New Year's wishes for parents. New Year's greetings for parents from kindergarten teachers. Postcard templates for the New Year

Dear parents of our wonderful students, our hopes and talents, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish the new year to be kind and calm, happy and successful. May your children delight you with their victories and achievements, may none of us have problems either in school or in life. And may the new year bring with it good health and well-being!

Dear parents, I wish you a Happy New Year! Let the children try harder in the new year, help, pleasantly surprise, and get sick less, be capricious and lazy. I want to wish you parental wisdom, sensitivity and patience, may your work be rewarded with happy childish smiles!

On this New Year, I wish each of you even more happiness and love in your hearts! Let your children only delight you with their successes, new discoveries and constant development! I wish that peace, understanding and prosperity reign in your families! And let all dreams and wishes come true in the new year!

Dear Parents! New Year is a great opportunity to gather the whole family and spend more time with your children, surrounding them with a festive atmosphere and great love. Let your kids understand that Mom and Dad are the best gift they could wish for. Let the magic of New Year's magic envelop you, further strengthening the bond with your children, and the joy of being together will give you a good mood and make your wonderful families happy. Best wishes for a new year full of peace, joy and love.

Happy New Year, dear parents! May the outgoing year take away everything negative from our lives, and may the new one bring happiness, joy and good luck to every home. We wish you and your children good health, a wonderful vacation, and our team will do everything possible to make the road to school desirable for each of our students!

Happy New Year, dear parents of our wonderful students. We wish you strong strength and health in the new year, peace and prosperity, absolute mutual understanding with your beloved children and great joint achievements. May the New Year bring prosperity, comfort and happy smiles to you all.

Dear parents of our wonderful students, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish you happiness and goodness, health, peace and understanding with your beloved children. May in the new year you have many opportunities to realize your life plans, may in the new year your children please you with their smiles, their high marks, their small and big victories!

From the heart, parents,
I congratulate you!
Nerves, strength, endurance
I wish you New Year.

Let the kids delight
Cool grades
Let life play
Bright shades.

I wish you with joy
Comprehend the program
After all, you too are learning
Daddies and Moms!

Dear parents of our wonderful students, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish you and your children good health, we wish you kindness of hearts, tolerance of the soul. May your families always have mutual support and love, may the New Year fulfill both children's and adult dreams, thereby making everyone happy!

Yours faithfully today
I want to congratulate you,
When we act together
Then we can handle everything!

I wish you parents
My disciples
So that the New Year is successful
So that everyone is healthy!

More strength, energy,
To help children.
Studying is difficult
And you don't know?

So be my friends
After all, we all follow the path:
Help kids smart
And grow strong!

Parents - beloved mother and father - occupy a special place in the heart of every person. On the eve of the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar), I would like to beautifully congratulate the closest and relatives on the upcoming holiday, wish good luck, happiness and health. Soulful and touching, funny and cool - we have collected the best New Year's greetings to parents in verse and prose from little daughter and son, adult children, kindergarten teachers and school teachers.

New Year is the most sincere, kind and family holiday. Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, everyone gathers at the festive table, having fun, exchanging congratulations and best wishes. Beautiful New Year greetings to parents from children in poetry and prose from our selection can be learned by heart or handed over as a postcard. Such touching words will also be pleasant to hear for mom and dad, grandparents - at the New Year's party in kindergarten.

A selection of beautiful congratulations for parents with the New 2019 Year of the Pig from children

Mom, dad, dear!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
May a wonderful New Year
Will bring you gifts!

Well I ask only one thing -
Bring health to the house!
They will come to us with health
And prosperity and comfort,

Let's live and have fun
And everything shines with happiness,
It will be joyful around
The house will be a full bowl!

Mom, dear, Happy New Year!

May he be happy for you

May it bring you a lot of health

More happiness and kindness.

To make your beautiful smile

Shone every day of the year

To forgive me for my mistakes

After all, I love you very much!

Happy New Year, my wonderful parents. I wish you a wonderful and happy year in which you will be able to do everything that you have in mind. I wish you good health, family comfort and warmth, constant mutual understanding, prosperity and prosperity.

Grandmother and grandfather,
Dear, dear,
I wish you New Years
So that you are healthy.

May they help you in life
Humor, joy and enthusiasm,
Let the frost paint you
Happiness on glass pattern.

Our dear, beloved, irreplaceable grandma and grandpa! We are sure that the coming year will definitely be happy! And that there are many more happy years ahead of you. The first thing we want to wish you both is health. Be full of strength and optimism! We kiss you hard and love you more than anyone!

The best congratulations to parents - from adult children Happy New Year 2019, video

Childhood flies by unnoticed, daughters and sons grow up and leave their father's house. As adults, it is important not to forget about your parents - to take care, share your warmth, and congratulate you on the holidays. The best congratulations to parents on the New Year from adult children will delight and move their beloved mom and dad to tears. The video shows options for beautiful New Year's greetings of the Pig (Boar) for parents from a daughter and a son - with an upcoming or coming holiday.

Options for the best congratulations in your own words and in verses for the New Year for parents

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a New Year.

So that no alarm, no misfortune

They did not guard at the gate.

So that the sun shines tenderly

Everything that the heart is waiting for came true

And just to make it gratifying

Your whole life, like this year!

For dads and moms, the gift is the best -
Always live inseparably with your loved ones!
We will make a wish on the New Year,
And congratulations to you, dear children!

Let Santa Claus under the tree give you gifts
Will leave the night when the arms are frying!
And the New Year will fulfill everything,
And the heart will fill with joy to the brim!

Daddy! A wonderful man of mine!
On the magical holiday New Year,
I wish you to be successful for a whole century,
Knowing the routes of happiness in advance!

Let the smile on your face shine -
Bypassing all difficulties, adversities!
And every day cheers us up!
Happy New Year, Dad!

Happy New Year Mommy!
Happy new year honey!
The most beautiful,

Happiness to you, mommy!
New Year's joys
Fireworks roar,
Sweet oranges!

Will certainly come true
Let your desires!
Without long delay,
No reminder!

New Year at your doors
Quietly picks up
For you beloved
Mom, she's trying!

New Year is a wonderful holiday, because today I can tell how much I love you. You walk with me all my life's journey, and it costs a lot. Therefore, I wish you all earthly blessings and long life. Always be surrounded by attention, love, happiness, luck, success. May there always be a lot of strength, hopes, energy, ideas, goals. Happy New Year, my beloved!

Video with sincere congratulations to parents for the New Year 2019 from adult children

Cool Happy New Year greetings to parents - from kindergarten teachers

Every year in kindergartens, a traditional New Year's party is held with the invitation of parents and grandparents. Smart guys recite poetry, sing, dance, demonstrate their acting talents in festive performances. According to the script, funny funny New Year greetings are heard from the kindergarten teachers - to the parents of little pupils. We offer you to learn some funny funny greetings in verse and prose, which will give the atmosphere of the children's holiday a special touch of humor.

How cool it is to congratulate parents from kindergarten teachers on the New Year of the Pig

Happy New Year, dear parents of our beloved pranksters. We wish you gallant strength, good health, family well-being and vivid imagination, like your children. Be successful and happy, and our pupils - your wonderful children - will give you joy of heart.

Parents, Happy New Year to you!
Let it be with you, the kids will be okay.
Albeit rapidly growing incomes
And every moment becomes brighter.

As educators, we are happy to tell you
That your children are the best in the world.
So what else to add, wish for?
So that your world was magically bright.

Thank you for your kids
For this super-useful stress!
Do not spare them sweets,
And let the diathesis be fierce:
With wonderful little people
Our kindergarten is invincible!
Happy New Year to moms and dads
We sincerely want to congratulate!

Accept from educators
On a magical holiday, congratulations,
Let your children give you
Only positive and inspiration.

We wish you health in the body,
And nerves as strong as a rope,
Great happiness and love
Let the children's eyes shine.

Santa Claus came to us
The instructions brought:
Children so as not to be offended
And they loved, spoiled!

Didn't hurt, didn't get bored
Yes, they did not notice all the troubles.
Educators in response
They promised, no doubt:

Give all the care
Sincerely love children
Put your whole soul into the matter,
And teach them everything!

Happy New Year
He is still transmitting.
To all parents of success,
Happiness, joy and laughter!

Sincere congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to the parents of students - from the teachers

On New Year's Eve 2019 of the Pig, many schools will visit Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to have fun with the guys at a traditional matinee. We have collected the most sincere New Year greetings to the parents of the students - on behalf of all school teachers.

Examples of New Year's greetings from teachers for parents of students

Dear parents of our wonderful students, our hopes and talents, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish the new year to be kind and calm, happy and successful. May your children delight you with their victories and achievements, may none of us have problems either in school or in life. And may the new year bring with it good health and well-being.

Parents' wonderful team,
Happy New Year to you all!
May happiness, goodness, positive surroundings,
Let the love of your children warm you.

Your disciples are all very, very good,
Let them rest quietly during the holidays.
I congratulate you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart!
I respect you all infinitely.

Parents, Happy New Year to you,
Peace of mind and patience,
May our class be friendly
Have a good mood!

Let the children be obedient
And they delight more often with successes,
Be good-natured to them,
Health and more laughter to you!

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year, hurray!
To educate children
I wish you warmth.

And a little patience
And pleasant victories,
Caress and inspiration -
Here's a good luck secret.

More new discoveries
Every moment, day and hour
The doors to knowledge are open -
For children and for you!

Happy New Year! Let your life become brighter and better, gifts and surprises from a kind grandfather await you and your children. Let happiness come to the house, and luck accompanies all matters.

So, here you are presented the most beautiful New Year's greetings to parents in verse and prose - from young children, adult daughters and sons, kindergarten teachers, school teachers. In our collection you will find the best soulful, funny funny words to wish mom and dad, grandparents a Happy New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar).

Let the new year begin for you
A sparkling slide at the table
In the bosom of family, relatives and friends,
No regrets about the past.
May your wishes come true
And all the cherished dreams.
Happy New Year, new happiness
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

In the New Year, all those close to you - longevity!
Let the stock of vigor grow stronger!
Let us smile and shine
Kind shine of relatives, beloved eyes.
May the year be full of affection
Joy, love and beauty,
Let, as if in a kind children's fairy tale,
Your dreams come true!

Mom, dad, congratulations
Happy New Year this!
I wish you happiness, joy
Happy to celebrate the holiday!
May pleasant worries
Surround the whole year
Only work you love
Let him call for him!
I love you, I adore,
I wish you only good
To only get younger
And hearts sang with happiness.

Melting the wrinkles on my forehead
We make plans for the holiday.
Let's forget any bad weather
Maybe it's true, not in vain
He comes to us at the end of December,
Golden hope and happiness!

Let the worries leave you
And sickness and adversity,
The hopelessness will go away.
And the desired hope
Will lead you through life.
Let the business captivate you
And the prosperity adds.
And luck awaits too
On this good New Year!

Life will go on without grief
And without bitter regrets
No loss and no loss.
Best of all awards
You are in excellent health,
Feelings of wonderful flood.
You value your happiness
Take care and store -
Happiness is so fragile
Do not hope for anything else.
Live with him for a whole year -
And trouble will bypass you.

Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and many years!
New Year in a fun three,
Let him rush you past troubles
Past sorrow and disease
Troubles and tears.
May happy childish laughter
Santa Claus will present you!

Happy New Year, dear!
There is no sadness at midnight.
All good deeds will be
Only joy for you.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
May dreams come true
And you live in power
Beauty and kindness.

I see, I appreciate your help, parents,
It's not difficult with your sensitive support,
For the sake of our children, working together
Achieve good success!

May we be together in the future, parents,
And with your care and attention,
Helping each other, we will be friendly
Our children in the garden, developing.

We wish you all the best, may the New Year for everyone
It will be peaceful, happy, calm!
In every house there is only joy, good luck,
Take care of yourself and your health!

I wish you a New Year
Live without worries for many years
To have a lot of money
Heart without Love did not ache,
So that, contrary to fate,
You had both a stake and a yard!
So that leisure is not boring, -
Grandchildren and children to the heap,
Well, what is most important -
The house of friends would be full!
Your dear home will be
Keep warm by their warmth!

On a snow-white winter road
The old year goes away
New Year is already on the doorstep
Will fulfill all desires on a magical night.
Dear parents, congratulations,
We wish you good luck, inspiration,
Forget boredom, anger and misfortune
We wish you only happiness in the New Year.

That supposedly on a speed sled
Brought a magic bearded grandfather
Mommy! Daddy! Happy New Year!
May your grandchildren return the spring of those years to you!

And youth enthusiasm, sweet dreams,
And shine in the eyes, and warmth in souls,
Health in bodies, joy in your house -
Let them be present for many years!

Mommy and Daddy! Favorite!
The shortest looking out the route,
Let joy run unstoppable
To your house, where peace and comfort reign,

To a home that has become akin to a safe haven,
Where I will always hide from storms.
And my main desires today are
So that each of you is healthy,

Life so that winter does not wrap up in snow
And did not dare to sweep the whiskey,
Long, long so that under the sky a dome
You could love, create, dream!

Happy New Year Mom and Dad!
So let it always, in the night and day,
Happiness fireproof light bulb
Illuminates both hearts and home!

I wish you parents
May the whole year that has come
Happy days will be formed
And in joy it will pass.

Let Santa Claus under the Christmas tree
Will put you in success.
Luck falls like snow
Cheerful laughter sounds.

Beloved parents, I congratulate you,
Merry, light, joyful let it be every hour,
The year will be rich for good events,
Let him bring success, smiles, holidays to your house.

I wish you two health, strength and vigor,
May the year come with gifts, good luck with him,
Let them live with the hopes and feelings of the heart,
And happiness and desires so that there is no end.

Happy New Year, my dear ones,
I wish you great happiness!
Mood, good luck, love,
The sky is clear and blue!

And I wish you patience, and tenderness,
Many kind and affectionate phrases!
May your desires come true
Well, let everything be with you!

And I wish you good health,
And, of course, great friends,
So that you walk confidently through life,
To make it more fun on the way!

Good luck lace shawl
It warms you tenderly this year,
Become richer in health
And let the pain go by.

May happiness be golden drops
Will spill from the peaceful blue
I pray for you, my relatives,
You deserve all the blessings of the earth!

Let it be lined with luck
For you, relatives, this year,
Meet him with the mood -
And one hundred percent lucky!

May good luck gush
Let dreams come true
Fortune itself, not otherwise,
Let him send greetings from above.

Do not know boring bad weather,
Do not know any problems
After all, you two, which means happiness
Let it be for two too!

May pleasant worries
Surround the whole year
And beloved kids
They appreciate and cherish you!

We love you, we adore you,
We wish you all good,
To only get younger
And hearts sang with happiness.

Your answers are all correct,
We celebrate the Year of the Horse!
Let's start our holiday,
We invite all of you to the New Year's party!

We tried for a whole year
To bring the New Year closer!
We obeyed the teachers
We did everything diligently!

It is joyful to look at this tree,
Her toys and needles make her happy!
We are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus,
With gifts according to our request!

Bring us, Horse
A mountain of happiness and love
Wise thoughts, for order,
And honestly stripped everyone!

New Year is coming soon
Round dance around the tree
Santa Claus will come to us,
Will bring gifts to the cart!

He will make all dreams come true
If you believe in him,
To everyone who behaved well -
He will give gifts personally!

May the New Year bring you more
Happy and quiet evenings.
Parents! Live joyfully, longer
Among the friendly people and kind words.
Let beauty surround you in everything
And let the general dream come true.

New year, gaining momentum,
Let the gifts, parents, carry:
A bag of smiles, a suitcase of happiness,
Good luck, a pocket full to the top,

An armful of love, a round dance of jokes
Happy days without counting, for the whole year.
So that it is at home even in the cold,
Warm, cozy, always joyful.

Dear Parents! Let the sparkle of the lights of this magical New Year's Eve scatter into three hundred and sixty-five sparks, which will fill with irrepressible joy, ringing fun, inexhaustible happiness, richest prosperity and good health every new day of the coming year.

At our festive table,
I congratulate you, parents:
Let the sadness remain in the past
Success and happiness will come true.
I wish you a world without adversity
On this merry New Year.

I don't know any closer people than you,
My dear mom and dad.
So glad when I see you together,
There is no better balm for the soul.

Let in the New Year as soon as possible
Oceans of happiness will float to you.
So that the house becomes a little brighter,
And everything shone like an emerald.

Happy new and generous year, my beloved parents! May he bring you peace and love, give you good health and vitality, fulfill your innermost desires, and let all unrealizable dreams come true.

New year with fir paw
Waving at the windows to mom and dad,
I left a pattern on the glass -
Greetings from me.
Beloved, dear people,
Let it be happy all year!

Lights filled the house with light
That on the tree like stars shine
Mom, dad, my relatives,
Happy New Year, I congratulate you!

May the angel protect you from troubles,
And health will always be strong
May love illuminate life with light
And fate gives good things on a platter!

Dear parents, on New Year's Eve, accept my wishes coming from your heart! Always be healthy, live joyfully, and I will try to act so that you are proud of me!

May parents accompany you all year
Love you, and laughter will be heard in the house.
Not stingy, the good multiplies the new year
And it carries with it wealth and success.

New Year comes quietly into the house,
And I congratulate you, mom and dad,
Let the cold and snowstorms outside the window
Again warm, as in childhood, hug!

I wish you a lot of earthly joy,
Love that helps to appreciate life,
So that you can with your kindness
Warm us up and give us tenderness!

Happy New Year, my dear parents! I wish you fabulous, mysterious adventures and incredible, joyful memories. Let the year be unforgettable and full of all kinds of positive emotions.

My beloved family, dear.
Lovely dad, dear mother.
I congratulate you with all my heart today,
And I would like to wish you a few words.
May the New Year, who has come to visit,
A handful of love and happiness will bring you.

May this night, under the clink of glasses,
Under a bright, blazing fireworks.
Suddenly happiness is loud, unprecedented,
With luck, they will fall on your head.

Beloved parents, relatives,
May this year be the best.
All earthly blessings will be available,
And the radiant sky.

Dear parents! This year I wish you mutual love, understanding, patience and respect. Live happily, enjoy the favor of fate, enjoy life and the world around you.

Looking at the fruits of their efforts,
You should be proud of yourself!
To spend years of life on children -
There is no more honorable and brighter fate!

The teacher is like a second mother
Cheerful, strict and good,
For children to become the most-most-most,
Maybe your kind soul!

Happy New Year, wise Educator!
May dreams always come true!
Friend to children and parents,
You can do everything in the world!

You are the dearest people
We are happy from you every year!
Do you dream of a miracle -
Let it happen!

Happy New Year with a new happiness
We will not tire of congratulating you,
May every day become more beautiful
And it will shine brighter than yesterday!

New Year for everyone in the world!
But the children are especially happy
They are waiting for gifts, waiting for fun
Laughter and treats await
There will be a friendly round dance
Near the tree on New Year's!

Happy holiday to all of you, babies,
Squirrels, bears congratulate,
Congratulations to you and I,
Be happy friends!

Happy New Year, you are my family
give you a tight hug
On this glorious and wonderful evening
I want to wish you well

May love keep you first
Joy and success never leave
So that luck will remember your home
Well, let the loved ones do not forget!

It happens that life bends to the ground
And he does not allow to raise his head.
We are in a hurry to our parents to help,
Their love keeps us and inspires us.

I want to wish my parents
So that happiness does not leave in the new year,
Not to know diseases, not to know bitter troubles.
Only joy - without end and without beginning.

What do parents need to be happy?
Money, luxury and servants full of a house?
No, just be around more often
With us, help and be a shield.
And on such a merry, winter holiday,
We all congratulate you, relatives.
And warmth, kindness, parental happiness
We wish you New Year with all our hearts.

Happy New Year to you
I want today
And come up with just for you
New Year's gift.

The best that he was
Necessary and good.
We've grown up now
We can bestow on you.

For all the gifts under the tree
You left for years
Thank you very much
We will always remember them.

My dearest and dearest
Loved ones, so dear
Even if your hair is already gray,
But the eyes, as before, are young.
And this winter night, New Year's,
Please accept my wishes -
Kindness, smiles, happiness and health
And may your days last.

My parents, Happy New Year!
I love you sincerely, and I wish you wisdom,
And also, so that everyone is always healthy,
And, for pranking me, they did not scold me much.

And so that they are always hardy, kind,
Respected by all, strong and humble,
And I also wish you happiness and great luck,
So that all tasks in life are successfully solved.

Dad, mom dear,
I hasten to congratulate you
Happy New Year, you family
I love you the most
I still want to wish
so that all dreams come true!
For me you are no more dear
be strong people :)
So that your heart does not grow old
And let the years run
I am health and prosperity
i wish you loving!

Happy New Year with a new happiness
My bow to you to the ground.
Equine health,
Nurse grandchildren so that they can.

For me, you are mom and dad,
You are their grandmother and grandfather.
I wish today
So that you do not know troubles,

So that you are rich
So that there is success in everything.
We are in a hurry to visit you and we know
Enough pies for everyone.

Happy New Year, my dear parents,
I wish you many years to live in a dear monastery,
So that your eyes shine with happiness, joy, kindness,
So that life is not in a hurry to dye your hair with silver.

Until a ripe old age, you live together in love.
Wisdom, purity and loyalty - you always appreciate
And, celebrate the holiday - with joy and laughter,
And let the celebrations take place - with great success.

All roads, all lives are ways
They bring us back to our father's house.
And where would not we have to go
We return to it again.

There parents are always waiting for us.
Happy New Year we send them congratulations!
May they not be a burden to them,
Joy and fun reign in the house!

The most favorite holiday of children and adults - New Year will come very soon. It's time to prepare gifts and congratulations. New Year is a wonderful occasion to express your love and gratitude to parents, on this page we have selected the best, sincere congratulations to parents on the New Year in verse and prose.

Delight your parents with cheerful audio greetings to your home or mobile phone. Listen to congratulations, and choose the one you want to send, plan the day and time of the call. Believe me, such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time.

Dear dad, mom
I love you - I cannot describe.
And of course Happy New Year!
I want to shout to you!
Take, hug you very tightly.
And although I'm far away
In my heart, believe me
It’s so hard for me without you.
And so I wish
You have patience with me
After all, some kind,
Well, we are still a family.
Happy New Year dear!
May the new year bring
We have more meetings, dear ones!
And he will take away the problems.
Let alarms be like fog
Disappear without a trace.
A bright holiday awaiting
Never be sad!

Let the Year of the Pig bring
Fun, joy, a lot of happiness,
Stable and large income,
I wish you all the best:
Good health, love,
And also the strongest friendship,
Let him give the year of the Pig
All that is very necessary in life!

The Year of the Pig is coming soon
We wish you enthusiasm
So that the New Year is good
You need to grunt five hundred times!
May desires and dreams
The piggy will be counted
Let everything come true
The pig worships you!

Mom, dad, dear, New Year is knocking at the door.
I congratulate you, relatives. I believe you are in luck!
And I hope that health will be as strong as granite,
After all, excellent health will not harm anyone!
And I also want to say that I love you very much.
I highly appreciate your tenderness and care!
New Year is a magical holiday, it gives people miracles.
Let your kind eyes shine with happiness!

Dear parents, glorious,
I want to wish you a New Year
Being healthy is the most important thing.
Forever let the bad go away.

Feel youthfulness in your body,
And in my soul - inspiration, flight.
May everything that you want come true
And let him be constantly lucky.

I wish to live without knowing anxiety.
I love you and you are not alone.
Happiness to you! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy New Year, my dear ones.

Mom and Dad in New Year
I wish only the best
Luck awaits you two
And luck is coming.

You loved ones always
Stay the best couple
Never be sad
Smile more often in life!

Mom, dad, dear!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
May a wonderful New Year
Will bring you gifts!

Well I ask only one thing -
Bring health to the house!
They will come to us with health
And prosperity and comfort,

Let's live and have fun
And everything shines with happiness,
It will be joyful all around
The house will be a full bowl!

New Year is already at the start
He, literally at the gate,
Now the chimes will strike
Quietly at the door he will enter!
And while he's on his way
Mom, dad, dear,
Happy New Year to you family!

Happy New Year dear
Daddy and Mom!
Let the events be bad
Every gram will disappear
They will be replaced by happiness
Joy and fun
Let everything work out
In words and in deeds!

Happy New Year to you, dear ones!
Let the fairy tale come true.
Be happy, healthy.
Let no sadness come into the house.

Mom, dad, I wish
Much good in life.
Let luck do not fail
Let the family be strong.

Happy New Year, dad, mom!
I wish you joy
A lot of happiness and not an ounce
Sadness and fatigue!
Smile, enjoy
Long weekend
Stay unchanged

Mom and Dad, I congratulate you,
With the most magical and fabulous day,
I look forward to our meeting and dream very much
So that the three of us sat next to the tree.
May the New Year bring you health,
Your smiles are so dear to me
I will hug you as before, with love,
Happiness, kindness, light and warmth.

A festive snow sparkles, firecrackers are thundering,
And the spruce demonstrates outfits on its paws.
Hooray! New Year has come to us! Oh, how happy everyone is!
I congratulate you, dear, mom, dad!
I wish you twelve months to come
Do not know the problems and constantly smile
Let viruses not threaten health,
You can swim in the seas of love and happiness!

I wish you parents
This holiday, New Year
Happiness without end and edge,
Only joyful chores
Strength, health and good luck,
And beautiful, bright days
A lot of money to boot
Many plans and ideas.
Laughter, fun, mood
You halve,
Let inspiration come
May you be lucky, family.

With love, respect and care
Congratulations, mom, dad, this night.
Let everything go well at home and with work.
Let the sorrows go away.
I wish you good health, of course,
Love is just as sincerely great.
Happy New Year, dear, congratulations!
May your joy and peace warm your home.

Once upon a time we are under the tree
They found gifts
Parents, you are secretly
They were carried at night.

Now we are adulthood
We live and we know the truth
And a New Year's fairy tale
Everyone is sorely lacking.

And the roles have changed.
We secretly sneak into your house ..
As you want under the tree
Put you health.

And a lot, a lot of happiness
Outfits, brandy,
Candy, red caviar,
To believe in miracles.

My parents, let the holiday
New Year will burst into your life with fun,
May joy enter your house
Will lift your spirits
May happiness with white dove
Day and night hovers over you
I wish all wishes come true.
Happy New Year! Your daughter.

Mom, dad, Happy New Year,
Always be happy.
Let it be warm to you now
Despite the cold!
May wishes come true
What do you think.
I am sending you a reminder:
I need you more than anyone!

All the paths were covered with white snow:
New Year is in a hurry on a sleigh to us.
Let everything come true as you wanted.
Happiness tread on your heels.
Dear parents, relatives,
Happy Holidays now.
You are forever young to me.
Low bow from me for you.

Happy New Year 2019 to mom

Happy New Year Mom!
Christmas tree again
Garland lights, pine spirit,
Forgotten small quarrels
Snow flies outside the windows like fluff.
In the past, mommy, leave the sorrows
Enter the new year with hope,
Believing that you and I are at the beginning
Have a bright, happy journey.
May the year be happy, beautiful
The days are carefree and carefree
Don't worry, mommy, in vain
And look at life in a new way!

I, mom, wish you New Year
So that you are happy
Leaving anxieties in the past
It's always great to live.
And if something happens,
Do not hesitate - I will help!
I wish any dream come true
And I will save you from worries!

Mommy, for the New Year,
You have a lot of trouble.
Remove everything, set the table,
And to amuse all the guests,
Smile and joke
And then - to wash the dishes.
I wish to rest!
I will help you!

My beloved mom
Happy New Year,
Thank you for everything
I wish you good health!
I wish you 365 happy days in the New Year,
And many joyful minutes
Your smile, the sun is brighter!

Happy New Year mom,
With pure white snow
Let the tree sparkle
And fireworks in the sky.
Miracles sneak
Straight to the doorstep.
Santa Claus left
There is also a bag.
Let in your gifts
There will be happiness, joy
Delicious champagne
There is only sweetness in life.

Happy New Year Mommy
My love,
Year of love and joy
I wish you.
So that you do not get sick
So as not to get bored
So that fate is happy
I never left you.
Let the guests frequent
There will be grandchildren, children,
To be the happiest
You were in the world.

Our dear mother
New Year is coming!
You always help us
Let success come to you.

Be as beautiful
And do not know despondency!
Be cheerful and happy
Never be discouraged!

Mom, Happy New Year!
Always be healthy, do not hurt.
Joy, I wish you well.
Let all adversity go away soon.
Let the New Year be gorgeous
It will bring a lot of happiness in life.
I wish you to live gracefully.
May this year be successful.

Today the house smells like childhood
The Christmas tree sparkles with balls
And I strive with heart and soul
To your beloved, kind mother!
And the cold does not scare me
After all, my mother's heart is stronger
From all worries and all sorrows
It knows how to save me.
Mommy, let happiness sparkle
In your smile and eyes
Let fate give you a fairy tale
As if in good childhood dreams.

Mommy, dear, Happy New Year!
Be healthy, dear, always.
Good to you, great luck -
Not for a year, for many years!

Mommy, you are the best in the world
May this night bring joy.
May all your wishes come true
Well, I am always willing to help!

Happy New Year, dear mom!
May you always be lucky in everything.
Angel may protect you
From anxiety, sorrow and adversity.

Avoid worries and bad weather
Enjoy life without worries
Well, if you cry, then from happiness
I wish you a New Year!

Happy New Year, my mom.
May the year be successful.
Become the happiest yourself.
What worries - let it pass.

Let it be filled with light
Your wonderful life
Remember, mommy, while:
I love you very much!

To the ringing of New Year's chimes,
Raising champagne glass
Congratulations to my mother
I am happy New Year that has come.

I wish you great health
Hope, loyalty, love
Let there be only good with you
All dreams will come true.

And on this night of fairy tales
Make your wish.
Be happy, beautiful herself.
And never be discouraged.

Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden-granddaughter
Through hundreds of countries, seas
Race to the world's best
Mom - to my mom!
Grandfather carries in a singing bag
For beautiful us with mom
Creams, glitters, scallops
And the bracelet is top class!
Will be in new makeup
A whole year my mom
Everyone is younger, brighter, smoother
Coloring beauties from different countries!

Happy New Year 2019 to Dad

Dad, the new year has come!
I wish you happiness!
Have you made a wish?
Let the bad weather go away

And wish you health
I want you today!
I drink for you
I will be on New Year's holiday!

Father, today is New Year!
Meet him cheerfully
And remember - that good luck awaits
And don't forget about success!

I want to wish you health
After all, without health - nowhere!
Love you, and don't know troubles,
And happiness - for many years!

Waving a fur-tree with a furry paw,
Snow covered the way
Congratulations to you dad
Happy New Year from the bottom of the heart!
May it bring you good luck
Every day and every hour!
You have one task -
To see us more often
So that working worries
Leaving behind
Hurry home from work
In the evenings he came!

May the New Year bring
Many joyful worries
A lot of happiness, strength fireworks,
And health and comfort!
So that you, dad, are healthy
The house had a strong roof,
May the dream come true
Rejoiced so that the soul!

You gave me life, father,
Gave a solid masculine character.
In unison we have a beating of hearts
And we are very friendly with you!
New Year's Eve for you
I wish you prosperity in everything
May the Lord protect, and the family
Warms the soul and home!

The best dad in the world
Happy New Year sweety,
Be funny, funny
The brave, the strongest!

Let, as in a flood,
Happiness will spread
And success is a monsoon
It will burst into your life!

I love you so much, daddy!
And for this New Year
I will write to Santa Claus,
To deprive you of worries!
And left only happiness
Well-fed and comfortable life.
Be confident in the present
Be open to the future!

New Year is knocking on the window
What will he bring you?
Dad, it better happens
I promise in the New Year! And I wish you good luck,
And luck forever!
To live without knowing problems
I never knew trouble!

Beloved dad, dear,
I congratulate with all my heart!
After all, the New Year has come again
He brought luck by the hand,

And you deserve luck
Health and a lot of strength.
Let the joy be, let it come
And it will never let you down!

In this New Year's world,
In our small apartment
The holiday is also celebrated
And they don't notice miracles.

Dad, miracles are coming!
The people of the whole planet are waiting













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Mom, dad, dear!





Mom, dad, Happy New Year,








In the New Year, all those close to you - longevity!


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