spends a lot of time on the floor!

Care is also needed for children's toys: wash them more often with baby soap.


What should a child be able to do at 7 months and how to develop it? It's not that hard! Remember the principle of gradualness and consistency. If the baby just turned 7 months old today, do not start the day with a new and unusual, which was not the case yesterday! Complicate what the child is already familiar with, and offer "new items" no more often than once every 5-7 days.

Themselves, become a partner of the kid in his games: only by learning from someone can you master the skills and knowledge to perfection.

  • Zhukova O.S., Balobanova V.P. Self-instruction manual for parents. From birth to three years
  • Glen Doman. Harmonious development of the child
  • Marie Helene Place. 60 lessons on the Montessori method
  • Cecile Lupan. Believe in your child
  • PEKiP. Play and movement. More than 100 educational games for children of the first year of life

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Little 7 months old! You are growing. Your baby is growing, you are growing, you are improving in a new quality - you are parents. The child actively learns the world. Perhaps he is already sitting confidently, making his first attempts to crawl or get up in the crib. Playing with toys is already becoming more meaningful, for a while, the baby can get off your hands to crawl, or explore the world around him. Every day the child makes you happy with new skills, perhaps his teeth are actively growing, he makes new sounds, actively uses babbling in communication with you, and shows character with might and main! It's only the beginning! As a rule, a child's height at 7 months is from 68 to 70 cm, and the weight is about 8-8.5 kg. If your baby has not reached these parameters, or exceeded, then you should not panic, the pediatrician, whose monthly appointments you should attend, will definitely pay attention if any significant deviations occur with the child and will take action.

What's new

The behavior of a child at seven months of life is already much more meaningful. He can clearly show his parents when he is happy, and when he is dissatisfied, he can get nervous and scream if he does not receive the desired toy, or, conversely, happily smile and babble when mom and dad are playing with him. Parents can already with great confidence determine how the baby feels when he is calm, excited, satisfied, and see the reasons for such conditions.

The look of the baby already expresses his emotions and feelings. He is still afraid of strangers, but now the sharp reaction of fear is replaced by cognitive interest. The baby will be wary of the "stranger", carefully examine him, and only then can he make contact. If the little one is laughing, he begins to laugh. The kid already knows and understands the word "no". He still really needs communication with his parents, which he tirelessly declares.

The child's speech is enriched with new sounds and syllables. But this is no longer just babbling - it becomes tinted, has different meanings: "take me on the pens", "look at me, I'm here", "I don't like this, take it away." Seeing the approach of relatives, the baby babbles louder and more actively, attracting their attention.

The auditory and visual analyzers of the crumbs are actively developing. He can hold objects in handles for a long time, examining them, feeling them, carefully studying them. To understand the properties of materials, the toddler happily puts toys in his mouth, licks them and bites. Empirically, the baby learns which toys can make sounds, and then happily shakes or knocks them. The child listens to the sounds surrounding him in everyday life, turns his head to the source of the sound, even very quiet: the whisper of his mother, the rustle of paper.

The baby carefully looks into the face of her mother, when she talks to him, begins to understand facial expressions, and react to it in different ways, copies her mother’s expression on her face, imitates the sounds she makes.

The baby understands the speech of adults well, therefore, at this period it is good to tell and sing him songs, nursery rhymes, little pets, counting counters, while playing with the baby's legs and arms. And, of course, you need to stroke, kiss, praise and thank the child for any achievements.

Do not forget that from 6-7 months the baby can be worn in a sling in a hip position. Now his torso muscles are stronger and allow him to support himself. In this position, the field of view for the baby is noticeably expanded, and it will be much more interesting for him to walk or watch what his mother is doing.

And also choose an ergonomic backpack if you haven't already!

What can a child at 7 months do

  • Understands the meaning of many words.

  • Emotionally very strongly attached to the mother, clings to her.

  • Begins to feel fear when parting with mom.

  • Learns to put small objects into large ones.

  • Perhaps standing at the support, stepping over at the support.

  • Possibly learning to sit on her own.

  • Learns to crawl.

  • Flips from belly to back and back.

  • Can eat from a spoon and drink from a cup.

  • Begins to play "Ladushki" and similar gesture games.

What does a child look like at 7 months

Physical development of the child at 7 months

Seventy-five percent of planted children aged 7 months sit on their own for at least 30 seconds. Hands are free. Some children in a sitting position can already turn slightly to the sides, rotating their spine to take a toy, and also bend forward and to the sides. In the sitting position, lumbar lordosis is formed (deflection in the spine in the lumbar region).

In a standing position, with the support of an adult under the armpits or by the arms, the child can step over his legs, as if to walk, but uncertainly, in the process of walking, he squats.

If put on his feet, then he begins to stand, holding his hands on pieces of furniture that are convenient for grasping or the handrail of the arena.

If you did not make a mistake, stimulating the child to be in an upright position (standing, walking), then the child crawls well, while still on bellies - most often on his stomach, and not on all fours. However, it crawls rather quickly and in a variety of directions. For crawling, the baby must be lowered onto the floor, onto a clean, well-washable carpet or special mat. For the development of movements, he needs "space". However, during this hectic period, it is necessary to think about the safety of the child. Of course, you need to remove objects that the child can grab and injure himself with them: everything that is beating, everything is fragile and valuable, everything that the child can take in his mouth (buttons, pills, paper clips, etc.). A kid, for example, can pull a tablecloth off the table and something heavy can fall on him. In short, carefully examine all the rooms where the child can crawl, and foresee all possible troubles. This will allow you to calmly deal with household chores, you will not need to endlessly monitor the child and repeat at every step "no!"

A small "obstacle course" can be created from time to time for a crawling baby. Place cushions, rolled-up blankets, or something similar on the floor. Let the child learn to crawl on them and slide back, crawl over them, let him figure out how to get around the obstacle.

Holding onto a comfortable support with his hands, he begins to kneel.

Eating a baby at 7 months

Drinks well from a cup or bowl held by an adult. Can quickly drink up to 50-100 ml of liquid. A child who has been taught to eat from a spoon and drink from a cup on time speaks faster and better, as his articulation develops well. After the child has learned to sit, it is necessary to feed him in a sitting position.

Mental development of a child at 7 months

The mother's familiar voice immediately turns around, even if she is on the opposite side of the room.

In the period from 6 to 12 months, many children have an increased fear of "strangers". Before that, a sociable baby begins to alienate even close relatives, trusting only the hands of the mother. Almost all children go through this attitude towards people around them, this behavior is normal and passes rather quickly. The reaction of fear to the “stranger” is soon replaced by cognitive interest and the desire to communicate with him. If the fear of "strangers" does not go away and is noted upon contact with every stranger, then adults, including grandparents, should be warned so that they behave with restraint when meeting a child and do not pounce on him in violent delight. In addition, when meeting other adults, a mother needs to show the baby with words, facial expressions and gestures that “an aunt or uncle is good”. The behavior of the baby also depends on how the mother behaves; it will help the child overcome isolation and encourage him to social openness.

He actively uses gestures - pulls his hands towards you, when he wants you to pick him up, asks for his arms.

Fine motor skills and play of a child at 7 months

Test game
The child is in a prone position. You cover his head with a diaper. In order not to scare the child, talk to him at the same time, offer to remove the diaper. The child, while remaining in the prone position, can free himself from the diaper that interferes with him with his own hands.

The grip of the toy gradually "matures". At the age of 7–8 months, instead of a "monkey" grip, he takes the toy correctly, opposing the thumb to the other four.

Due to more effective grips, the baby is better at manipulating toys, including with the help of both hands - he takes a toy in each hand and pulls them to his mouth. It may not just crumple or wrinkle a sheet of paper, but also tear it.

He deals with toys for a long time and in a variety of ways, acts with them depending on their properties. Knows how to knock a toy on surrounding objects and surfaces, swing it, throw it. Throws the toy and looks in the direction it falls. Presses the toy trying to make sound. At 7 months, a child does not just study toys, he learns the skills of manipulating them. This requires more complex toys: buckets with scoops, bowls, a can or a saucepan with a convenient lid for opening and closing, a toy bucket with toys embedded in it for taking out and inserting. Then the baby has the opportunity to learn new skills: to put in and put objects out of the bucket, open and close the bowl with a lid. Stuffed toys with hard or sound inserts, toys with buttons and levers remain useful for development in the following months. Especially a child at this age begins to be interested in the protruding parts of objects. Soft toys with rigid inserts should be made of special safe materials, as the child will rub his gums with them during teething. It is necessary to have balls and balls of different sizes for rolling.

Sometimes the kid is in no hurry to master a new toy - what to do in this case? Of course, you can try to perform the necessary play actions yourself so that the child drew attention to them. But the method of passive movements is more effective at this age, when you perform a play action with a toy with a child's hand. It is necessary to show the child what can be done with the toy: to make sounds from a squeaking rubber toy by pressing it, shake the bell, remove the lid from the saucepan and knock, rattle it, overturn the bowl with balls, press the buttons, pull the levers, etc. In the process of several repetitions, the child becomes an increasingly active participant in the process.

Begins to understand game actions. This is a good period to teach the child to play hide and seek: the mother hides under a large handkerchief and then reappears. The hide and seek is accompanied by the words of the mother: “Where is mom? No mom. Here is mom! " The child laughs with relief when the mother emerges from under the kerchief. A similar game can be played with objects. At first, the child observes how the adult partially hides the toy under the bedspread, and then quickly finds it. After a while, the baby begins to find and take out the toy, which you completely hid under the blanket before his eyes.

If at first the child does not find the toy himself, you need to help him find it. In the future, you can play with your child, hiding a toy or object under a napkin, armchair, pocket, etc., and encourage the child to search. Playing with children is extremely important, but you need to know the basic rule: play with your baby when he is in a good mood, and do not try to continue playing if he is tired and not inclined to it.

Understanding speech by a 7 month old baby

Begins to react differently to his own and someone else's name. When an adult pronounces his name, a calm child revives, and an active one temporarily stops his activity. But usually the child does not turn around yet to look at the adult who pronounced his name.

To the question "Where?" ("Where is the TV?" "Where is the lamp?") Can find the named object by looking. To assess such a skill, you should ask the baby where the object or object is, which is very familiar to him and is constantly in the same place. For example, if you want to get a reaction from the baby in response to the question “Where is the TV?”, Then first (and more than once!) Introduce the child to this device, calling it. At the same time, make sure that the TV is always in the same place, otherwise the baby simply will not find it. To test this skill, you need to position the child sideways or with his back to the desired object. If the child did not immediately look for the object with his gaze, then the question should be repeated 2-3 times so that the child starts spinning and looking for the object.

Talk to your child as much as possible. If before that your speech was aimed at strengthening emotional contact, activating the child's actions, now the child begins to understand the meaning of your words. In order for your child to learn to understand the meaning of words, you need to use gestures and intonation. Use a combination of these when communicating with your child. For example, when you want to take a child in your arms, then, stretching out your hands to him, say: "Come, come to me."

When a child tries to do something dangerous or harmful, then strictly say: "No, no, you can not," - accompanying this with a gesture: shake your head left and right. From this time on, the real upbringing of the child really begins. And it begins with an understanding of your words, gestures and actions that mean the prohibition.

Pre-verbal development of a child at 7 months

In some children, the babbling chain is reduced to repeating only two syllables in a row. For example, "ma-ma" or "ba-ba". Longer repetitions continue to be noted. For example, sound combinations like "yes-yes-yes", "ta-ta-ta".

The babbling of a child at this age is a kind of play with sounds, he kind of tastes them. The child listens attentively to the sound combinations that he just accidentally uttered and tries to reproduce them. He repeats after himself, imitates himself. Some children begin to imitate not only themselves, but also an adult.

In babbling, intonations develop, with the help of which the child already expresses his emotions. The kid does not just mechanically repeat the syllables, he babbles angrily, affectionately or with satisfaction, demanding or calmly, etc.

However, babbling still has no meaning. In general, in babbling so far for the most part there are sounds and sound combinations that are not characteristic of any one particular language. But with each passing month, more and more sound combinations appear in babbling, characteristic of the linguistic environment in which the child is.

What is the child's regimen at 7 months?

The daily routine is necessary for the normal development of every baby, and a 7 month old baby is no exception. It will not differ much from the previous daily routine of the crumb, but it will still undergo some changes.

The daily regimen depends on the number of feedings and the baby's biorhythms (someone gets up earlier in the morning, someone later, someone sleeps more during the day) and, often, differs in all children of the same age. Adjust to the baby, but try to feed and put your baby to bed at the same time every day, so he will have fewer digestive and sleep problems.

Perhaps during a walk, the baby will no longer want to sleep in a stroller, but will want to look around, getting to know the world.

Babies from 6 to 9 months old need about 14-15 hours of sleep per night, and they can sleep for about 7 hours in a row. If your child sleeps for more than seven hours, he probably wakes up briefly, but knows how to go back to sleep on his own - a great sign. This means that you are growing a great sleepyhead.

He probably falls asleep for a couple of hour and a half or two hour naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Good to know

Constant daytime and nighttime sleep helps regulate sleep habits. The norm is 10-11 hours of sleep at night and 3 times for 1.5-2 hours during the day.

Evening swims are still popular. This is your ritual. You can (if you are not already doing it) bathe your baby in an adult bath. Use toys, special chairs for bathing - if the child is sitting well, this will help turn duties into an exciting game. A prerequisite for this procedure is the vigilant control of adults: in no case should you leave your child while playing in the bathroom.

Since the baby at this age is still intensively physically developing, then classes with a 7 months old child should be continued in the same mode: air and sun baths, gymnastics will strengthen his immunity and allow him to grow up healthy. If the baby is not active enough, and does not express a desire to crawl, then massage for a child of 7 months will play a huge role: you need to concentrate your attention on the zones of the abdomen, chest, back and use as many techniques as possible: stroking, rubbing, vibration and others.

How to feed a baby at 7 months old?

Good to know
However, the introduction of complementary foods is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. Your baby still needs breast milk and there is no reason to wean it.

Many mothers think that a baby who eats the same every day does not need a variety of foods. This is exactly what it is. Children eat well the food they are used to, and are suspicious of the new one. But different foods improve appetite and provide the body with the necessary nutrients.

After each new dish, you should observe the baby's reaction and well-being, and only after that increase the portions. To feed the baby at this age should already be in a sitting position, preferably in a special chair with a table in the kitchen, so that the child gets used to discipline and order.

Milk porridge is started or continued. And by the end of the seventh month, boiled chicken and veal in the form of mashed potatoes are added to the baby's diet. From 10 months, meat can be served as meatballs, and after 11 months, steamed cutlets and meatballs can be made from the meat. In addition to meat, fish can be added to the diet, preferably pike perch.

The third complementary food replaces another breastfeeding, as a result, only morning and evening remain.

Good to know

During feeding, the baby, who most likely already has the first teeth, begins to bite on her mother's breast - the next stage of the separation of the child from the mother begins. It is best for a mother to react naturally and adequately - she can cry out in pain and take away the breast from the baby. You cannot tolerate pain and do not react too violently - both reactions will disorient the baby.

Nutrition for a baby at 7 months on artificial feeding

Many mothers, having waited until their child is 7 months old, simply do not know what to feed him with if he is bottle-fed. As a rule, at 7 months, a child who is only fed with artificial formula has already formed a certain diet. So mom feeds him about 5 times a day, the interval is 4 hours. By this age, it is necessary to try to form a diet that, in principle, is similar in calorie content to the menu of an adult, that is, a hearty breakfast in the morning, a less high-calorie lunch and a light dinner in the evening.

What to feed?
As a rule, the mother independently determines the diet of her child, taking into account, first of all, his age. If at an earlier age there are no problems with its preparation, then by 7 months, many mothers simply do not know what to eat for a child who is exclusively artificially fed. An approximate daily diet for such a child may be as follows:

  • 1 breakfast (about 6.00) - milk mixture.

  • 2nd breakfast (10.00) - 150 g of porridge and 60 g of fruit puree.

  • Lunch (14.00) - 120 g of vegetable puree (pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage) and 50 g of meat puree.

  • 1 dinner (18.00) - 60 g of fruit puree and 140 ml of the mixture or curd.

  • Dinner 2 (22.00) - milk mixture.

Features of the diet
The nutrition of a child at 7 months, who is only bottle-fed, necessarily contains a variety of complementary foods. They are fruits, vegetables, chicken, rabbit, turkey, etc.

As you know, it is at this age that the first teeth begin to erupt. Therefore, it will be advisable to introduce a crouton into the diet. At first, it can be added to puree. Various fruit juices and nectars are well suited as a so-called snack.

Good to know.

Be careful when introducing crackers, breads, hard vegetables and fruits. A child can bite off a piece even if there is only one tooth in the mouth!

In the case when the baby does not have enough 5 meals a day, he does not sleep well and is capricious, one night feeding with a milk formula can be introduced. But before making adjustments to the menu, you need to consult with your pediatrician.

Thus, the nutrition of a 7-month-old baby who is only bottle-fed should be complete, varied, and consist of at least 5 feedings per day.

What kind of stool does a child have at 7 months. How many times does he piss.

Stool appears once a day or every other day, usually at a specific time. This is facilitated by active acquaintance with adult food. Uses up to 16 times a day.

How to play with a 7 month old baby?

At this stage, any gesture games with jokes and jokes are suitable, but do not expect that the child will exactly repeat the gestures after you, his pens are not yet sufficiently developed for this, but already in a year with regular exercises he will be able to do this.

We play "Ladushki", collect pyramids, do not forget about educational music games. Babies at this age react well to role-playing scenes played with toys (putting them to bed, feeding toys). When playing, name the toy clearly, its characteristics (warm, firm, round, color of the toy).

When dressing a child, say: we put on the left leg, we put on the right leg, and so on, the baby will learn to distinguish between right and left from infancy, and there will be no confusion with this in the future.

Good to know

Your child at 7-8 months may develop a habit of throwing toys out of the crib or playpen - this is an indicator of the normal development of the baby.

Let's start reading!
At this age, you can already start reading books to children (if you have not started doing this earlier). Choose a book with solid pages and bright pictures for your baby. Sit him on your lap so that he is comfortable. Turning the pages, show pictures and talk about what is depicted on them: "Look at this baby and touch him." Try to finish the lesson before the child starts to act up. Reading should bring him pleasure and joy.

Read children's poems by our favorite poets - Barto, Marshak, Mikhalkov, Blaginina, etc.

What kind of educational toys are suitable?
In developing games for a child of 6-7 months, it is preferable to use:

  • Big and small balls.

  • Soft books with colorful drawings.

  • Mobiles.

  • Toys with shiny glossy surfaces.

  • Balls with bells inside.

  • Musical toys (xylophones, bells, pipes, rattles, drums).

  • Pipes with groats and shiny fillers inside, which are easily poured when shaken.

How to properly develop a child at 7 months?

Parents must understand that they need to develop both mental abilities and physical and psychological abilities. The concept of how to develop a child at 7 months must necessarily include games, exercises, walks, communication, household procedures.

This is the age of active knowledge of the world around for the kid, and right now many of them are beginning to be interested in books. Naturally, these should be special books with thick cardboard sheets (or rubberized), large illustrations, a minimum of text and various tactile inserts. By intriguing the child with a book, you can develop perseverance, curiosity, the ability to switch from active recreation to a calm one, but no less interesting.

It would be more correct to think about how to develop a child of 7 months not on purpose, but unobtrusively, showing him everything in the game, interacting with toys (roll the ball, shake the rattle, etc.). After a few sessions with you, your baby will be able to play with his favorite toys for a long time.

The kid needs to be stimulated to take action, to crawl: for example, offer the baby to reach for the bright toy of interest to him.

Of course, special educational toys for a 7-month-old baby are needed, but you can either buy them or make them yourself. For this age, toys with large buttons and levers, rattles, musical toys, figures that differ by touch, cubes, pyramids are still perfect.

Educational toys for a baby at 7 months

Sacks of cereal. Small bags filled with various cereals (buckwheat, peas, beans, rice). Give them to your baby and they will help in the development of fine motor skills, provide an opportunity for exploration, they can be grabbed, chewed, thrown.

Hammer. Toy with squeaky ends. Babies at 7 months love to bang such toys on the floor. Fun and useful for coordinating movements.

Drum. Any saucepan, bowl, and wooden spoon will work fine. The kid hits different "drums" and hears the difference in sounds. Useful for the development of hearing and logic.

Cloth books and cubes, "rustlers" will arouse interest, develop attention, and are useful for fine motor skills. Show the book to the child, then he can look at it himself.

Options for playing with a child at 7 months

Acquaintance with balloons.
If you have not done this yet, be sure to show the kid the helium balloon. Tie it by a string to the arm of a sitting or lying baby. Or to the leg. Pull the ball up and down for the baby to see it. The ball should be bright and not large in size.

The first acquaintance with animals.
If there are no animals at home, show them to your child on the street. (This is a dog, av-av. How does a dog bark? And answer yourself). Show the toy dog \u200b\u200bat home and the dog in the picture. It will take you 3-4 days for the baby to understand that they are all the same animals. Do not rush the baby, add a new animal once a week. Continue introducing your baby to the various animals in the pictures.

Everything is in place.
After playing, try to put each toy in its place (in boxes, on shelves, etc.). The kid gets used to the same arrangement of toys, and soon it will be possible to ask him questions "Where is the bunny, bear, ...?" When the child turns his head towards the toys, praise him right away. He'll start pointing and nodding later. The child learns that things should be in place, learns to understand the questions: where, where, from where?

Learning to play the pipe.
Take a cardboard tube (from foil, bags, or paper towels). Roll her over to the baby. Let me consider. Pass a ribbon or string, hide a handkerchief in it. When your baby's interest wanes, place the pipe to your lips and blow the doo-doo-doo. Make it different in pitch. Let the baby blow, make sure that he understands that he needs not to take it in his mouth, namely to blow. Praise him even if he couldn't pronounce doo-doo. The kid learns not to be afraid to repeat, develops fine motor skills and stimulates exhalation.

Tug of war.
Play tug of war with your toddler. Have him grab one end of the scarf while you gently pull on the other. Your child will love this fun game.

Small balls.
Give your baby some small rubber balls. Now that his thumb moves freely, he can easily play with them. Banging Each Other Show your child how to bang two toys against each other. Let him try to repeat your movements.

A hidden toy.
Squeeze the toy in the palm of your hand so that the child hears the squeak. Hide it under the covers in front of the baby and let him try to find her.

Which hand?
Hide an interesting little toy in your hand. Open your palm, show it to the baby and immediately close it back. Let him look for the hidden toy. You will help the child learn that if objects are not visible, this does not mean that they disappear for good, clap your hands when he finds the loss. Start over, and if it is difficult for the child to find the toy himself, show it again.

Do I need to go to the clinic at 7 months?

Scheduled examination by a pediatrician every month. Height measurement, weighing. Routine vaccinations are not available. No analyzes are performed.

The first year of a child's life flies by quickly for parents, but for him it is a whole era with joys and experiences, fears and victories, with all those emotions that accompany the study and knowledge of the world around him. The seventh month of life is an important stage in the development of the baby, he already knows how to do a lot, new skills appear. Parents should know how to organize proper care of the baby, how to develop the child.

Physiological development of seven month old children

The first year of a baby's life is important because the body is actively developing at this time. Doctors have long deduced the basic physical indicators of the development of children for each age, the knowledge of which greatly helps to control the formation of the baby. All children are different, and it cannot be argued that, for example, the weight of a child at seven months should be strictly eight kilograms. Small deviations from the average values \u200b\u200bshould not worry anyone: that's why they are average.

Height, weight and other indicators of physical development of 7-month-old boys and girls - table

In case of any deviations from the average values, before taking any measures, it is imperative to consult your doctor. In particular, a child's weight is a very unstable indicator, which can also be normalized by walking in the fresh air. Only a doctor can determine what is the reason for the lack or excess of body weight - you need to pay attention to the child's nutrition or we are talking about a serious illness.

The head circumference speaks of the neuropsychic development of the child. By the circumference of the chest, one can judge the development of the chest.

At seven months, the two lower middle incisors usually finish erupting and the upper two begin to erupt. But the timing of teething has great fluctuations, and in no case should you be upset if the smile of the baby is still toothless. He will make up for his.

The seven-month-old baby is still sleeping a lot. The duration of night sleep is about eight hours, daytime - a total of six to eight.

Sleep rate of a child at seven months - table

AgeDaytime sleep, hour.Daytime sleepNight sleep, one hour.
Seven months6–8 3-4 times for 1.5-2 hours8

What a seven-month-old baby can do: new skills

In the first year, the child is actively learning about the world around him, he needs to move a lot, play a variety of games. He can easily be carried away with toys.

At the request of the parents, the baby can find various objects if they are in his usual place. At seven months, the child already knows the word "Where?" Take a large bright toy (bunny, bear, kitten, etc.), which will stand for a long time in a strictly defined place. Bring your child back or sideways to the toy and ask two or three times: "Where is the bunny?" The kid must turn to the toy, find it with his gaze. Perhaps he will have a desire to take a toy.

At seven months, the child is already actively crawling. Being half a meter away from the child, attract his attention with a bright toy, he must vigorously and enthusiastically crawl up to her. Gradually remove the toy to a distance of up to one and a half meters, the baby is already able to crawl one or two meters without a break or with distractions. Do not be alarmed if the child has refused to crawl. Some children will pass this stage by walking immediately. Also, do not worry if your baby does not crawl the way you imagined it. The direction of crawling can be very diverse (both sideways, and backwards, and on straightened legs).

With the support of both hands, he can stand upright, step over with his legs. Some kids are interested in jumping in place. At this time, you can already try to conduct a dialogue - the child is actively babbling and showing various emotions. He listens carefully to the sounds he makes and gradually combines new ones. If at first it was possible to hear only vowels, then over time consonant sounds appear in the baby's babbling ("baba", "daddy").

If by the end of the seventh month the child is not trying to attract attention to himself with any specific sounds, this may indicate a lag in speech development.

In the babbling of a six-seven-month-old child, there is already a semblance of intonation, and, the further, the more clearly you can recognize the intonation structures inherent in the language spoken with the baby. Perhaps this is an unconscious imitation of the speech of others. But another confirmation that the child hears you, listens, “picks up material” in order to speak (deaf children babble too, but gradually their babbling fades out and stops, having no “reinforcement” from outside).

Natalia Kulakova


The child actively studies the surrounding objects. Reaching out to a bright toy or rattle, he will transfer it from hand to hand, swing, knock, trying to make a sound, throw it on the floor.

A child at the age of seven months should be aware of the meaning of the words "no", "wait". The kid will scream and demand his own from his parents, but he cannot be indulged. You need to firmly and calmly stand your ground. At this age, the foundations for the future behavior of the baby are laid. Shouting and harsh actions will bring up an aggressive negative personality. By showing tenderness and care for your baby, you will teach him to love himself and those around him.

The child shows a fear of loneliness, does not want to be left without a mother. This is an excellent and simple test of a child's psychological development. The kid learned to recognize people, divide them into friends and foes. If the child, as at an earlier age, easily goes into the arms of other people, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor can help determine if this is due to central nervous system damage or a slight developmental delay. Gradually, after carefully examining the adult, the baby's fear will turn into cognitive interest. Subsequently, the baby will try to make contact.

Child development calendar in the seventh month of life - video

Baby Care: What Parents Should Know

Communication with a child plays an important role in the development of personality. He spends most of the time with his mother, getting used to her voice and carefully listening to her intonation. Therefore, loud speech and harsh shouts should be avoided so as not to scare the baby. Communication should be gentle and affectionate. Children perceive music very well, they easily memorize words spoken in poetic form. Sing more and recite poetry - during gymnastics, feeding, walking. The kid will gradually imitate you and reproduce individual sounds and syllables, which will help him learn to speak faster.

For harmonious development, the child needs to be a lot in the fresh air. But it is worth canceling the walk in winter if there is a strong wind or if the air temperature has dropped below 15 o C. With less frost, you can walk for 1.5-2 hours a day, choosing the right clothes for the baby so that it does not freeze.

In summer, the sun should be avoided - baby's skin is still very sensitive and can quickly burn. The option of overheating the crumbs cannot be ruled out - heat exchange processes have not yet been fully formed, you need to walk the child in a light, light headdress.

In general, the usual day of a seven-month-old baby is not much different from the previous ones. In the morning, I wash my face, baby's hands, thoroughly wash him, clean his ears and nose. Bathing is still a mandatory nightly routine. Once every two weeks I wash my baby with baby soap or special baby foam for bathing. After bathing, gently dry the baby's skin and lubricate the skin folds with baby oil or cream.

The child does not have a gene responsible for hygiene and order - these skills must be instilled from childhood so that they are perceived at the level of an unconditioned reflex. At seven months, the baby is already actively eating softened food from a spoon with the help of his mother, so it is important to wash his hands before each feeding. After feeding, I wash my dirty hands and face again to develop a negative attitude towards dirt.

Nutrition in the seventh month of life

At seven months, the child's daily diet already includes, in addition to breast milk or infant formula:

  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) - 150 g;
  • vegetable puree (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin) - 150 g;
  • meat puree (beef, turkey) - 30-50 g;
  • fruit puree (apples, bananas, pears) -70 g;
  • cottage cheese 40 g;
  • baby biscuits 1-3 pcs .;
  • butter - half a teaspoon;
  • a quarter of the yolk.

Liquid food is gradually being replaced by dense food, the calorie content of food increases. These are recommended menus and norms. There is no need to be upset if your child does not eat any of the above - he will definitely compensate for some foods with others.

Approximate diet for a seven-month-old child - table

Nutrition for a child at seven months - video

Toddler education

When working with a child, first of all, you should pay attention to the objects that surround you, and think about what useful skills and abilities they can teach your child. At seven months, the child already needs a partner in games - this is how he learns to communicate and learns the world. If we do not show a child how to roll a ball or add cubes, he is unlikely to be interested in such things.

Children are taught by what surrounds them.

V.G. Dmitrieva, O.A. Novikovskaya

100 educational games and exercises from birth to one year.

To strengthen the muscles of the legs and develop coordination in the crib, you can strengthen a rubber ball near the baby's feet. The child will be happy to kick him.

To develop fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity, you can make bags filled with various cereals. You can offer your child games with small balls, buttons, unsharpened pencils. Take a bucket and invite the baby to put objects in it, having previously laid them out around the child. Be sure to show him how it's done. At home or for a walk, you can take a plastic cup, a bottle of water, a cloth and small objects (buttons, pebbles, walnuts) with you. Having poured water into a bowl, moisten a cloth and begin to wipe our inventory, involving the child in the game, drawing his attention to the change in the color of objects.

To develop hand-eye coordination and strengthen the muscles of the arms, invite your child to “hammer” wooden pegs with a toy hammer. Fill transparent plastic bottles with various cereals, buttons, nuts - the baby will follow moving objects with interest. Give the child a brush or a pompom in the handles - he will wiggle his fingers, fingering the villi. You can also use an electric flashlight to coordinate hand movements - by pressing the button, the baby will turn on and off the light.

Stimulate the development of thinking, to establish a logical connection between action and result, toy stereos will help. It is enough to show the child how the buttons are pressed to make a sound appear, and this toy can captivate the baby for a long time.

Buy a play center for your child - a plastic board or soft rug with details from different fabrics and with different fillers, "teething", ribbons, ropes, a mirror, balls, buttons. Children twist, feel, press with interest, developing fine motor skills and learning to manipulate small objects.

Stock up on plastic cups - while swimming, the child will enthusiastically pour and pour water from them, developing motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Ku-ku is also a versatile and very exciting game. Over time, the child will learn to imitate you and will begin to hide himself. Finger games are very important - okay, magpie-crow, goat. They can be played both indoors and outdoors.

You can paint. Kids will love to try finger paints.

What games can be taught at home and while walking

In no case should you forget about outdoor games and exercise. The load of each baby is strictly individual, so only a doctor can competently advise how to properly strengthen and develop the physical abilities of the baby. As a result of birth injuries or a variety of complications, a number of exercises may be contraindicated.

Start your morning with sips. Pull the handles slightly up, the legs down. Apply diagonal stretching - right arm to the right up, left leg to the left down, then collect the handle with the leg near the tummy and repeat the exercise with the left arm and right leg.

Most of the seven-month-old babies are still quite funny and awkwardly changing their position from lying to sitting. Try to help him learn to sit up from a prone position - this will help your baby to strengthen his abdominal and arm muscles. Place your index fingers in your child's hands when he is lying down and pull towards you to make him sit up. With each subsequent exercise, try to pull less and less so that he begins to sit down on his own.

Some babies enjoy getting up in the crib by themselves. They hold onto the handrail and can stand for two to three minutes. Some people are not yet able to do this. You can jointly try to learn to get up. Take a small chair with a back. When the baby is on all fours, invite him to grab the back, and then pull the chair towards you. The child should kneel down, and then on his feet. Do not forget that the baby's spine is not yet strong, prolonged loads are harmful for him. Limit standing to two to three minutes.

The baby has training in the first steps ahead, so now you can teach him to maintain balance. Sit the child on your knees facing you and gently rock from side to side, not forgetting to belay on the sides.

Active games are not yet available to our baby, but it is already possible and necessary to get acquainted with the world around us - this greatly diversifies your walks. On the way to the park or to the playground, stop near everything worth seeing, strike up a friendly conversation, lead informative stories. “Hello dandelion! My name is Kira! How yellow you are, and soon you will be white and fly away. And my mother and I are going for a walk in the park! " “Hello kitty! You ran by so quickly that I didn't even have time to ask how you were doing! "

Take with you for a walk a toy that you put on the hand or fingers of an adult - this will help you have fascinating conversations with your child on a variety of topics and will open up a whole world of talking characters to your child.

If the weather permits, you can spread a blanket in the yard or in the park, let the baby crawl, you can roll a ball, play with blocks. Take a toy with you, let the child crawl towards it through the obstacles in the form of your feet. You can hide the toy under a blanket and invite the child to find it. He already understands that the thing has not disappeared, it is simply hidden somewhere. Give your baby a toy in each hand, and then offer to take the third. He will be forced to make a choice which toy to leave for him in order to take a new one - such a game stimulates thinking well.

You need to listen to your child and remember that the manuals will help you discover a variety of games, and you will have to choose what you need on your own. Some children, for example, enjoy keeping an eye on moving objects. Draw with a stick on wet sand or in the snow, perhaps your little one will be interested in watching the pictures that appear.

If the seven-month age of the crumbs fell in the summer, he will gladly pour sand in his palms. You can immediately show him that there is wet and heavy sand, and there is dry and loose sand.

How to develop a child: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

In addition to the benefits, the child should also enjoy learning. According to Dr. Komarovsky, with a systematic approach, you can teach a child a lot, but the question is always whether this is necessary? It is imperative to teach to distinguish between:

  • colors to distinguish ripe from unripe berries;
  • smells to recognize potential hazards;
  • shape - the nettle leaf burns, and the plantain leaf is harmless.

The child should be interested, only in this case, learning new skills and abilities will take place without tears and tantrums. This also applies to potty training - if you decide that it's time, you can teach, but in most cases it is too time-consuming process. According to Dr. Komarovsky, in the period from one and a half to two and a half years, the child will sit on the pot on his own, no earlier additional training is required. The same rule applies to independent food intake - when a child feels an interest in such things, "grows up to a spoon," he will pull his hands to it and start trying to eat without the help of an adult. But drinking from a cup (if not already able to) may be quite ready. The cup can arouse the interest of the baby, and he will gladly begin to take one or two sips.

Regarding early development, Dr. Komarovsky notes that there is no definite answer to this question. It's nice when a child can do more than his peers, but after a very short time, the level of their development levels out. It is necessary to provide the baby with healthy sleep, fresh air and physical activity. The worst thing is when development takes place in a closed room on a carpet or without getting up from the couch, when there is a restriction of motor activity. The main thing is to bring up the child happy. A happy baby is a healthy baby, and a healthy baby means physically developed. It is very important to teach a child to live in society and give him the knowledge that he can use on a daily basis, so that he sees their expediency in his real life.

Dr. Komarovsky on early childhood development - video

An intelligent child who amazes others with his abilities and skills is a mother's pride. It's good if everything comes easy for him. But if a child at seven months old refuses to stand on his legs, do not insist. Get up. The main thing is to give your child your love and a happy childhood. It is important for children to see smiling and happy parents nearby.