Interesting things for a 12 year old boy. A gift for a twelve year old - sporty and stylish. Examples of specific gifts

1. Talking trumpet
Twelve years is already quite an adult age, and therefore you can safely give a mobile phone to the birthday boy. Surely almost all of his classmates already have phones, so this would be a great option. You shouldn’t give him a new fancy smartphone, he’ll either lose it or break it soon anyway. To begin with, you can limit yourself to an inexpensive model.

2. Modern gadget
An excellent option would be to give the boy a new MP-3 player with a large amount of memory. Most likely, he already has his favorite trends in music and idol performers, so such a gift will come in handy. He will download all his favorite music to his new gadget and his journey to school will no longer be so boring. Just warn him in advance that he shouldn’t listen to music in class!

3. Miniature skateboard
Recently, fingerboards have become very popular - small skateboards that are controlled with your fingers. There are many videos on the Internet in which people perform real miracles with these devices. If you give the birthday boy something like this, it will both amuse him and develop his motor skills, so a fingerboard is a great gift for a guy!

4. Gift for a young football player
Almost all boys at the age of twelve are interested in football and, most likely, your birthday boy is no exception. In this case, it is worth giving him a set of football uniforms (shorts, T-shirt, boots). The jersey must have the number and surname of his favorite player on it; boys love this very much. For an active guy, this would be an ideal gift.

5. A holiday for everyone
It is not necessary to give something as a gift; you can simply organize a boy’s birthday in some establishment (for example, McDonald’s). Let him invite all his best friends, and you, in turn, book a table, lots of different goodies and call clowns or animators. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time by the birthday boy.

It's no secret that choosing gifts often causes a lot of trouble. Sometimes it may seem that choosing a gift for an adult is more difficult than for a child. But in reality this is not the case. Especially if we are talking about a teenager. Teenagers are not easy to please. And when choosing a gift, you don’t want to spend money on something that the birthday person won’t like. Therefore, further we will talk about what to give a boy for 12 years. The article contains tips and recommendations that will help you choose an original and useful gift. So, what will a teenager like?

Rules for choosing gifts

It should be noted that choosing gifts is, in principle, not the easiest task. It has to be approached with special attention. Especially when the gift is given to a teenager. Small children are easy to please, adults are not too difficult. But for teenagers, choosing a good gift is a very difficult task.

What to give a boy for 12 years? When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Child's hobbies. They often play a decisive role.
  2. Character of the birthday boy. For example, a homebody is unlikely to enjoy a trip to a water park, while an active person is unlikely to enjoy a book.
  3. Child's lifestyle. There are different gifts for athletes, active people and homebodies.

If you take these nuances into account, choosing a gift will be easier than it seems. Of course, the cost of the gift will have to be taken into account. People are not always ready to spend as much on a gift as it costs.

Ask a child

What to give to a 12 year old child (boy)? The easiest way to select gifts is to ask the future birthday boy what exactly he wants. This technique is encountered very often in practice. Especially among parents.

Teenagers almost always know what they want. If nothing comes to mind, you can simply ask your child what gift he would like to receive for his birthday.

Often, to maintain the surprise effect, you have to secretly obtain relevant information. Few people would agree to ask directly: “What do you want for your birthday?” But such cases also occur in practice.


Now a little specifics. What to give a boy for 12 years? For example, one who is prone to romance? Typically, teenagers aged 11-18 are not too interested in intangible gifts. But sometimes there are exceptions. Boys who are prone to romance can enjoy interesting and original non-material gifts. It's rare, but it happens.

What to give a 12 year old boy for his birthday? You can choose from the following gifts:

  • travel by plane/tank;
  • hot air balloon flight;
  • a trip to where the child has long wanted;
  • tickets to a concert of your favorite band;
  • vocal lessons in a professional studio.

Please note that all this is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, as a rule, such gifts are presented either by good friends, parents or close relatives.

Despite this, in addition to impressions, the child should still have something to remember. For example, photographs. You can invite a professional photographer to the holiday. It will allow you to capture the brightest moments of your birthday.


What to give a boy for 12 years? Most teenagers at this age prefer material gifts. More precisely, technology. Therefore, you should not neglect this article of presentations. In the modern world, a gift in the form of some kind of device is common. It’s unlikely to surprise anyone, but it will make a child happy.

So, a 12-year-old boy can be given:

  • smartphone;
  • laptop;
  • game console (for example, PS4);
  • tablet;
  • e-book;
  • camera.

The list of gifts does not end there. After all, progress does not stand still. And every year new technology appears that can please many children and even adults. Let's say virtual reality glasses. If you don’t have any ideas about what to give your 12-year-old boy, you can get by with a gift certificate from a hardware store for a certain amount. Let the birthday boy choose the gift himself.

Unusual devices

In general, any modern child loves gadgets to one degree or another. But, as already mentioned, they can be different. Sometimes a modest piece of technology is enough for a teenager to be happy.

What to give a 12 year old boy for his birthday? The following gifts will be inexpensive:

  • a piggy bank that chews money;
  • alarm clock running away from a person;
  • pedometer;
  • "smart watch;
  • speakers with an original design.

All this can really surprise you. After all, the child does not always need them. In some cases, he does not need them at all. This is especially true for those children who have some serious hobbies.

For music lovers

As a rule, it is better to give them something related to their hobby. More and more teenagers are music lovers or musicians. What can you give a 12-year-old boy in this case?

The list of gifts, as already emphasized, directly depends on the preferences of the child. It's huge. Most often the choice falls on:

  • guitar;
  • good speakers;
  • headphones from a well-known manufacturer;
  • microphone;
  • synthesizer;
  • other musical instruments.

If a child plays an instrument professionally, consumables such as strings or accessories may be useful: cases, belts, and so on.

Activity is everything

Most boys at the age of 12 lead an active lifestyle or simply like to play outside and play sports. This fact will help you choose an amazing, original and useful gift.

The following gifts are suitable for an active child or athlete:

  • a session of laser tag or a game of paintball;
  • punching bag and gloves;
  • sports section;
  • ball or stick.

But most often in practice there are gifts that are considered universal. They are given to both boys and girls of different ages. It is recommended to pay attention to:

  • rollers;
  • bicycles;
  • skateboards;
  • scooters;
  • jumpers.

A child who is interested in sports will benefit from a variety of sports accessories and clothing. Let's say knee pads or a helmet. But as a rule, such gifts are unlikely to please a modern teenager.

Budget gifts

What to give a 12 year old boy? Many gifts are inexpensive. The main thing is to know what exactly to pay attention to. Modern stores provide the opportunity to find inexpensive gadgets, books, clothes, and tools that can please a teenager.

If you are sure that your child loves to read, then a gift edition of his favorite book series will definitely appeal to anyone. Even for an adult. And the teenager will be delighted with such a gift. In fact, such gifts do not occur very often. After all, children are more attracted to gadgets.

The following inexpensive devices can please a 12-year-old birthday boy:

  • flashlights;
  • fingerboards;
  • panels and holders for smartphones;
  • a board game (say, football or hockey).

It’s hard to believe, but modern stores offer the opportunity to purchase even an inexpensive smartphone or camera. It all depends on the child’s preferences and the amount for which the gift is planned to be purchased.

Conclusions and Conclusions

Now it’s clear what to give a boy for his 12th birthday. The list of gifts will definitely change in one case or another. Basically, it is necessary to focus on the teenager’s hobbies. Or give different gadgets.

Modern teenagers are often given money as gifts. This is a good option for those who don’t know what to give to the birthday boy. Let the teenager go to any store and buy what he dreamed of.

The problem of choosing a gift is or has been faced at least once by every person. Regardless of the age of the birthday person, you want the gift to be liked and not become a useless acquisition. Therefore, answering the question: “is the boy 12 years old?” - you need to think very carefully about this topic.

Interests at this age

12 years is exactly the period when a boy is already beginning to grow up, his interests and some views may change. At this age, he is unlikely to like toys that were relevant 2-3 years ago. In addition, hobbies and interests begin to appear that require additional costs. If you know what the child is interested in, you don’t have to think too much about what to give a 12-year-old boy for his birthday.

if your budget is limited

It's okay if your financial capabilities are limited. Buy something that the birthday boy will definitely like. From what you can give to a boy for 12 years, choose or combine your option.

Some ideas:

  • A beautiful tie (the “business card” of a representative of adult life).
  • Stylish and high-quality umbrella (this thing is often lost).
  • Radio headphones (if the birthday person is a music lover).
  • Leather ball (the athlete will like it).
  • Cognitive educational game (for inquisitive boys).

As you can see, there are options for what you can give a 12-year-old boy for his birthday, the main thing is to know exactly what kind of life he leads and what interests him.

Gift ideas on a big budget

If the birthday person is your son, grandson or nephew, the cost of the gift usually increases significantly. After all, not only invited guests think about a surprise. Many parents simply have no idea what to give their child for 12 years. The boy may want something specific, but often finances do not allow him to make such a purchase.

In this case, you can give a gift from several family members or several guests. After all, children at this age already have very different needs. Therefore, the question of what to give a boy for 12 years is not an easy one. Let's consider the options:

  • Tablet (an excellent solution for both educational purposes and leisure).
  • Lego constructor (a wide variety of series will allow you to choose a set by age).
  • A radio-controlled helicopter or quadcopter (a great toy that your boy will definitely love).
  • Bicycle (you can get used to active recreation in this way).
  • “Smart” electronic piggy bank (will allow a boy to save up to realize his dream).
  • Mobile phone (in the class, probably half of the students have iPhones).

This is just a small part of what would be appropriate to give a 12-year-old boy for his birthday. There is a wide choice, the main thing is to know what the birthday person really needs. Here, either the boy’s parents or studying his range of interests will help you.

Other ideas

Of course, the choice of what can be given to a 12-year-old boy for his birthday is not limited to the proposed options. There are many more things that a child of this age will be happy to receive for his holiday:

  • A music player is a great gift for those who love listening to music. The main thing is that it does not interfere with your studies, but otherwise the music lover will be satisfied.
  • Roller skates or a skateboard are no less useful and a good gift. An alternative can be skates. An active lifestyle and good health are guaranteed to the birthday boy.
  • If a boy likes to play football, you can give him a football player's kit. A true connoisseur will definitely be pleased.
  • A certificate or gift coupon for the purchase of an item in a store. A very good option for those who don’t know what to give a 12-year-old boy. In this case, you can’t go wrong with your choice, because clothes, shoes or various accessories from the electronics sector will always come in handy for boys.
  • Books are always a very good gift. But they are good, of course, for those who love to read. These can be both modern works and maps, atlases and encyclopedias.
  • As they grow up, boys will appreciate gifts such as genuine leather bracelets, men's watches, and perfume.
  • The last option is money. This is undoubtedly a universal gift, but the child will not remember it in any way. And if you decide to give him cash, then you shouldn’t tell him what to spend it on. Firstly, it will be unpleasant for the birthday boy, and secondly, the child has his own needs, on which he will spend them.

Without a doubt, each gift must correspond not only to the child’s needs, but also to the financial capabilities of the invitees. It’s good if the boy understands that not every guest will give him exactly what he might ask for. But you need to ask about what you want. Then it will be much easier to make your choice.

What should you not give?

In addition to the fact that there are a lot of options and ideas for what to give a boy for 12 years, there are things that are undesirable to present to the hero of the occasion. These include toys such as radio-controlled cars or small DIY kits. These things need to be given at an earlier age, when there was more interest in them. Also, you should not buy clothes or, for example, a backpack with the image of SpongeBob, Spider-Man or other heroes as a gift. Firstly, you may not guess, and secondly, at this age such things become irrelevant, because day by day the boy grows up.

Instead of an epilogue

The issue related to choosing a gift will become much easier to solve when you find out what exactly the birthday person wants to receive. When choosing a gift, you should take into account his interests so as not to get into trouble. If finances do not allow you to purchase an expensive gift, agree with the other guests to purchase one, but valuable item. And remember: it is always more pleasant to receive a gift made from the heart.

When they think about what to give a 12-year-old boy for his birthday, they often reach a dead end and cannot find a worthwhile idea. But the entertainment industry, electronics and toy manufacturers offer many interesting services and products that may be of interest to a teenager. There is plenty to choose from - from the latest innovations on the digital technology market to simple, but necessary and funny souvenirs.

The best gifts that a child will be delighted with:

  1. a puppy or other pet;
  2. educational microscope;
  3. Spyglass;
  4. gaming mouse;
  5. smart TV for the nursery;
  6. video game computer;
  7. robot vacuum cleaner;
  8. projector;
  9. columns;
  10. trip to Disneyland.

Impressions as a gift - 15 emotional gift ideas for a boy

Emotions are the best thing you can give a boy on his 12th birthday:

  1. Rest in the camp.
  2. Tour to other countries, where the family had long wanted to visit.
  3. Thematic quests for the 12th anniversary, in which ingenuity and dexterity are manifested.
  4. Colorful fireworks.
  5. Traveling in a hot air balloon.
  6. Laser tag is an opportunity to get into the world of games that boys are passionate about.
  7. Flights in a wind tunnel, where air at high speed lifts a person upward, causing the feeling of free fall.
  8. Photo shoot - boys also love to post beautiful photos on Instagram.
  9. Visit to the Experimentarium— a museum where science becomes clear.
  10. Karting is an opportunity to experience high speeds in reality.
  11. Excursion to the training base of your favorite football team.
  12. Flight on a flight simulator- an interesting gift for a boy on his 12th birthday if he dreams of becoming a pilot and dreams of the sky. There is always an instructor nearby who helps with the controls and tells you how to use the on-board electronics.
  13. Master class on painting with virtual reality glasses is suitable as a gift for a boy with creative inclinations who would like to try himself in new areas of art.
  14. Rope park with attractions will turn the birthday boy into Indiana Jones, who has gone for the Ark of the Covenant, which can only be acquired by overcoming many obstacles.
  15. Horse riding session The child will be happy to receive it as a gift. Communication with animals relaxes and restores peace of mind.

Cool original surprise - top 5 ideas

A child will remember his birthday if a surprise is prepared for him:

  1. Pack a small gift in many layers of wrapping paper, increasing the volume of the box several times. To get to the gift, you will have to try.
  2. Organize a meeting with an idol - an athlete, artist, gamer, who will present the child with a gift prepared by the parents.
  3. Hire an animator, for example, in a Superman costume, who will rise to the window on an aerial platform and congratulate you in an original way.
  4. Invite friends to your home, but so that the boy does not know about the upcoming party.
  5. Arrange a quest in the apartment - hang notes on the walls, doors, cabinets with clues about where the cache is with a present from the parents for their son.

Useful and interesting for a teenager

Useful things can also be interesting if they are connected, for example, with hobbies.

Money as a gift

If they don’t know what the child wants, then money is the best gift. They are also given when the birthday person is saving up for some big thing, such as a hoverboard.

Top 5 best modern gadgets for boys

These are the coolest ones that no one will refuse. The best gadgets for a 12 year old from this category:

  1. game console;
  2. virtual reality helmet;
  3. eBook;
  4. running alarm clock;
  5. game steering wheel.

Top 10 most interesting toys for teenagers

Manufacturers are developing hundreds of models of interesting toys for boys from 12 years old:

  1. Amazing Toys Boxing Tops Science Play Set, which demonstrates the operation of the laws of physics.
  2. Neocube puzzle toy— a set of neodymium magnets. They can be used to form any two-dimensional or three-dimensional shape.
  3. Duke board game "Make a Shape"- a panel made of carnations, accurately reproducing the object attached to it.
  4. Metall Puzzles Set- for those who love riddles.
  5. A quadcopter is one of the most interesting devices, including for adults.
  6. Board game "Mafia" helps develop memory, intelligence, intuition, and strategic thinking.
  7. Dinosaur WowWee Fingerlings- for those who are interested in interactive toys (over time you can collect the entire collection of prehistoric animals).
  8. Radio-controlled jumping robot drone.
  9. Robotime Triceratops construction set with remote control- fun that captivates the whole family.
  10. Music Box is another 3D puzzle from Robotime that develops perseverance and determination in a boy.

Everything you can ride on - bicycles, roller skates, skates

Boys are interested in any means of transportation. In addition to bicycles, roller skates, and skates, you can also give more modern vehicles:

  1. hoverboard;
  2. electric scooter;
  3. electric bike;
  4. skate;
  5. unicycle.

Sports gifts - a list of good ideas

The list of gifts for physical development can contain dozens of items. At this age, a boy can be given:

  1. sports corner in the apartment or in the yard;
  2. boxing gloves and punching bag;
  3. high-quality tennis racket - Larsen, Babolat and others;
  4. ping pong set (net, rackets, table);
  5. a ball autographed by your favorite football player;
  6. dumbbells;
  7. cue if the child plays billiards;
  8. skis or other accessories for this sport;
  9. basketball stand and ball;
  10. Swedish wall.

Gifts for outdoor activities - list of ideas

A gift for a 12-year-old child is selected from products for outdoor activities:

  1. Metal detector— will find ancient coins and other interesting items (the simplest models are affordable).
  2. Multifunctional digital compass. The device remembers routes, shows the time, has a backlight and a timer. Many models take into account the characteristics of use in field conditions and are splash resistant.
  3. Universal mobile battery Hiking lovers need it to always stay in touch with their parents.
  4. A headlamp is an accessory you can’t do without either when descending into a cave or while climbing a mountain peak.
  5. A GoPro video camera, a gift for his 12th birthday, is filming a video about the guy’s achievements for a blog on social networks.
  6. Camera Accessories to enjoy your video recorder more fully.
  7. Tactical Hiking Backpack with many pockets for necessary things.
  8. A sleeping bag - you can go on overnight hikes with it, and parents will not worry about their son’s health.
  9. A hydration pack is a container from which you drink water on the go or at a rest stop, without taking it out of your backpack.
  10. Equipment for the chosen sport— knee pads, elbow pads, shoes, helmet, mittens.

High-quality musical instruments for young musicians

If your child plays music, then it’s time to switch to the “adult” versions of the chosen instrument. Such a gift can be given to a boy who dreams of becoming a drummer or guitarist, pianist or saxophonist, like his favorite stars.

If you have enough money, a music school student will appreciate the instrument that his idol used to play. This rarity can be purchased at auctions, including charity ones.

Top 5 best video games for boys (with brief description)

Teenagers spend most of their time playing video games, so an uncle might present a disc with a new version of a racing game or a shooter to his twelve-year-old nephew. Among the best for this age category:

  1. Shadow of the Colossus is a classic action game from Fumito Vedi, developed by Bluepoint Games. The hero of the game saves the girl, for which he has to destroy giant creatures made of stone - the keepers of an ancient secret. He has a bow, a magic sword and an inquisitive mind at his disposal. Platform used: PlayStation 4.
  2. StarBlood Arena is a good gift for boys who have a virtual reality headset. The teenager will feel like an astronaut taking part in adrenaline battles. The player has 9 spaceships with different technical characteristics at his disposal. Platform: PlayStation VR.
  3. Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a virtual world consisting of two regions - Asmodea and Elios. There is a fierce war going on on earth and in the sky between two great nations. Beginners and experienced online gamers will enjoy online battles, where they fight not only monsters, but also other players. Platform - RS.
  4. Burnout Paradise Remastered is offered as a gift to a teenager who is crazy about breakneck speeds. Paradise City is a racing town with hundreds of streets and dozens of race tracks. This is an improved version of the game, and the racing has become even more spectacular. Platform - PlayStation 4.
  5. NHL 19 is dedicated to hockey fans. The player is offered to go from beginner to professional. Thanks to Real Player Motion Tech technology, it was possible to improve dynamics, speed, and control sensitivity compared to previous editions. Clashes with rivals have become even more spectacular and intense.

Top 5 best gifts for developing a boy's creativity

Many teenagers have hobbies at the age of 12, and this sets the direction for the search:

  1. A camera and a book for beginners that reveals the secrets of the photography profession. This gift is suitable for everyone, since photography has become a part of life with the advent of social networks.
  2. Easel, paints, colored pencils- for those who have found themselves in the fine arts.
  3. Lego constructor - this toy amazes even adults with its capabilities.
  4. Personalized instrument with engraving to conquer new heights in the chosen form of creativity.
  5. 3D pen with plastic set develops spatial thinking, teaches how to create three-dimensional drawings. The kit includes templates to help you understand the principles of drawing in the air.

Collectible gifts

Gifts for 12-year-old boys who are passionate about collecting are also easy to choose. It can be:

  1. antique coin;
  2. rare stamps;
  3. item of clothing of the idol - T-shirt, cap, boxing glove;
  4. album for storing exhibits;
  5. cards with athletes and even their autographs and more.

If there is no hobby yet, you can give the boy several exhibits for his birthday that will mark the beginning of a new hobby and arouse interest in collecting.

Clothing and style - a selection of ideas

Jeans from prestigious brands never go out of fashion: Lee, Levi`s, Guess, Collin`s, Diesel, Mustang. The models are slim, with turn-ups, artificially aged, and made from unfinished denim. Overalls for boys are also becoming fashionable.

Bomber jackets are bought as gifts for children. There are such models for every season, including summer (windbreakers). Dandies with their own style will love quilted velvet sweatshirts worn with shirts. It looks fresh and elegant and is suitable even for a New Year's disco.

12 years is the age of first love. To impress your passion, you will definitely need a formal suit. For winter evenings, sweaters with traditional Norwegian patterns are indispensable, which are now back in trend. Boys who like to go hunting and fishing with their fathers need appropriate clothing - a camouflage suit.

If the leg has grown, a pair of Nike, Adidas, Reebok, or New Balance sneakers would be a good gift for a child. When it comes to boots, teenagers value Steel, Caterpillar, and Timberland. You need to choose original shoes or something cheaper, but of high quality, not a fake. Otherwise, the boy's classmates may laugh at him.

Gifts from family and friends

The most expensive gifts are always from relatives. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following options:

  1. computer chair;
  2. laptop;
  3. smartphone;
  4. ant farm;
  5. pool membership;
  6. computer desk;
  7. master class on your favorite activity;
  8. quality watches;
  9. professional microphone for a child studying vocals.

What to give a friend for his 12th birthday - 15 cool ideas

You can prepare a friend for his special day with many different useful and interesting things that he will definitely appreciate. It can be:

  1. Homemade photo album, which captures the best moments of life, under the photographs you can write short stories and memories of the event captured by the camera.
  2. Football ticket: give one to a friend, buy one for yourself so that the two of you can cheer for the team.
  3. A collection of books about the adventures of your favorite heroes.
  4. Cool piggy bank with a few coins inside as a birthday present for the birthday boy who decided to collect money.
  5. Game "Monopoly", where you can get together with a large group of friends.
  6. Table billiards- a great way for friends to have fun and spend their leisure time.
  7. Lamp in the shape of a soccer ball, minion or other favorite character.
  8. The Darts set develops accuracy and relieves stress after a day at school.
  9. Perfume set- the best gift for a guy he likes from a girl.
  10. Baseball cap with the logo of your favorite computer game, football team, etc.
  11. Portable speaker for smartphone, and you can listen to music with friends even on the beach.
  12. Stirring mug with fan- an interesting and original gift instead of a faience cup.
  13. Computer game.
  14. Protech Hover Ball is a ball that is used to play football not only on the street, but also in the apartment.
  15. Kite.

Inexpensive gift for a boy's 12th birthday - 10 cheap ideas

For a 12-year-old boy, you can give him many inexpensive souvenirs that he will be happy with:

  1. football team logo keychain or your favorite car brand;
  2. Fisher Space Pen, which writes at temperatures of -50 °C, on wet, oily and glossy surfaces, and even under water (it was developed for astronauts);
  3. cards in scrapbooking style- cool DIY gifts for boys from girls;
  4. mobile phone stand;
  5. original bookmark;
  6. mechanical postcard;
  7. stylish night light, for example in the form of a camera;
  8. stationery organizer in the shape of speakers or a London telephone box;
  9. a magic ball that gives answers to questions;
  10. glowing frisbee may become a favorite outdoor toy.

What to give a 12 year old boy for New Year

As a New Year's gift you can purchase:

  1. projector for smartphone— for watching movies and anime;
  2. lightbox on the wall with an interesting plot instead of a boring sconce;
  3. headphones;
  4. touch light;
  5. umbrella with LED lighting;
  6. safe book;
  7. organizer for mobile devices and accessories for them;
  8. table soccer— from a mini version to a full-fledged slot machine;
  9. patterned bed linen set, corresponding to the interests of a 12-year-old teenager;
  10. set for young biologist with 80 microslides, among which are the jaws of a bee, bone tissue from the human body, plant cells (such gifts are given to a boy for the New Year to interest him in biology at school);
  11. house slippers in the shape of tanks or animal paws;
  12. set for a young chemist;
  13. mechanical constructor(even adults are captivated by such toys, who choose them as a New Year’s gift for a 12-year-old boy);
  14. a flash drive disguised as a key or other object;
  15. telescope for studying the starry sky;
  16. Electric Toothbrush children as a gift from caring grandparents;
  17. trip to Veliky Ustyug to see Santa Claus not only for kids, such a trip can also be given to an older child for the New Year;
  18. hanging module, for example, space theme.

It’s not difficult to give a teenager something that he will appreciate, even if he has everything. The main thing is to be interested in the life of your child, friend, grandchild.

2018-11-07 pvipadmin

A 12-year-old teenager is no longer a child, but he will not soon become an adult either. That’s why it’s so difficult to choose a gift for a boy of that age. It is important to choose something that he really needs, but at the same time not to offend the vulnerable teenage soul or offend him by accident. If you don’t know what to give a 12-year-old boy, be sure to use our tips to choose the best present.

How to choose the right gift for a teenager

At the age of 12, a boy may already have formed tastes, passions and hobbies. If you know the recipient of the gift and his interests well, try to choose something that matches them. If this is a son, brother or other loved one, you can ask directly or wait for his hints. If you don’t know about the guy’s preferences, buy something universal.

It is very important to avoid gifts that are too childish. Perhaps the boy plays with cars at home, but it’s not worth giving them as a gift. Now he is at a difficult stage of growing up and reminders of childhood can completely ruin his mood. Also, don't give something too mature, such as an expensive engraved ballpoint pen or a leather wallet. He doesn't need such things yet.

A good option is to ask the boy’s friends what is valued in their company now, and what every teenager would like to receive.

A questionable gift is money. On the one hand, the teenager will definitely be delighted to receive a significant amount and the freedom to spend it at his own discretion. On the other hand, such a gift will not leave behind any memory. If you still decide to give money, do not give the boy advice on how and what to spend it on. Now these are his personal funds and he can dispose of them as he wants.

TOP 10 gifts for a 12 year old boy

  1. Tablet or smartphone
  2. Bicycle or skate
  3. Radio controlled quadcopter
  4. Books and other educational gifts, such as a microscope
  5. Sports accessories
  6. Digital Watch
  7. Visiting an amusement park, water park or card center
  8. Hot air balloon flight or parachute jump
  9. Stylish clothes and accessories
  10. Useful little things, for example, a flashlight or a knife

Inexpensive gift for a 12 year old boy

A relatively inexpensive item is necessary if you are choosing a gift for some minor occasion or if you are really strapped for money. But even when choosing a very budget gift, you need to remember the preferences and interests of the recipient. The most successful gifts:

  • Men's umbrella. Children, even teenagers, often lose or break them, so such a gift will be useful to the recipient.
  • Electronic piggy bank. This is a relatively inexpensive, but very interesting gadget. Not only will it help raise some money, but it will also be a great decoration for a boy's room.
  • Book. This is a great gift if you know what topic interests the boy or his favorite author.
  • Attributes of a fan. If you know a boy's favorite sports team, you can give him a scarf, cap, T-shirt or headband with its symbols.
  • A game. This could be a board game like the world-famous Monopoly or entertainment for a group like Twister.
  • Necessary little things, for example, a flashlight, a multi-functional knife or a phone stand.

Expensive gifts for a 12 year old boy

Even with an unlimited budget, choosing a gift can be very difficult. If you want to not just spend money, but really please the recipient, you need to learn more about his tastes and choose something necessary and useful. If you are choosing a gift for a close relative you know well, you can ask him directly. It’s more difficult if there is no way to find out about the boy’s preferences. In this case, it is better to buy something universal, for example:

  • Tablet. Most teenagers have them. But such technology quickly becomes outdated and something new appears almost every day. Therefore, if you give a good gaming tablet, the boy will definitely be happy.
  • EBook. High-quality modern readers are equipped with special screens that protect your eyes from dangerous studying, so you can use them as often as regular paper books. Such a gadget can be an excellent alternative to a whole backpack of textbooks.
  • Radio controlled quadcopter. This is a toy that even an adult man will be delighted with, and a teenager will definitely be delighted. A quadcopter equipped with a camera will allow the boy to shoot fascinating videos from a bird's eye view.
  • Bike. This is a great gift that will help introduce your child to an active lifestyle and teach him to love sports. In addition, this is his first personal means of transportation, which will help him cover distances faster.
  • Computer or laptop. If the boy still doesn’t have his own PC, it’s time to correct the situation.

Useful gift for a boy

It’s very good if you manage to choose not only an interesting and pleasant, but also a useful gift. Of course, it’s not easy to please a teenager, but there are things that he will definitely appreciate:

  • Modern youth watches. It is believed that a classic watch is not so much a useful device as an ornament for respectable men. But a modern shock-proof and moisture-resistant model with a music player, compass and pedometer will delight a teenager.
  • Sports accessories. Sufficient physical activity is the key to the health and proper development of a child. Therefore, any sports accessories are useful and necessary gifts. You can choose a set for a sports game, for example, for street or indoor basketball, a punching bag and gloves, skates or skates, rollers or a skateboard.
  • Developmental or educational gift. It is designed to unobtrusively give the boy new knowledge and skills. A telescope, microscope, large and detailed atlas of the world, or an electronic construction set are suitable as such a gift.
  • Digital devices. Who knows, maybe a good camera, given at the age of 12, will help the boy decide and become a photographer in the future. A new phone or any PC accessories will also be useful for the boy.

When choosing gifts such as a bicycle, skateboard or roller skates, do not forget to also purchase a helmet and protection for your elbows and knees. A sports gift will only be beneficial if it is safe.

Original and comic gifts

Most 12-year-olds already have a great sense of humor and will appreciate something unusual, original or funny. At this age, they will be happy with a unique present with their image. This could be a plate and/or cup, a T-shirt, or even a computer mouse pad.

You can also pick up an interesting item or accessory:

  • Unusual or stylish clothes, for example, a hat with a beard, a long sleeve with an unusual pattern, or tank-shaped slippers;
  • Luminous shoe laces, keychain for a backpack or nipples for a bicycle;
  • Unusual alarm clock, for example, simulating a bomb or running away;
  • Table punching bag, which will help you “blow off steam” if your homework doesn’t work out.

You can also give raffle gifts. But keep in mind that insecure and vulnerable teenagers may misunderstand such a gift and be offended.

Adventures as a gift for a 12 year old

New experiences are something that all young people value. If you want to please a 12-year-old boy, give him an adventure, for example:

  • Visiting an amusement park or water park. This is great entertainment for the whole family - not only the recipient of the gift, but also the giver will enjoy it.
  • Horseback riding. Probably all boys adore horses, so such an adventure will leave wonderful memories.
  • Visit to the card center. If a boy loves speed and is interested in technology, karting will be a great gift.
  • Flight in a hot air balloon. Of course, no one will let one 12-year-old child go on such an adventure, but together with his family it is possible.
  • Skydiving. Most flying clubs allow children from 9-10 years old to jump, but in pairs with an instructor.

If you are choosing a birthday gift for a boy, you can organize a themed party. It can be based on the boy’s favorite movie or computer game. Warn all guests in advance and prepare suitable paraphernalia.

You can also invite a boy on a hike if he is interested in tourism. An adventure gift will definitely please the recipient and will be remembered for a long time. And a shared experience will help bring all its participants closer together. This is a great way to build relationships with your teenager and make long-term friends.