Happy birthday to your best friend's girlfriend. Happy birthday greetings to a girl friend. Birthday greetings to the girl

Accept congratulations from a friend
You are on your birthday, friend,
Let dreams come true
I wish you happiness and love,

Stay beautiful herself
Make your dreams come true
To family and friends to smile
And never lose heart!

This festive day
I want to tell you:
You are smart, beautiful
Well, in general - just a miracle!

You are like a scarlet flower
Blossom, scent!
Like a small flame
Shine, shine, shine!

I wish my dear friend
Happy days, beautiful years
Good luck, joy without an edge,
Great successes and victories!

After all, you are the very charm
May fate protect you
And birthday wishes
Love and happiness for you!

May you always be lucky
Your dream will come true
Luck goes side by side
And there will be people close to you!

So much admiration for you
That I give you a poem!
Dreamy and charming
Responsive, sweet, attentive,

Happy Birthday to you
Soaring and inspiration,
Happy smile of radiance
Attention and understanding!

Girlfriend, you're just lovely!
Everything is in you - beauty and intelligence,
Responsiveness, emotional awe.
Disperse the clouds of heavy thoughts.

Give tea, warm it up,
Suddenly give me advice, if that.
So be happy, dear!
Thank you, honey, for everything!

A friend helped out more than once,
And I wish on my birthday
I want you a lot of happiness
And to know good luck in life,

Good to you, joy to the sea,
You value yourself, take care
Let grief not come to you
May your plans come true!

I am your friend and you know
Very important for me.
After all, such as you are friends
Not to be found in broad daylight!

You are like a gold fish
Everyone who is near is lucky
Be the happiest
To all envious people for evil!

Spectacular and sweet, like a bright star,
You are the most beautiful, figure - anywhere!
Men just fall at the sight of your feet
And not one of your eyes could not sleep at night!

I wish you a lot of joy and luxury around,
So that you have your own business and a three-story house,
Fun grape, strawberry beauty,
Chocolate health - so that you have everything!

Malvina be lovely, like Cinderella is sweet,
So that life flows like a wonderful river in love
Let diamonds always fall at your feet
And the most cherished dream will come true!

I want to wish you a carefree life
Luxury villas, discos, festive holidays,
So that I never knew the end of men
And your fans lost their heads!

Days of wonderful and friends, colorful banquets,
Find clear answers to questions,
So that Luck and Love are pressed to the heart,
And so that you never know grief in your life!

I wish you look awesome
Chic, fashionable and elegant,
Be naughty, captivate men,
Celebrate the New Year in Cyprus!

In short, always be yourself
And delight everyone with beauty
So that they were for one of your glances
We are ready to give a million!

So that you live in a posh house
I was familiar with the "stars"
And so that you have a burning Macho,
And, of course, heaven to boot!

I wish you on your birthday
Shine and shine with joy,
So that from male admiration
Your look was even more beautiful!

So that everything is in order in your personal life,
So that the dear carried in his arms,
From kisses very sweet
So that he adores you!

My mirror light said
And he told the whole truth, -
There is no sweeter you in the world
And more wonderful and more tender!

You are gorgeous - no doubt about it!
You radiate joy, light,
Ringing laughter, eyes are burning,
Everyone talks about you

How kind and beautiful you are
Charming, courteous,
May you live cool
Remember - you are always beautiful!

I wish you this Birthday
Luxurious gifts and words of admiration,
I wish you outfits from fashion magazines,
So that life only brings you happiness!

I wish you hot love stories,
More cakes, less calories!
Flowers every day, serenades under the balcony
To love the military and not to argue with the law!

Gifts and surprises for you more often,
And also more real friends!
Love - the most devoted, Prince - from a fairy tale,
And live in a world of light, comfort and affection!

On your birthday, I wish
Happiness, joy without an edge,
A million for you in cash
And trips abroad,

Let flowers bloom in my soul
Behind the balcony is Hollywood
"Mercedes" so - in the garage,
Bowling club - on the floor,

So that your chosen one loved
I carried it in my arms all my life,
To have some talents
And he gave only diamonds!

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday,
Let the bucks fly like birds around
Let everything be as you wish
And everything you dream about for a long time will come true!

Let it be warm in the house, and comfort in the heart,
Let the serenades sing under the window
They always invite to cafes, restaurants,
You are treated to French champagne!

Successful love and success in business,
Always wear high heels
The most fashionable outfits, outside the city - a villa!
Well, everything seems to be? I haven't forgotten anything.

Let everything come true on your birthday
Let the wind on your wings carry you away
To places I could only dream of
Where instead of "work" always "sunbathe"!

I wish your wallet to be full
Good luck is a wagon and luck is a bag,
I always wore only "Gucci" outfits,
Or maybe you can buy something better!

Let there be less worries and more ventures,
Great adventures, non-sour friends,
A good boss and friendly colleagues,
Health to you and all those close to you!

Wish Birthday
Made your dreams come true
Good luck to you, no doubt
Love, smiles, beauty!

So that life is - well, just super,
And all wishes came true
So that there are hands in diamonds
And dollars have always been led

So that you can afford
Fly to Paris on weekends
And every year on the Black Sea
Conquer the men on the beach!

They congratulate you at home today
Animals, birds, fences, leaves,
Forest fires, spring and winter
Words and eyes, poetic lines,

Pillars and boulevards, rains, wires,
Traffic jams, domestic cats,
Water, beard, bullshit and a star
Bridges, pavements, boulevards, windows,

Doctors, President, Santa Claus,
Alexey, Volodka, Oleska Rozhnova,
Alisa Kipelova, Sanka Bazarov,
Evsey Samoilov, Valera Motygin and Liza!

We wish you dresses, skirts, stockings,
Tights, shirts, shoes, chains,
Ring, earrings, living corner,
Words and eyes, poetic lines!

Bikers love you, hackers, we
Khabensky, Volodka, Oleska, Aliska,
Flowers, shops, lakes, hills,
Valera, Evsey, Sanka, Leshka and Lizka!

Be white and pink, warm, big
Tiny, round, green, smart,
Mushroom, flower, nut, soul,
Azure, glaze, beloved Alena!

I wish you great health,
So that the chest does not hang with a rag.
And cunnilingus once a week
Somebody else would do you.

And early in the morning at dawn
When there is no strength to wake up,
Damn the alarm clock
And wild sex woke you up.

Be beautiful like Malvina
And how sweet Cinderella is!
Let them love you right away
Thirty-three heroes!

Be a confident girl
In his struggle, in his path, in destiny.
Keep in the crowd as if you are alone
As if you were born a Goddess!

And where can we get such a word,
What to wish on your birthday?
We wish you to be always healthy
And never lose heart.
So that grief does not get into the soul,
So that there is no place for trouble,
And so that the cuckoo would guess
Prokukovat you for a hundred years!

Happy birthday, my love!
Everything today is just for you.
And a bouquet of these white roses -
A symbol that we have serious love.

I'm ready to give everything in the world
To pamper you, dear,
To give you my love
Sweet words to speak.

Be healthy, honey, always
And never get upset.
And let it be on the path of life
You meet a sea of ​​kindness.

Know that I love you alone
And I will never stop loving.
And today I say again:
Happy Birthday! I love you!

Darling, on your birthday
I want to wish you:
Let luck find you
And he won't want to let go!

In the diamonds of the sky I wish
And so that you were in diamonds!
Do not doubt my dear:
All my dreams are with you.

Happy birthday, darling!
Be happy with me
Be with me forever,
I love you so much!

To my dear girl
Happy birthday - best days!
The thinnest heels
The dearest spirits

The best fur coats,
To look your best!
So that like a star shine
And fascinated the whole world!

To you, my love,
On yours I wish you a birthday.
Any dream is yours
Was easy to implement.

The size is always the right one
And the favorite color in the store.
And I gave joy every day
In unimaginable sizes!

Happy birthday dear!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let them give you diamonds
You hurry to accept them!

Let there be more money
And love is worth a million!
Let people not judge you
You are a champion in life!

Happy Birthday congratulating,
I want to wish you:
So that it always comes true in life
Your secret "I want"!

So that you become related with luck,
So that lave is always found,
Well, what was dreamed of
It was always on the shoulder!

Friend, agree, money is rubbish! I wish you to become the director of such a garbage dump! Happy birthday!

We wish you happiness
Prosperity and patience.
Let all bad weather pass
Disorder, excitement!
Happy Birthday! Have some fun!
Be beautiful and slim
So that everyone around is handsome
They're crazy about you!

For the youngest, for the most beautiful,
For a shy girl, for a clever girl,
Today we all drink!
Even the sun today
Shines in a special way
As if he is happy with us
At the festive table.
May there be a lot of joy
All life, let it seem like happiness
And whatever she wants
Let it come true, come true!

Good luck to you
And people, dear to the heart,
Account in hard currency and dacha in Sochi.
May this day and other days
You will be completely happy;
Loved, young, beautiful
Always in the saddle and on a dashing horse

Let you have an apartment
And a wonderful country house,
Let the star idols melt
From happiness in your company!

May there be every birthday
Countries, cities change,
But here's a bad mood
Let it never be!

I wish you to be tenacious in life,
I wish you to be healthy,
A beautiful face, a happy fate.

I want to wish you, to be cunning and dexterous, to subdue men by affection and training! Well, and I wish them, besides courage and strength, that they have enough money and love for you!

I was created for you alone
I live for you alone
In your hands given by God
I entrusted you with fate
Your arms are your shoulders
Lips hair eyes
I will cherish and remember
I will never forget
And forgive me for the frankness for the hot words
You alone are needed in the world
Only one love you

Happy birthday, congratulations!
I wish you two bags of sweets
Three kilos of solid luck -
Let the envious cry.

So that dreams always come true
The days were fun
So that according to your word
Everything happened according to the mind!

You are a beauty anywhere,
You always look great.
Charming, beautiful,
Always polite, courteous.

In general, the real treasure is
One hundred carat diamond.
I wish you a birthday
I'm lucky in everything.

And such a groom
To give you furs
Yachts, even airplanes.
In general, so as not to be a miser.

I wish you to eat and not get fat,
So as not to go on diets.
I wish your legs
Don't rub your heels!

So that gentle eyes shine
And the plump lips were laughing.
And so that your curls
Never knew gray hair!

To pay attention to you
Never cheated
So that even in severe frosts
Roses lay at your feet!

I wish with all my heart
You and minks and chinchillas!
Get caviar for breakfast
Flowers bouquets in the morning.
To go on cruises more than once a year
And let your car be lucky!
And of course be a star
Always shining with beauty!

Be always happy with everything
Charming, cool!
To lay down in stacks
Guys in front of your feet!
Be dressed superbly
Have a light gait
And bet on this life
Like a moth to the light!
Congratulations, accept
And listen with seriousness
Everything that I wanted you here
So that in reality it sells!

On your birthday
I want to wish
Always be beautiful
Do not get bored at all!

Rest only abroad
Best of all, of course, in Nice!
Buy a fashion boutique,
Do not lose hope in love!

Cool friends
With which to hang out is not too lazy!
And every day to receive gifts,
Avoid parks throughout.

Be successful and beautiful
Pretty and gentle.
Dazzlingly dressed
But at the same time, she is modest!

I wish you a pretty love
Take a bath with foreign champagne,
Awesome happiness
Undoubted success!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you not to be sad.
Soon you will become gray-haired
The golden tooth will shine.
You will puff, grunt,
You will want to sleep a lot.
I'm kidding, don't be scared
Do not be offended by poetry.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Yes, do not rush to grow old!

I do not wish you princes -
They smell like horses
I don't want diamonds -
After all, they are cold.
I wish to be happy
Fight off at a time
To be loved and problems
Everything is always decided at once.

I have a holiday today -
Your birthday!
I am in a hurry to congratulate him
Very sincere, loving.
Let in any of your desires
There will be sense and a good sign.
Stay in good health
Move to minus on the scales!

Happy Birthday!
May everything come true in an instant.
BMW was the best
In the Maldives, the beach is loose.

A lot of money, a lot of happiness
And luck to boot.
May everything come true on time
Happy birthday, angel!

Whatever life has guessed
Now is the chance to start over!
You're a year cooler today
A year more beautiful, a year better.

Get your outfit more colorful
The holiday will be more fun.
All the boys around
We'll shove it under the heel.

Today is only your day
Plunge into your head.
Do not be shy about the positive
Be mysterious, playful.

May dreams come true
About which you dream.
White prince, rich horse
For life to be - fire.

A million dollar bag
Beauty salon,
"Mercedes", apartment, dacha
And good luck in all matters!

I want to congratulate you
Cool congratulations
Let him give a holiday
Your birthday!
You are a worthy girl
Diamonds and flowers.
You are slim, cool,
Beautiful - no words.

Don't wait for a prince for yourself
And don't sit around idle!
Manage your life
Be luckier, stronger!
You are the girl that you need -
With a body with a slender, clear look!
"Conquer all princes for yourself!"
Let there be a principle in life!
Be rich and successful
And everyone is happier, of course!

Happy Dnyushka, dear friend,
Life is as easy as a pillow
As sweet as chocolate
And as spacious as a tent.
And to the tent so that in addition
There was a fisherman, but how else?
And a bucket of selected fish
Akhata snail.
May all desires come true
All dreams and expectations.
Well, so that your fisherman
There was a prince, not a fool!

I wish the last iPhone, well, and the iPad
And everything that is there in life, you still need!
So that they please you more often in the salons
And sometimes my legs trembled with happiness!

You were created to be about you
The best men dreamed!
Be happier than everyone on earth
And have everything, not half!

You are a lovely creature
Eye of my charm!
Among all the people around
There is no prettier and nicer.
Keep this way for a long time
Live life as it is convenient.
Not according to someone else's templates,
And according to their own laws!

I do not wish you princes -
They smell like horses
I don't want diamonds -
After all, they are cold.

I wish to be happy
Fight off at a time
To be loved and problems
Everything is always decided at once.

You are the queen today
And the whole world is in love with you.
Enjoy life boldly
And have a great feast.

Be cheerful and happy
Make your dreams come true.
You have full rights today -
Queen of beauty!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you not to be sad.
Soon you will become gray-haired
The golden tooth will shine.
You will puff, groan,
You will want to sleep a lot.
I'm kidding, don't be scared
Do not be offended by poetry.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Yes, do not rush to grow old!

Rest in overseas resorts,
Dress fashionable in boutiques
On your birthday, I wish you
Incomparable, dear!
They write about such verses
And secretly sigh at night.
Please accept my congratulations
Perfection personification!

Who is the sweetest in the world
All blush and whiter? -
This phrase and more than once
He hears a mirror from us.
Because we are girlfriends
Mischievous laughter
Not a penny for the soul
We deeply believe in miracles.
On your birthday, you know
All dreams come true!
I wish a prince on horseback
Find you as soon as possible!

Congratulations my beloved
Happy Birthday to You!
Your holiday will be the coolest
For beautiful gifts!

And I give you myself and congratulations!
I wish you a lot of happiness and luck!
Ocean of luck
and always return from friends!

Dresses only from the Prado,
And lots of delicious avocados!
Tanning chocolate,
Yes, awesome mood!

I wish a bunch of girlfriends
And there are a lot of cool parties!
May all wishes come true today
And so that without any punishment!

Without horoscopes I can say
and not lie at all.
You are insanely lucky
Good luck will suddenly come to you!
There will be a lot of happiness and love
So much money that you can't take away!

Just don't think about the bad
Dance, have fun, because everything is through!
Don't load on your birthday
And madly have fun!

Always be so beautiful
Kind, energetic, sweet!
Let there be many friends and girlfriends nearby!
And you will have many different merits!
Achieve everything only yourself
Be loved with your beloved and only tender!
Stay as you are
All your qualities are countless!

So that I never know tears
So that good Santa Claus
Didn't forget to carry gifts
To make you bold, bright,
And on your birthday we will
Let's give each one a star!
Congratulations in unison, from the heart,
Come on, have fun, dance!

You are beautiful like an angel
Not a girl - just a marvel!
Where can I go from you?
I can't get enough of it!
On your lips, eyes,
There is no more beautiful even in a fairy tale!
Never be sad
Birthday and always.

So that Sobchak is smart
And how slender Borodina is,
Flexible like Nastya Volochkova,
And the bust was the size
So that like Chekhova Anfisa!
Let the actresses envy
You are a hundred times better than all of them!
Girl, just super class!

I wish the girl on her birthday
To be always and everywhere the best!
Guys for you, let everyone suffer
Well, you tease them - it's not a sin!
Let them overwhelm you with gifts
Millions of roses - at your feet!
Let the excess ones roll off later,
Well, you will be left with one!

It's so great that there are people like that
Beautiful and slender like you!
We will praise all of you today
For the best beautiful features.
You are wise, despite your young age,
She is obstinate and completely good.
Until it's too late to start anything,
So do what the soul requires!

Your eyes are like two diamonds
And your cheeks are poppies.
So be you forever rich
And happy - live without troubles!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you
Health, joy, good luck
And find a groom to match!

Slender, beautiful, like a cute birch,
And you are very, very bright with your brightness.
I wish you, my beautiful wondrous maiden,
To meet your birthday in the melody.

Let love be fragrant like flowers
I wish all dreams come true.
To make you feel like a queen
Success to be in any of your business.

May life give you everything
what do you dream about!
Success in everything
joy and great happiness!

It's great that you are!
May your life be bright
and the mood is sunny!

Trust your heart
Be who you are.
I wish you happiness and the most wonderful mood!

I wish you an immodest profit
The Swiss bank account is huge
Outside the city, a large dacha
Good health to boot

Great victories in amorous affairs
Canary Islands and Cote d'Azur
All kinds of success in life
And most importantly, reliable friends!

I wish you to be happy
Always desired and loved
Step straight to success
Meeting joy, every moment!

May joy and happiness
Love and participation
Show you the right path!
Cheerful and tender
Be the most successful
And be the happiest!

Let the years rush in succession
Let life flow like an invisible river
Always be young at heart
Always be the happiest!

I wish you to be loved
And find your happiness
And let it be beautiful in your life,
Sweet dreams come true!

God works in mysterious ways,
But I wish fate's favor
So that you are cheerful, joyful, beloved,
I managed to find happiness in life!

There is so much passion in you, friend,
Fire, desire to help.
May our friendship not fade away
And the sorrows will fly away!

We wish you a birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today, tomorrow, all year round!

Let the money, huddled in flocks of birds,
flying towards you like a hurricane.
Let them surround, attack and climb
with insolence in his pocket.

I wish you were always
Slightly drunk with happiness
And to have your wallet
Looks like a suitcase!

Your refinement, your gloss
Let the men do not miss
And the petals of scarlet roses
You are paved the way!

And there are many wonderful days in life,
They bring you pleasure
And your coveted circle of friends
Gives you warmth and mood!

Let the chickens do not peck money,
The Sberbank account will be solid!
And the nightingales in the shower are singing
Early in the morning - early in the morning!

Let your heart beat in time with your steps
And only from happiness freezes!
Let the feast be at your place,
Collects friends and relatives!

I congratulate you
And I hug you tight!
I wish to live like in a fairy tale
So that everything goes like clockwork.

May the holiday be bright
The party will be hot
Let it go according to plan
Everything will pass without flaws.

FOR a year to recharge
Tusila, had fun.
So that quickly without effort
All wishes come true!

To keep you healthy
And she grew beautiful
To make a bale of happiness happy
You found yourself.

And also a bag of laughter
And a kilogram of smiles.
For everyone you know for fun
Smile here and there!

And let it be with your smile
The sun rises in the sky
And the soul is a magic violin
You always sing!

I wish you a girl, on your birthday
Good luck and happiness, love and luck,
I wish the lips to kiss me
And the little hands hugged me tenderly!

I want to wish you a carefree life
Parties, discos, festive holidays
So that your rivals sigh
And men lost their heads from love!

You are beautiful and smart
Charming, slender.
What, what to wish for?
Never lose heart?

Let it be in rhyme, of course,
But why do you need advice?
We'd rather wish
What I could only dream of.

Let all sales last
Even longer before the salary!
Let your size remain
Or there will be in the bins.

Hello, I congratulate you,
Let it not grow together, it did not come true,
But I remember with warmth
Everything that flashed like a moment,
And may we not be together
All congratulations, accept
Let everyday life be easy
Happiness, luck, love!

Happy birthday, my dear to you
I am in a hurry to congratulate and wish you
The sun is clear, the sky is beautiful,
All the best on Earth!
You are the beloved, tender, the kindest
I will pass through the flame, I will fly up to the sky
To give you happiness!

Of mind and cunning to you
I, girl, wish!
And on your birthday, all the dreams
They will come true, I know!
Just remember, everyone is happy
Eat not lemon, but lemonade!
Turn on your female charm
And celebrate your birthday!

I wish you pure love
To get married in a year
For a young footballer
That Spain will score a goal.

And you will rush with him quickly
On a fancy car.
And snuggle up to the footballer
In a chic haute couture coat.

Everything in life can work out
But just don't forget
To live happy with a football player,
Score goals more often.

You bake delicious pies
Wearing a fur coat, boots,
Good in any outfit
I am very happy that you are near.

I'm so good with you
I forgot about everything for a long time
I forgot my name
How I loved you.

You are not a girl - you are happiness
And you are worthy of praise
Happy birthday dear
I've been looking for you all my life!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I hug you hundreds of times
I am with you no matter what
Though it is warm outside the window, even though it is dark.

For me, you are sweet and beautiful
I am with you every hour is not in vain,
I am yours all and always without a trace,
I kiss you sweet and sweet!

For you, my dear,
The dawn is kindling!
For you, my dear,
The stars are rising, giving light!

You yourself are like a star,
You overshadow the dawn!
What are you in this world,
I thank fate.

Wear fox fur coats
Find yourself a fellow!
Better find three for yourself
And have fun like a dream!
Get yourself a dog
To protect the dacha,
And let the husband work in humps,
You go to the ponds.
Machines, shades and curls,
This is going to be a beat
Well, go to the boutique again -
Buy a bunch of clothes.

May everything be fine in life!
Gracefully! Sweet! Gently! Passionately!
Brilliantly! Bright! Fantastic!
Beautiful! Fashionable and practical!
Carelessly! Tasty! Appetizing!
Unusual! Colorful!
Good luck! Just! Perfect!
And with pleasure, of course!

Happy Birthday. I wish in life strong hugs and sweet kisses, small problems like insects and strong nerves like pistachios, a tender soul field in daisies and a complete absence of poop people.

I will not wish anything good, only the best: success in business, health in the family, a heart full of love, eyes glowing with happiness, new discoveries, the most pleasant emotions. Let your whole life be a continuous holiday. Happy birthday!

Every day is for your good, on your accounts of years, multiply the percentage of happiness, without credits at the expense of flowers, falling stars of desires, new fateful days, friends who love you faithful to friendship and good luck.

Let everything be the best for you: your wife is a real Cinderella (but only without midnight transformations), children are kind, like the Snow Maiden (but not made of snow), the house is beautiful and cozy (but not gingerbread). Happy Birthday to You!

They say that girls do not always understand humor and are often offended by innocent jokes and practical jokes. Actually this is not true. You just shouldn't forget about the sense of tact. Jokes should be fun, but light and pleasant, emphasizing the dignity of the girl.

Write the word "I love" the clouds.
And congratulations fly to heaven
To congratulate with the rain down!

Happy birthday congratulations
And all together we wish:
Let it be thick in pockets
Let the "cabbage" always rustle.

So that I could buy what I need,
And from "dolce" and from "prado",
On vacation so that in the heat of the heat
To Maldives and Canary Islands

You could always go
For your soul fun
So that all dreams come true
So that you are happy!

Happy birthday
You are still so young
May happiness be the sea, inspiration,
Your companions will always be
The road to life is long
We wish to pass
Without grief and misfortune
With luck ahead
Let the sun shine on you
Scattering the sky of clouds
May you be beautiful
Like a ray of light from the sun.

I will take care of you all my life
From dangerous, unnecessary meetings,
Promise! With you alone
We will live a happy life!

Not enough stars in the sky high
Not enough wildflowers
To give you my swan
The crystal angel of my dreams!
I wish, dear, that forever
You were so radiant
Cheerful, gentle and carefree!
May God grant you health and warmth!

I wish you to be happy!
Bloom more magnificent than any roses!
The road to happiness hastily
Pass without grief and without tears!
I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I wish you a hundred years
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

Cool girl
Always happy with everyone
Beautiful and smart
And besides, a modest one!
Happy birthday honey
Always be like this!
I wish you were happy
You are your destiny!

Arrogance is useless today:
You and I are one,
And you know, and for a long time:
I love you and that's why
Every moment together
Holidays are dearer to me than any!
I comprehend the meaning of life with you!
Happy birthday, my sun!

Your eyes sparkle like stars
On your birthday - how good you are!
I am always ready to admire you
And admire quietly, without breathing!
I wish you patience with all my heart
And be happy for many long years!
May kindness and loyalty not abandon
And let the angel keep you from troubles!

Happy Birthday, dear friend!
I am happy to congratulate you!
Together you and I are not suddenly,
Together we are with you for a reason!
Fate brought us together
For years not pretend.
In sorrow, in joy with you
Together we are always and the point!
Be healthy and do not be ill,
Never be discouraged!

May there be happiness to the ocean
Surround everywhere!
I wish friendship to the ship
Keep your previous course!
I prefer one
I am instead of a hundred friends!
A friend is a diamond among men
And the best of people!
Let under the tent of shining stars
And a sunny day
Lives always joyfully
And happiness awaits you!

Like in a Winnie the Pooh fairy tale -
You are my best friend!
We are like water -
Where are you, there I am!

Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you happiness!
Money - a full wallet!
So that all enemies - across!

Friends congratulate you,
Our friendly family:
Let adversity run away
And fill your years
Happiness is a joyful light.
So that advice reigns in the family
Yes, love that is stronger than steel.
You have become dearer to us.
If we are one family,
Friends for you!

I wish you a good journey
Walk this path with friends
Health so as not to occupy,
And never lose heart.
Smiles, joy, good luck,
Live to be a hundred! And not otherwise.

Happy birthday, dear friend,
I want to disturb the peace of the neighbors.
Congratulations let you have enough until morning
It's time to have fun in full.

I will drink for your health,
And for the friendship of men I will pour more fully.
It's good only once a year is your birthday,
Otherwise, friend, we would have drunk ourselves with you.

I am always ready to help friends,
You are not wasting words in the wind!
I can always turn to you!
You can safely rely on a friend!
And let the years fly by
You will never fail
I know you are a friend forever!

We want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness in life.
You shouldn't be offended at life
Do not be discouraged in life.
Let everything be: thunderstorm, blizzards,
Let there be joy and peace.
And if it is very difficult,
Then know that we are always with you.

You are in any situation
You will hold me and you will understand
Calm down, I'm always with you:
You will never fail!

May every turn in life
No matter how cool he is,
Always leads only to the best!
Be happy and loved by fate!

I thank my fate
for giving a friend.
I'll pour a glass today
because our friendship is strength!

I wish you to live a hundred years
to be the first, the best and the happiest.
May your good luck amulet
gives way to prospects.

We want to wish, as a friend,
So that a blizzard does not sweat you in your life,
And the warm light of the rays poured.
It doesn't matter - the first, the second.
Or the third youth has come,
The soul, as before, is young,
As before, matters are arguing.
And let the whiskey turn a little gray
But this is not a problem in life.
May your heart not grow old
All your long years.

My dear friend
On your birthday
I sincerely congratulate
And I send greetings.

If you suddenly become rich
I will help you to spend money.
And, in order not to become horned,
Then do not marry "on the run."

True friendship has laws
We will not break them,
And let the years fly without stopping
We will never tire of congratulating you, dear.

May life be beautiful, easy
Things are solved at once,
Income, let the kids come
And let the head always be light.

Be loved always be friends
And celebrate all births with us.
And if suddenly there is not enough money,
Anyone will pay for you!

We wish you all for thoughts
Would pay without delay
And would not disappear in the fog
Your brain is an invention!

Like a star in a dark gloomy sky
Like a candle in an empty window
So you were born on this planet
Visited those living on Earth.

And your birth became a milestone
You managed to bring love with you.
Let there be no interference in front of you
Pits will not arise in front of you.

You will master the difficult road
You will achieve a ghostly dream
You have a lot in your heart
You cherish this wealth.

Do not splash your heart's treasure,
Don't blow out the fire of your soul
And there will be less of a star in the sky
After all, she will fly to Earth.

Happy birthday I want to congratulate the wonderful girl of my friend. I wish you charming and stunning beauty, great and cheerful mood, undoubted and constant good luck, sincere and eternal love. Let your life be filled with bright colors, beautiful ideas, creative successes, loud victories and happy moments every day.

Happy birthday to my friend's wonderful girl! I wish you to be happy, beautiful, smart, loved and enjoy every moment of your wonderful life. Strive for the best, do not spray on trifles and get everything you want!

Let happiness not fade away in your soul,
The soul sings with joy
Be even more beautiful every day
Be like a rose, good!

May all dreams and all whims
Will become your reality!
May life always give surprises
And the sea of ​​clear, bright days!

Happy birthday, wonderful girl. I wish you good luck and sweet moments in life, I wish you sun in your soul and warm love in your heart, I wish you bold decisions and brilliant ideas, I wish you happy stories and great achievements!

Happy birthday to the charming and sweet girl of my good friend. I wish you, beauty, to build trusting and sincere relationships with your loved one, pave the right and prosperous path to your goals, achieve incredible success in various fields of activity, always remain in the kind environment of dear people and close friends.

Happy birthday to you
I send my congratulations
I wish you happy
My friend was with you.

I wish each other
Dearly you loved
And always friends
You were mine.

To the third excess
You didn't count me
Friendship to our
Over the years, I became stronger.

Let fate bind
By the thread of you alone,
May a friend be lucky
With a girl like that.

I send congratulations from my heart
Happy birthday to you.
Lucky, of course, a friend
He is grateful to fate.

I wish you happiness,
Joy, beautiful days
May all plans come true
In your sunny life.

The days will be full of enthusiasm
Bright, joyful minutes
Let in love and adoration
Glorious years are running by.

I wish to be happy
And not to notice the problems
Infinitely positive
Take only success from life!

So that the mood is excellent
And there was enough strength for everything
And so that my friend year after year
I loved you more and more!

I wish you to be charming
Cheerful, simply stunning
And take everything you want from life,
Let the sea of ​​happiness be prophesied!

May everything work out with your friend
Love will multiply tenfold
And life will become a wonderful fairy tale,
Filled with warmth and affection!

I wish that even in bad weather it was always sunny and warm in my soul! May your birthday be fabulous, and magic happens in your life! Let your beauty enchant everyone around you!

Happy birthday to you!
At this hour, I wish you:
Let the heart be filled to the brim
The best there is on earth.
Let your love be hot
And the dream will be high
Let your eyes cry with joy!
Let your beauty not smolder!
Be as beautiful as a white lily
And as fresh as a misty dawn
Be so happy honey
So that the whole world is jealous!

Birthday greetings to the girl from friends

_____________(name)! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you to be always so beautiful and charming! May only kind and sympathetic people meet on your life path! So that you do not know grief and troubles! Be happy! Happy Birthday!

Birthday congratulations to a girl in prose

__________(name)! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you goodness and warmth, happiness and health! Like the sun, hot and eternal love! So that your life turns out as you intended!

Happy birthday to the girl from friends

Sparkling sunlight!
The murmur of silver streams!
Fragrant delightful bouquets!
And on a starry night the trill of nightingales!
May this day fill your soul with warmth
And everything will be beautiful, bright,
And all the crystal dreams will come true
About happiness, about luck, about love!

Happy birthday to the girl beautiful

In your age, you are so beautiful
Fresh breath of spring ...
Those. who is familiar, it's not in vain
Head over heels in love with you:
Mila, full of charm
Kind, slim, light, smart ...
And a cup full of happiness
God grant you to drink to the bottom!
Happy Birthday!

Birthday greetings to the girl from the parents

__________(name)! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you to be the most beautiful and happy, the most attentive and unique, kind and strict! May everything that you want come true. Happy Birthday to You!

From friends

The sun is shining joyfully, the birds are singing merrily, the air is permeated with a festive and solemn atmosphere ... Today is your birthday, the most cherished, the most desired. Your day! May the most incredible dreams, the most insane ideas come true! Life gives a sea of ​​joyful moments and happy moments! Happy Holidays!

Congratulations to the girl on her birthday with a personalized one from loved ones

____________(name)! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you great and constant happiness! May love give you two wings and always be with you all the time! I wish you everything you can wish for from the bottom of my heart! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to a beautiful girl

On this day, accept my wishes and congratulations. I want to wish you untold wealth, indescribable beauty, faithful happiness for many years. Let the hottest love warm you on your way. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to a colleague girl

Our dear, we is in a hurry to wish you a Happy Birthday! We wish you in life to be surrounded only by good people who will make you happy!

Happy Birthday Girl Verse

Of such wonderful beauty
It is rare to see
We are happy that you are with us,
That the heart beats so joyfully!
The eyes of the depths of heaven
And hair in the color of the light of the sun ...
We confess from the heart
We love you, our sun!

Congratulations to the girl on her birthday

________(name)! Please accept our most sincere congratulations! May life be full of happiness! May there be joy and good luck! Love you mutual, pure and strong! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to a young girl

Long, strong, strong happiness,
More true love.
Beautiful life without a shadow of bad weather.
My wishes to you.

Cool birthday greetings to the girl in verse

Hello Beautiful! Happy Birthday!
Now girlfriend, no doubt
It's time to deal with yourself
To stay perfect.
Blossom to be younger than yourself
And not similar to the passport photo!
Love you, kindness, good luck!
Well, and some more money to boot!

Birthday greetings to the girl from a friend

_________(name)! Happy Birthday to you! I sincerely wish that your life path was smooth and without sharp turns! Let your road be showered with rose petals! Happy Birthday!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to the girl

Sweetheart, kind, our sparkling,

Soft, warm, just fluffy

You bloomed like a white cherry

And it turned out to be not superfluous in life.

You have become a ripe scarlet cherry,

Be still the same, being mature.

Do not wait at the gate for a sad autumn

Many colorful springs are still waiting for you !!!

Happy birthday to the girl policeman

So this form suits you,
It's like this fashion from Versace!
And epaulettes give solidity,
Moans of admiration are heard!
Police girl! Let me congratulate
Do whatever you want with the gift!
Put my modest bouquet in a vase,
Kiss me gently you back me!
Lucky for the police, because you serve her,
You can split criminals with beauty!
Because your career is going uphill,
Admiration and great honor awaits you!
Well, I wish you great love
You are gorgeous, like these flowers!

Happy birthday to the girl, short

Happy Birthday! We wish you to find your happiness, so that everything will be fine on your life path! Always stay so smiling and sweet!

Happy birthday to your girlfriend

My dear, I want to wish you on this day, may your day be sunny, beautiful, may your path be covered with roses. I also wish to be always beautiful and desirable and remember that I love you more than anyone else in the world. Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday greetings funny funny girl

Congratulations, doll, happy birthday!
You don't have a life - one game.
A series of victories and defeats
But you always look victorious.
You have one skill
Cunning like a fox:
Cons and defeats -
Turn into indisputable pluses!

I love to look like in the morning
You wake up from a dream.
Everything in the house comes to life again
After all, in this house you are spring.
Pleasure hovers around
Everything here is saturated with you.
I wish you a happy birthday.
You are my dear flower.
I love you with all my heart and soul,
I love you with all my essence.
With you, my soul is at ease
And life is much more fun.

Sms birthday greetings to the girl in verses

Congratulations are not too lazy
On your birthday
and wealth and health
I'm not too lazy to wish you!
And also love, good luck
And friends and girlfriends to boot!

You were born in the spring
When the snowdrops were blooming.
And on this day the whole world gave
You have your own scent of love.
You were born to bloom
Like that snowdrop on the ground.
To carry love as life
With a smile on his brow.

Birthday greetings to the girl

I'm so glad that you have
Birthday today.
Oh, how much is on the table,
Delicious treats.
I wish that in the house,
There was always abundance.
That you were born in the world
There is already - a gift.

May fate bring you
More positive.
So that it was always the same:
Smart and beautiful.
We will raise our toasts
For you, dear,
The best girl in the world
I wish you happiness.

Birthday greetings to the girl

I want to say thank you
For the warmth of your soul.
Today the sun is playful
In a hurry to warm you up.
And congratulating you on your birthday
I want to tell you now.
I forget the time with you
When I touch your eyes
And my whole world is so huge
I'll put it at your feet.
After all, without you he was speechless,
With you, he was able to rise again.

Happy birthday to your girlfriend

Dear _________ (name)! Happy Birthday to you from the bottom of my heart! I wish that your eyes sparkle with joy and that your smile never leaves your lips! Know how to love neither anger nor self-interest without concealing! I love you!

Happy birthday to a girl from a loved one

On this day that gave you
Remember everything that you said.
All the tenderness that I gave you
All the flowers that I threw at my feet.
Let your soul be warm
All sorrows and troubles for evil.
And may your holiday forever
This feeling will leave with you!

Happy birthday to the girl from your beloved man

You are the beautiful Goddess, the muse of my heart, the very charm and charm! I congratulate you on your birthday! May the Gods from Olympus illuminate your path, give love, prosperity and spiritual harmony!

Happy birthday to your girlfriend with a bouquet of flowers

Angel Day, love, today is yours. And with trepidation in my soul I want to wish you.
May God grant you good health, may only peace lurk in your hearth, warmed by happiness, joy, love! And with a bow I want to present you with these beautiful roses.

Happy birthday for the girl

Feelings cannot always be expressed in words, but on this day, my beloved, I want to tell you. I want you to forget about the sad and sadness left your eyes. Be happy, healthy, sunny, I want to give you only joy and love, and so that you will always be by my side.

Happy birthday for a girl

You shine with beauty
Kindness and warmth!
Happy birthday dear!
I feel so good with you!

Happy birthday to the girl in verses

May this day
The whole year does not end
And streams sing in your honor.
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.

Original birthday greetings for a girl

On this day - spring, wonderful - I brought you flowers,
You have a holiday today, you were born on this day.
All friends will gather, all friends will gather,
But happy birthday best of all, of course, me.
I congratulate you, my friend, from the bottom of my heart,
Let me hug you tighter today.
On this day, all cherished dreams must come true,
Because today is a holiday - you were born on this day.

Birthday greetings to the girl

Spring animates us all,
And wakes up again and again.
And I reach out as if to the sun
To you, to you, my love.
Your smile is brighter than the sky
Your eyes are clearer than a stream
And without you in this vast world
You can't be happy.

I wish you to be happy
Cheerful, kind and dear.
I don't need the riches of the world
When you're next to me.
Today is a big holiday for us,
After all, you were born on this day.
Let it dance and laugh in my soul
Always spring drops.

Birthday Poems for Your Beloved Girl

Moments are unique
Though we sometimes say: freeze!
Today is the birthday of the beloved,
You accept my congratulations.
I wish you happiness on your birthday:
Live with hope and do good.
Oh, if only such moments
Could we stop forever!

Happy birthday to a cute girl classmate

You are so pretty
My classmate!
There is no study
I still admire you!
Why do I need lectures and seminars,
I have nightmares without you!
With you - practices, tests,
I want to hand over successfully!
And now the happiest day
You probably don't know:
I want to congratulate you
Always go only forward
I will help you as much as I can!

Happy birthday for the girl

We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best. You are like a balm for the soul in our crazy life, we wish you joy and always be a golden girl. And we admit on your birthday, dear and beautiful, we love you!

I am without you - like a fish without water, Happy Birthday for a girl in a pink coat

You are the most beautiful and attractive, my girl in a pink coat. You are like a fairytale fairy appeared out of nowhere, but immediately attracted my attention. I want to wish you that everything in your life is the most beautiful and attractive. Happy birthday, my darling.

Happy birthday to girl friend

My dear friend, we congratulate you on your birthday, and loving you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you health and happiness. And we also wish to finally get our apartment and create a cozy nest there. Develop your invaluable creative talent and write good novels.

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For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

The age gap in the life of the fair sex, which bears the name "girl", is truly almost limitless. Young ladies prefer to be called by him literally from the age of eleven or twelve, and there is no need to talk about the upper limit at all: a woman is never more than eighteen. Therefore, you can address birthday greetings to a girl to any lady from your entourage, this will only once again emphasize your virtues such as diplomacy and light, cheerful disposition. The very same birthday greetings to a girl can be composed in a huge number of all kinds of styles: from casually cute to poetically romantic. In this case, a lot depends on the congratulator and the nature of his relationship with the birthday girl. There are a great many ready-made options for such congratulations in the corresponding collections. You can always use them with ease or create your own.

Happy birthday I want to congratulate the beautiful girl of my friend. I wish you charming and stunning beauty, great and cheerful mood, undoubted and constant good luck, sincere and eternal love. Let your life be filled with bright colors, beautiful ideas, creative successes, loud victories and happy moments every day.


You and my friend are a perfect match,
Don't leave him, he won't take the blow
I hope I'll take a walk at your wedding,
In the meantime, congratulations on your birth!

Be cheerful, happy, beautiful
Always have a clear radiance
Surprise the whole world with the beauty of the soul,
Be an unusual fairy-tale girl!


Happy birthday to my friend's wonderful girl! I wish you to be happy, beautiful, smart, loved and enjoy every moment of your wonderful life. Strive for & nbsp; better, do not spray on & nbsp; little things and & nbsp; get everything you want!


Happy birthday to the charming and sweet girl of my good friend. I wish you, beauty, to build trusting and sincere relationships with your loved one, pave the right and safe path to your goals, achieve incredible success in various fields of activity, always remain in a good environment of dear people and close friends.


Happy birthday pretty,
I congratulate you.
Lucky the second big
That he met you.

I wish inspiration
Tenderness and happiness
For love to give wings
The bad weather is gone.

Birthday Poems For A Friend's Girlfriend


Friend's girlfriend on honorary rights
Happy birthday I hasten to congratulate.
I wish you great love, fun,
And only great mood.
Make any dreams come true today
Your days of life will be successful.


You mean a lot to one
He shines with you, is happy
May dreams come true
I wish you a wonderful life!

I wish you to live without troubles,
Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you joy, goodness,
And I wish you bright days!


I have one beautiful
He meets you
You became his girl
Well, my friend is your boyfriend,
I want to congratulate you
Happy birthday now
Always be positive
Do not waste your reserves of strength,
With one, always be you gentle
And don't you leave him,
Let your cool couple
Happiness pours over the edge!


Let it be filled with love -
Every moment
Happiness, joy, health
On a glorious birthday.

May fate give you
Everything you need in life.
Know that the best friend is always -
Will be next to you!


I hasten to congratulate you personally,
May everything be fine
In spite of all the difficulties
Although a friend is lucky
To meet such happiness
Notice among the crowd!
I'm happy for you - awful
Let everything be fine!


You are the second girl, I congratulate you,
After all, your birthday has come today
I wish you a lot of happiness, health,
My friend is very glad that he met you,
I wish you great luck
May everything be fine with one of you,
Love each other, do not dare to swear
And be happy always and now!


Happy birthday today
I congratulate you
For myself about the girl,
Such as you dream.

I am kind friend
I envy mine
I could find such
He is a beautiful girl.

I wish you happiness
And with one love to you,
To keep you together all your life
They walked by the hand.

I'll be yours at the wedding
"Bitterly!" i scream,
The same as you
Continue searching.


Happy birthday! Let it be beautiful
Good luck will enter your life
So that all friends, surprisingly,
You healed the best!

You are a great girl
My friend was very lucky.
Keep in your hands
Happiness is what has come to you!


You are in my other in a wonderful pair,
He found a worthy girl.
And he himself is a great and competent guy,
I hope you justified your hopes!

Now it's not about that, but I want a happy birthday
Congratulate you and wish you always
Have only success and inspiration in your soul,
Shine strange, like a star!


Happy Birthday, Princess,
My friend is head over heels in love.
I wish that gentle
And only he was caring.

So that you bathed in love,
So that only your eyes shine
For feelings to develop
To bloom brighter.


May happiness not extinguish in the soul,
The soul sings with joy
Be even more beautiful every day
Be like a rose, good!

May all dreams and all whims
Will become your reality!
May life always give surprises
And the sea of ​​clear, bright days!


I congratulate you on your birthday
And I wish witchcraft in love,
In some ways strength, but in what humility -
But in everything so that there is kindness!

For a young pretty girl, her birthday is not only another date, but also a great occasion to gather her girlfriends and friends at a large festive table, hear many kind words, and see a sea of ​​smiles. But, of course, it is most desirable to receive congratulations on the girl's birthday from a loved one. It is in it that, with a sinking heart, she will read between the lines the words that she wants to finally hear. And wherever he is, she will see his deep gaze in front of her, feel the warmth of his heart. More than once she will read these lines, mentally transferring herself closer to the one who is most dear to her in the world. However, not only his words will warm her soul. Happy birthday greetings to the girl from girlfriends, friends, relatives, loved ones, parents, fellow students and colleagues will lay on the heart with pleasant warmth.

Drops are ringing outside the window
Laughter, fun
It's already April
Happy Birthday!

Let the sadness-sadness melt
Like a piece of ice.
There is a candle in the heart of tenderness
Like a smile.

Let them come running to the call
Happiness joy,
So that you know love
Her sweetness.

Love the beauty of lipstick
All the delights, freaky fun
Dance, have a rest, have a rest
Take everything from life, dare!

I also wish you on your birthday
Love, your heart of conquest,
So that life seems like raspberries
And my husband was a nurse!

Always be like this in life
Such a cutie even then
You will understand everything, you will feel the soaring,
What is happiness, pleasure!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days.
May this congratulations be mine
It will also be your joy.

On this day I wish you happiness
And wonderful long, long years.
May you not have bad weather
Only the stars, only the sun's light.

May love come to you big:
Not for a year - for eternity, forever.
And let your life be, dear,
Light like spring water.

With a tender dawn, with awakening
I'm in a hurry on my birthday
You will open up in congratulations
And I am deafening indecision.

My love will keep you warm
And happiness is all at your feet,
The soul is sick in silence,
And I rave about your name.

May every day bring luck
Let your eyes shine with happiness!
You accept congratulations from me
And believe in miracles today!

Like champagne, be you sparkling
And be a flirty girl.
And a radiant flying snowflake
Choose the most correct path.

I sincerely wish faith
And hope, mutual love.
Beauty unearthly from Venus,
Be loved and love dearly!

Mountains, steppes and forests between us
And only the phone carries the voices.
Yes, the Internet will stretch its network,
Allows you to send a verse and sing a song.

I wish you to be and live happy
Walk confidently, proud and beautiful.
A lot of health - over the edge,
And never forget me.

Let your life be like honey
Not a step back, but only forward.
Let all the peaks conquer
And men bow before you

Follow the rose petals
Without pain, grief and tears
You can do everything - do not hesitate
Stay the same beautiful.

Fly like a butterfly!
Fly like a swallow!
Love like a bunny!
Be loved, kitten!

Give warmth like the sun .. Yes, yes.
Catch your arms, my ray of light!
Love, be always loved!
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to girlfriend girl

My dear friend, today
On this wonderful birthday
I wish you with love
More joyful moments

More good, clear days
Success, joyful smiles,
So that life is - like a fairy tale!
And there were fewer mistakes in it!

And know, dear, no more true,
Than me - you have friends!
Together we will overcome everything!
Together, we are not afraid of trouble! ©

Today I congratulate you, best friend,
Happy birthday, may anxiety not come to the soul,
I also wish you wealth and love,
May God always keep our friendship,

Each new step brings you closer to the goal,
Let the festive mood surround you
Change everything in life with joy,
And don't miss your opportunities

We don't need words to understand each other
I will always wish you all the best
You are the best, I sincerely wish such a friend to everyone,
To our true friendship I propose to drink. ©

You are very wonderful
Charming friend
Happy Birthday
And I bring you jam
To eat from the heart,
That was in jam up to ears. ©

You are the queen today
The highest in the world of all praise
And a girlfriend on her birthday
I put it on a pedestal
I wish you a husband
The way you need it. ©

You have a great future ahead of you
Happy birthday friend, congratulations
Best friend, I wish you a sea of ​​love,
You are the best in the world, I adore you

My friend and I have no time to be sad
She always brings positive to everyone,
We still have a lot to achieve in life,
May your friend always be lucky

Strive to conquer all the peaks on the way,
Never doubt your strength
If you need help, just call
I wish you wonderful adventures. ©

Happy birthday to my wonderful, best friend. I wish you prosperity, cheerfulness, optimism and a positive mood. May your health be strong, Siberian, and adversity and worries never bother you. Real female happiness to you is to love and be loved. ©

On this incredible fabulous day, I want to congratulate from the bottom of my heart a charming, kind, mischievous, unusual, funny and simply unearthly girl on her birthday. Dear friend, I wish you to remain the same wonderful always, to strive only upward and with confidence to achieve the desired goals. ©

Let your star shine
Let your eyes shine
Especially for a birthday
I wish you happiness, inspiration,
Smiles, laughter and warmth,
To bloom like a rose. ©

My friend is sunny
Happy birthday
Happiness and joy to you
Peace and enlightenment,
The kindest and longest days
Let there be no caustic reproaches. ©

On this wonderful day, I want to wish my beloved friend from the bottom of my heart to flutter like a butterfly with happiness, enjoy every colorful day of life with a smile, eat red caviar for breakfast and drink expensive champagne, be positive and optimistic. Happiness to you is simply immense, happy birthday! ©