Dry eye patches. Eye patches - reviews of people, doctors, TOP applicators (ambulance). What are patches and why are they needed

One of the best and most modern cosmetic products that allow you to effectively and “urgently” take care of the skin of the periorbital zone are eye patches. They can quickly provide a radiant, rejuvenating effect to the area. They are convenient for use in almost any conditions.

What it is?

A kind of masks, for which a large number of fans were quickly found, were first proposed by manufacturers of Korean cosmetics, after which European competitive companies also mastered their production and release. This product is a device in the form of cosmetic patch-patches, shaped like a "crescent" and impregnated with a variety of highly concentrated cosmetic formulations. The latter, in terms of their activity, are often quite comparable to anti-aging and / or moisturizing serums.

What are patches and their varieties for?

The periorbital area is the most delicate area. It is most susceptible, in comparison with other areas of the face, to the influence of negative factors of the external and internal environment of the human body and the most rapid premature aging. The skin thickness in this area is only almost 0.5 mm - significantly less than in other areas. In addition, here it is practically devoid of elastin and collagen fibers, subcutaneous fat layer and sebaceous glands.

It is around the eyes that the first wrinkles appear, and with overwork, neuropsychic overload, lack of sleep, diseases of internal organs, etc. - dark circles, bruises, swelling and bags. In this regard, the skin around the eyes requires daily correct delicate care, which consists in moisturizing and special nutrition, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Eye patches allow you to achieve these goals in a short time. Through their use, traces of fatigue can be quickly eliminated for a certain time, and therefore this cosmetic device is sometimes called "emergency cosmetic help". In addition, they serve as a good basis for applying makeup on the face, as the skin becomes hydrated, smooth and elastic, and somewhat tightens. This makes it possible to apply cosmetic makeup products evenly and effectively.

The composition of the active ingredients is very diverse. However, almost all patches contain glycerin, vitamins, bleaching ingredients, amino acids, extracts of various plants, panthenol, vegetable oils, etc.

There are also gold eye patches, which, according to the manufacturers, contain gold ions. They provide additional cooling, moisturizing, relaxing and soothing effects, and are believed to be more effective in reducing blue and puffiness under the eyes, to improve facial contours and have anti-aging effects.

Video: Cold patches for bruises and bags under the eyes

The composition of the active ingredients that are used in the production of express masks, and their concentration, depend not only on the manufacturer and the purpose of the product. Depending on the expected effect, this product is positioned as masks:

  • nutritious and healthy;
  • moisturizing;
  • smoothing;
  • decongestants, or draining;
  • restoring;
  • whitening.

Products for bags and puffiness under the eyes

They mainly have a lymphatic drainage effect. They may contain as main components:

  • horse chestnut extract, which helps to increase the tone of the walls of small venous and lymphatic vessels;
  • extract of the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba plant, which has a pronounced decongestant and antioxidant effect;
  • hexapeptide -8, which has a mild relaxing effect on facial muscles;
  • a complex of natural oils and vitamins that have a positive effect on the vascular wall and improve metabolic processes and microcirculation.

In addition, the use of patches is recommended after prolonged exposure to the sun without protective glasses and in conditions of low air humidity, with dehydration of the skin, etc., since most of them contain hyaluronic acid, peptides, collagen, etc. in moderate concentrations.

The product is applied to the skin for a long time - for 30-60 minutes (different manufacturers recommend different times).

For dark circles under the eyes

Express masks are recommended, in which caffeine, which helps to increase the tone of small vessels, and fruit whitening and antioxidant agents, for example, lactic acid, tartaric acid or tartaric acid, are included as one of the main ingredients. However, of all other types, these masks are the least effective, since dark circles are often caused by heredity, as well as diseases of the internal organs and endocrine glands. At the same time, if they are associated with lack of sleep, overwork, prolonged work on the computer, then the effect of the use of such masks is noticeable and comes quickly.

Thus, using eye patches is recommended as an express care for:

  • moisturizing the skin around the eyes and increasing its tone;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • reducing the severity of dark circles under the eyes and normalizing a healthy complexion;
  • reduction of periorbital edema.

Types of masks

Depending on the nature of the base, the following types of cosmetic products are distinguished:

  1. Collagenous.
  2. Fabric.
  3. Hydrogel.
  4. Silicone.

Collagen eye patches

The basis of which is water-soluble collagen. Although the manufacturers describe them as a remedy that helps against all problems within 15 minutes and for a long period, in practice their main effect is the lifting and smoothing effects of fine wrinkles. In addition, the results of the action only last for a few hours.

More pronounced and lasting positive results are noted with regular use of the product, especially based on the technology of combining collagen with coenzyme Q 10. They contribute to the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin of the periorbital area, as well as to optimize the processes of natural regeneration of the dermis.

Cloth masks

The basis of the cloth masks is mainly a cotton cloth impregnated with active cosmetic and medicinal substances, gel, cream with a high concentration of vitamins and minerals or active serums, and resembling a wet wipe. It does not adhere very tightly to the skin surface, and therefore does not have a lifting effect, and other types of exposure persist for a very short time. At the same time, the cost of fabric masks is less, which allows them to be used much more often.

Hydrogel eye patches

Contain very large doses of hyaluronic acid. It retains water and helps to soften and smooth the skin, temporarily filling in fine wrinkles in the eyelid area. The hydrogel base itself (due to its jelly-like structure) provides a snug fit of the mask and exerts mechanical pressure on the dermal layer, which stimulates the growth of keratinocytes and provokes the accelerated synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin proteins.

Due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid in the base of the masks and the binding of a significant amount of water by it, gel patches under the eyes are characterized by a pronounced lifting effect and are intended not to eliminate edema, but to reduce the severity of wrinkles, mainly in the corners of the eyes and in the lower eyelid zone.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, various plant extracts, peptides and nanoparticles with anti-aging properties, antioxidants, nicotinic and ascorbic acids are added to the masks, which help to lighten the skin, strengthen the capillary walls and improve microcirculation, maintain the natural renewal of collagen fibers in tissues and slow down the development of premature processes in them. aging. They can be used not only for the skin of the periobital region, but also for other areas of the face and neck.

Silicone Patches

Basically, they contain one of the types of silicone, for example, methyltrimethicone, which, after being applied to the skin surface, forms a film. As a result of this, a visually smoothing effect is created. In addition, reusable patches are available in the form of silicone pads. Designed to protect the skin around the eyes from staining during eyelash coloring procedures, they are non-slip, self-adhesive silicone pads ideal for isolating the skin under the lower lashes during coloring, makeup and lamination. They are made in such a way that they correspond to the area of ​​the lower eyelid and the wall of the nose, and can have any shape and contours.

Eye patches are not a panacea for long-term elimination of any or even certain defects in the corresponding area of ​​the face. However, they are quite effective means of quick skin care, especially with constant use.

We continue to talk about our favorite Korean remedies, and have prepared reviews of eye patches.

For many, hydrogel patches have already become a must-have as an incredibly convenient way to care for their skin. Moreover, now they are so available - patches can be bought in many ordinary and online stores, on Ebay and even in Iherb.
Someone gets patches only when necessary, some "experts" in Korean cosmetics claim that they can be used daily. Some people believe that patches can eliminate dark circles under the eyes, while others hope for good hydration and smoothing of wrinkles. Manufacturers, in turn, promise us so much that, willy-nilly, you begin to count on a good effect. And with all this, how not to get confused and choose such that the result will definitely not disappoint?

Our bloggers, as always, are ready to help you make your choice, and in this article they will tell you only about the best patches, about those that you liked more than others, and which they can safely recommend.

Koelf Ruby & Bulgarian Rose Eye Patch

I don’t remember when I first bought eye patches, about 3 or 4 years ago, but I remember that from the very first packaging I fell in love with this method of care, and now I always have another box at home. The skin around the eyes is thin, delicate, additional nutrition and hydration will never hurt it, and there are not so many ways to care for it. For the face, we have creams, serums, and masks, but what about the eyes? Only cream ... That is why everyone fell in love with hydrogel patches - this is a powerful and quick help, which was previously lacking for the care of delicate skin.

I had different patches, I liked something more, something less (the most popular "Raccoons" did not impress at all, for example), now I use Koelf Ruby & Bulgarian Rose Eye Patch. These patches have a more or less comfortable shape for European eyes, you do not have to cut them or find the desired position on the skin for a long time. They fit well and are hardly felt.

There is an important secret here, all patches - and these too - must be glued to dry and preferably fat-free skin (before applying, I lightly walk through with a cleansing tonic or micellar water and remove all liquid residues with a napkin), then they hold well, do not slip and do not interfere. The longer you hold it, the better, I try to hold it for 40 minutes - 1 hour, then the result is maximum. The skin under them is soothed, smoothed, nourished, pores and fine wrinkles are filled and smoothed. And there is also a beautiful inner glow, as if you walked over the area under the eyes with a reflective concealer. Of course, all this has a temporary effect, but with regular use it is noticeable that the skin reacts less to dryness and tolerates weather surprises more easily, especially in autumn and winter.

And these pink patches are also very beautiful: the transparent pink hydrogel base contains gold particles, I personally always rejoice when the product is not only effective, but also nicely designed. In general, I am very pleased with these patches and I plan to buy the next ones from the same brand, however, now I am looking towards the whites (with shea butter), someone whispered to me that they are even better than the pink ones;).

Cost: from 1000 rubles, you can order at sifo.ru, goldapple.ru or Lamoda. If you try and keep track of availability on Iherb, you can order there for a good price, about $ 10.

I have never seen a special need for patches for the eyes, it seemed to me that the skin in this area looks pretty decent and does not need additional care. Needless to say, the same eye cream appeared on my cosmetic shelf not so long ago, about two years ago (or maybe even less). However, I became convinced that I was mistaken when I saw the effect of these funds and realized that this is no longer an "additional" care, but the most necessary one.

I think I was lucky, and the very first patches tested have already made an indelible impression on me (lucky, because if they hadn't been like that, after the first "try" I could have given up on this type of remedy, finally making sure that "it doesn't hurt and it was necessary "). These were the fairly well-known Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch.

Regardless of what is "mixed" in the composition (in this case, the declared active ingredients are black pearls and gold), I expect one thing from any patches: good hydration and smoothing of the skin under the eyes. Naturally, temporary, not permanent, it is still cosmetics, and not a magic elixir for wrinkles.

Immediately I would like to note their convenient shape: the "droplets" perfectly fit our European cut, and capture a rather large area under the eyes. The effect is beyond praise: in 20 minutes of use, they make the skin noticeably younger (yes, exactly younger - it becomes so smooth and even, there is no trace of wrinkles) and more hydrated. What you need. They smell quite intense, but still nice. The only thing that can be attributed to the nuances of use (I will not call it a minus) is a tingling sensation when applied. Not strong, not scary, not bearing consequences in the form of redness or irritation, but still taking place.

Already disposed to Petitfee, I decided to continue my acquaintance with the brand. The second test subjects were the Gold EGF Eye & Spot Patch. And again I was lucky: moreover, I liked them even a little more than the previous ones.

The shape of the "gold" patches is less successful than that of the "black" ones, but for me it is not so important. But here there are 30 additional round "pieces" that are just right to use on the glabellar wrinkle or, as an option, on the nasolabial folds (and not on pimples, as many might think - here the patches will be powerless due to the fact that they have no effect at all other). It seemed to me that there are much more impregnations here, so for the first 5 minutes they may slip a little, but, after drying a little, they will attach tightly. There is no tingling effect from them, and purely visually I like them more. In terms of properties, they are equally good that those that others - from "golden" patches have the same powerful effect of smoothing and moisturizing the skin under the eyes. The smell is similar.

I was very pleased with both options, although if I had to choose, I would have given my final vote for the "gold".

We have these patches for about 1200 rubles, you can buy at Holyskin.

Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch

About a year ago I discovered eye patches! And since then I have not parted with them, trying to ensure that there are always enough of them in the house.
In such a short time using eye patches, I bought only 2 types - the famous Petitfee, Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye and the equally famous Secret Key Gold Racoony. And if the second ones in my arsenal of leaving have not settled, then the first I am ready to buy again and again!

Initially, a plastic box with patches is packed in a cardboard box, and the patches themselves are protected by a membrane, which proves to the buyer that no one has looked into the jar. This, by the way, is very cool. The mail workers managed to shove the last package with patches into the mailbox, from where I got it already open, someone took the free samples promised by the seller, but at least I could be sure that no one looked at the jar with the patches.

The patches stick well and after 3-4 minutes I can walk around the house with them and even dry my hair with my head down.
I usually go around with patches for about half an hour, but sometimes it takes longer. When I go to workout in the morning before work, I even go out with them and go to the gym. Perhaps I scare other motorists, but I did not think about it)
The result after the procedure is simply stunning for me. The skin under the eyes looks fresher, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, a feeling of nourishment and vigor. I really like to try something new and rarely repeat any jars from care, but the Petitfee, Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch patches and I'm already buying a jar, probably the fifth, and I'm not planning to change it to something else.

Cost: 1190 rubles, you can buy.

+5 Petitfee Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch

Once upon a time, Korean cosmetics appeared on the Ayherb website, and patches were one of the first to which I turned my attention. I read so much good about them that I just could not pass by. The hand itself reaches out to put the patches from Petitfee into the basket every time because of their very attractive price. On this site, I have come across only three types: strangely shaped Gold EGF, black Black Pearl & Gold and just Gold. Here are the last ones I use now, and I'll tell you about them.

My patches have a gold box, with not very contrasting text on it. Nevertheless, even the composition can be discerned. On the front side of the package, we are already "lured" with ingredients such as: swallow's nest extract, 24-karat gold, 5000 PPM ginseng (I found out that it is 0.5%), collagen and rose water extract.

The manufacturer took care of the customers: he made a pleasant package, quite stylish, and carefully put a spatula in each box, so that it would be more convenient to get the contents of the jar and not to go into it with your hands. In fact, for me personally, slippery patches are difficult to pick up, and they can easily slip off (well, if back into the jar), but attention to the consumer is priceless!

The patches are translucent with lots of golden shimmer. They float in a jar in some incredible amount of concentrated liquid, so when you glue them, they run away from the eyelids for another 5 minutes, and they need to be returned to their place. The form is perfectly molded onto the lower eyelid. I like to glue them close, close, then the narrow tip can get in the way of the eye a little, but for me this is not critical. I hold them for about 20 minutes, and then I take them off. In the mornings, I usually do not have time for such procedures, so patches became a salvation for me in the evenings - I stuck it on and I rest, reading a book. After removal, the skin under the eyes is smoothed, fine wrinkles disappear. And even if it is not for long, I believe that this is such a small contribution to the future of healthy and beautiful skin.

The only moment in the application of patches that I did not suspect about, and which surprised me - at the place of their contact with the skin, there is a film that is invisible to the eye, which I did not notice all this time. For a while, it still serves as a "humidifier", which is quite good for itself. But recently I found out that she is not at all “friendly” with fat creams. It was only later that I realized that no apparent hydration would come in contact with explicit nutrition. After all, it is logical: the oil will not penetrate the water, it will only lie on top, and the water will roll off the oil. So now I try to separate this cream and patches in time in my evening care procedures.

I did not notice a big difference between the three representatives of Petitfee, everyone works equally well for me, so you can always try something new.

You quickly get used to good things, and that's the story with many Korean products. Including with patches. One of the first, as probably many others, was the famous "Raccoons" Secret Key Gold Racoony, which generally did not disappoint, but the shape was not the most comfortable. Therefore, I took this moment into account when choosing others. Now I have two types that I really like, and I'll tell you about them.

1. Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye

Petitfee first bought patches with black pearls and gold about a year ago and only because they had such a discount at Ayherb that, as they say, it was impossible to resist :). And then she repeated the purchase.

The design is quite simple - a standard box and a round washer jar. The package contains 60 pieces, enough for 30 applications. This is how they look - gray-black, with a golden sheen:

In the composition, if you believe what is indicated, there really is gold and pearl extract :). The patches have a curved teardrop shape and are very easy to apply. They easily "attach" and hold on perfectly, without falling off for all the prescribed 20-30 minutes, and they would still hold out. But I shoot, it seems to me that it is not necessary to keep it longer than the specified time. The patches do not create any feeling of heaviness, discomfort, I practically do not feel them at all. And they can be easily removed without stretching the delicate skin around the eyes.

I do not expect special miracles from "leaving", I understand that, for example, neither cosmetics nor the same patches will erase wrinkles forever. But some products, albeit temporarily, can improve the appearance of the skin and become an excellent addition to basic care, and patches have always been treated exactly as such express helpers.

And Petitfee fully met my expectations: as a result of application, the skin becomes soft and tender, patches provide good hydration, smoothen the skin and give a fresh look. And they cope with small swellings under the eyes: it happened to me when I drank a lot of tea at night, then slept nothing at all, and in the morning I got what I deserved, and the patches helped out a lot in such cases. They do not lighten dark circles, but the skin around the eyes after the procedure looks noticeably more well-groomed and refreshed! All the same (more precisely, almost) I can say about patches Koelf, therefore, I will not repeat myself, but I will focus on some "special" moments.

2. Hydrogel eye patches with gold and royal jelly Koelf Gold & Royal Jelly Eye Patch

Koelf has three types of patches - RUBY Bulgarian Rose, Pearl Shea Butter and Gold Royal Jelly. According to the description, Gold Royal Jelly seemed "closer" to me, because it said something about the anti-aging effect, smoothing, nourishment of the skin.

Same packaging as Petitfee (even the box sizes are the same) only with a different design. Inside - 60 gold patches.

Here the active ingredients are royal jelly and gold microparticles. The patches themselves are the same as the black ones, they are exactly the same, I even applied them to each other out of curiosity. However, this is not so surprising, because there is only one manufacturer (and on some sites the name says “ Petitfee & Koelf" or " Petitfee Koelf ").

I also really liked the gold patches, they are just as simple and convenient, in general, I did not notice any clear differences between these patches. But they are still there. Despite the fact that in the description of both of them it is said about smoothing, and the effect is really noticeable from both, nevertheless from the blacks the action in this direction is slightly more pronounced. Both types moisturize perfectly, and softening, as it seemed to me, is more noticeable from Koelf. In any case, I repeat that both of them give approximately the same effect. But nevertheless, black is closer to me, maybe also because they are better visible on the skin and you can immediately more accurately stick to exactly the area you need, moving and aligning less.

Basically, I used patches from time to time, and treated them exactly as a means of "first aid", but somehow a period came when they were needed every other day, or even every day. After about a month of this application, I realized that, despite the regular lack of sleep, the skin around the eyes looked very good! Therefore, I can conclude that with regular use, they can have a more noticeable effect.

As a result, I will say again that Koelf, andPetitfee does very well what you usually expect from patches: moisturize, soften, smoothen (within reason, of course), help the skin look younger and more well-groomed. But, of course, temporarily.

Petitfee it is more profitable to buy in Iherb, there they cost ≈ 660 rubles (link)

Recently and Koelf appeared in Ayherb (link), cost about the same as Petitfee

And also, these patches can be found on ebay or in our online stores (for example), the price is from 1000 to 1200 rubles.

As you can see, among our bloggers' favorites were different Korean patches, but it so happened that they were all from Koelf and Petitfee :)

Do you often use eye patches? Maybe there are some who could also recommend? Share your opinion with us, tell us about your favorite products;)

Hello dear readers. The word patch originated from the English language and came to the beauty industry as a name for a means that allows you to figuratively "reprogram" the skin. Outwardly, the patch resembles all known plasters. Cosmetic “plasters” are glued to the area around the eyes and have the function of getting rid of dark circles under the eyes, dryness of the area around the eyes, and eliminating edema. Experts consider patches to be an SOS-scale tool to hide traces of fatigue and lack of sleep. 100% effectiveness of the remedy has not been proven, so those who tried to use the patches were divided into 2 camps: they help some, others did not see the effect.

It is worth noting that patches are only a part of skin care around the eyes, and you should definitely not expect the miracles of plastic surgery from them.

However, you can use the product for prophylaxis and before an important event to relieve swelling and additional moisture.

What are eye patches

Eye patches are a cosmetic product that has gained great popularity among cosmetologists and women around the world in recent years.

Outwardly, they resemble crescent-shaped plasters, which repeat the anatomical structure of the area under the eyes.

If we consider the product from the outside, then we can see that on the one hand they have some kind of woven base, and on the other - a gel.

Most often, manufacturers include hyaluronic acid, peptides, various oils and antioxidants in the composition of the product.

The range of application of the product is quite extensive. Cosmetologists advise using the product for those who are susceptible to:

- Swelling. With a lot of water or after a flight, most people can see swelling around their eyes on their face.

Using patches will help eliminate the imperfection that has appeared. The tool is able to remove moisture from the area under the eyes, smooth thin skin and strengthen small blood vessels.

- Wrinkles. With a lack of moisture in the thin skin, small creases begin to appear, these are wrinkles. Patches fill the skin with moisture and smooth unevenness.

Types of patches. Purpose of use

Manufacturers of cosmetic products produce several vilo patches under the eyes. The range includes such types as:

1. Hydrogel patches consist of 90% water mixed with hyaluronic acid. They are comfortable because they fit snugly to the area under the eyes. For this reason, the effectiveness of the cosmetic product is quite high. The active ingredients included in the composition have the ability to penetrate deep into the tissues, completely filling the gaps between the cells.

2. Fabric backed patches. The fabric used is completely impregnated with active substances in the form of a gel or cream. The disadvantage of this type of matches is considered to be their loose fit to the skin, due to which the effectiveness is sharply reduced. In terms of cost, they are inferior to hydrogels, but also in terms of effectiveness.

3. Collagenous. This type of patches is the most versatile, but a significant drawback is the too short duration of the product. It is good to use before activities for a short-term effect.

4. Silicone patches have, as the name suggests, a base consisting of one of the types of silicone.

Patches differ not only in the basis, but also in the purpose of the assignment.

Depending on the purpose of use, the product has a variability in composition and may include:

1. Vitamins and oils are directed to restore the skin.

2. Antioxidants are aimed at combating the first signs of wrinkles.

3. Peptides are aimed at increasing the elasticity of the skin.

4. Chamomile and aloe are added to soothe irritated skin.

Separation of the product depending on the purpose of use:

- Aimed at smoothing the skin. The action consists in blocking facial expressions by inhibiting nerve impulses. Manufacturers add hyaluronic acid and collagen to such patches.

1. Aimed at nourishing the skin. Placenta, retinol, pearl powder and various plant extracts can be added to the composition by the manufacturer.

2. Aimed at visual rejuvenation. Most often, the manufacturer adds collagen, peptides, algae, caviar or ginseng extracts to the composition.

3. Aimed at reducing edema. Such patches should be kept on the face for at least 30 minutes, only in this case the effect will be visible.

How to use eye patches correctly

It is not difficult to use patches under the eyes.

1. Before starting the cosmetic procedure, you should completely cleanse the skin of applied decorative cosmetics using oil, micellar water or facial wash.

2. The next step is to cleanse the skin from various impurities using soap or facial cleansing foam.

3. Only after complete cleansing of the skin can you start using the patches.

4. To enhance the effectiveness of the cosmetic product, you can make a light massage of the area under the eyes.

5. The approximate time of using the patch is 15-20 minutes, but cosmetologists recommend keeping them for as long as time permits.

6. It is also important to take into account that the patches must be removed correctly: the movement of the hand should start from the nose towards the temples.

7. The remaining product after using the patch does not need to be removed, it can be driven into the skin with your fingers.

The use of SOS-means is possible at any convenient time. A particularly effective and visible effect can be achieved after a sleepless night or an air flight.

It can be used once a week to solve current problems with the skin around the eyes or as a course to achieve a prolonged effect.

Cosmetologists note that using patches once a day for 7-10 days reduces the number of fine wrinkles under the eyes.

There are also no restrictions on the duration of the procedure: it can be 20 minutes during breakfast and several hours in the evening. The longer the patches are on the face, the greater the effect can be achieved.

Contraindications to the use of patches

Absolutely any product sold on the market has a number of contraindications. Each organism is unique, therefore, a hand test must be done before using the products. Also, it will not be superfluous to consult a therapist or a qualified cosmetologist.

The hand test allows you to check the allergic reaction of the skin to one or more of the ingredients included in the cosmetic product.

You should not use the product right away, as an allergic reaction can appear within a few days.

If no discomfort has arisen, you can begin to use the product as directed.

It is not allowed to use patches under the eyes in the presence of such diseases as:

- rosacea;

- for various skin injuries in the area of ​​use of the product.

Which eye patches are better - patches from different manufacturers

On the market for cosmetic products, there are a large number of different products from alternative manufacturers.

1. Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch. Manufacturer: Petitfee

1. The manufacturer emphasizes the inclusion of gold and pearls.

2. Have a drop-shaped black color.

3. Are representatives of the hydrogel type of patches under the eyes.

4. The effectiveness of the product is achieved by the high adherence of the patches to the skin.

2. Gold Racoony (Secret Key)

The manufacturer has placed the product in its original packaging, which depicts a raccoon.

1. Have a golden color.

2. Aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin, increasing elasticity and turgor, in addition, the patches have a calming effect.

3. In the kit to the main patches, the manufacturer added a means for moisturizing the eyebrow zone.

3. Hydro-gel eye patch gold by Natalia Vlasova

1. Patches are a product of a Russian company.

2. Among Russian manufacturers, it was Natalia Vlasova that offered the first such type of product.

3. The composition includes such components as aloe and collagen, allowing to cope with wrinkles, swelling and blue under the eyes.

4. The tool has a cumulative effect.

4. Navision extra care item HA-fill patch

1. The product consists of patches made in the form of thin petals with small needles.

2. The length of the needles is 0.2mm.

3. The composition includes hyaluronic acid.

4. The manufacturer assures that the effect of mesotherapy is achieved with the help of needles and a high% acid content.

5. Each pair of patches is individually packaged.

6. According to consumer reviews, the product really works and brings a stunning effect.

7. Wrinkles are smoothed, the skin looks plump and elastic. The sunken eyes are reduced.

5. SNP Bird's Nest Aqua Eye Patch

2. It is a fairly popular component of traditional oriental medicine and cosmetology and is used as often as bee venom and snail mucin.

3. The component has a rejuvenating effect.

4. However, the extract of the swallow's nest is an expensive component, therefore, patches with its use in the composition are priced above average. 1 package includes 60 patches.

6. Koelf Pearl & Shea Butter Eye Patch

1. The main advantage of the product is in its texture: the patches are quite dense and stick well under the eyes, so you can do various things with them without worrying that the mask will fall off the face.

2. At the same time, the manufacturer did not save on impregnation of the product, and this affects the high efficiency.

3. The product moisturizes well the skin under the eyes, relieves slight puffiness.

4. The package contains 60 pieces, so the product can be used as a course within a month.

7. Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels by Skyniceland

The brand is poorly known to Russian customers, however, the distribution of the brand has been noticeably increasing lately.

1. The brand positions its product as anti-stress.

2. The purpose of these patches is to clarify the consequences of lack of sleep, multitasking mode, hectic nightlife, reflected on the face. 1 package contains 8 patches.

3. The manufacturer also focuses on the 100% herbal composition of its product.

4. The company declares that the product is not tested on animals.

5. Eye patches are an excellent means of additional care for the sensitive area around the eyes.

Of course, they will not replace a well-functioning cream and which patches are better for you to choose according to properties, action and composition.

However, as an SOS tool, they do well. Intensive hydration, nutrition, removal of puffiness - these are the goals of this cosmetic product.

Different types of patches have different effectiveness, which depends on the degree of adherence of the product to the skin and the degree of saturation of the patch itself with active components. Most patches contain collagen and hyaluronic acid.


The author of the article is Elina.

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Nothing ages a woman like a tired look and deep shadows under the lower eyelid. Tonal means, of course, can mask small imperfections, but they are not able to smooth out wrinkles and remove swelling. Only careful care can help here. An excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures are special eye patches. This unique invention is a small hydrogel or tissue patch impregnated with a concentrated targeted formulation. Some patches smooth, tighten, moisturize, others relieve puffiness and fight age-related manifestations.

We've compiled a list of the best eye patches based on expert opinions and real customer reviews. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend that you pay special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Novosvit
  1. Petitfee
  2. Secretkey
  3. Beauugreen
  4. Koelf
  5. L'SANIC
  6. La miso
For edema / bags From wrinkles For all skin types For sensitive skin For dry skin For oily skin For combination skin

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without prior notice.

Eye patches: For puffiness / bags

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin/ From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • The main feature of the composition of hydrogel patches is the polypeptides that control the division of epidermal cells. Thanks to them, tissue regeneration in the area around the eyes occurs faster, the skin rejuvenates at the cellular level
  • The manufacturer also took care of problem areas, adding spot-on patches with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties to the package.
  • Colloidal gold particles help to retain moisture and effectively smooth the skin
  • Caviar extract tightens and smoothes expression lines
  • Extracts of aloe, ginseng and green tea slow down the aging process of cells, refresh and nourish the skin with nutrients

For combination skin / For sensitive skin/ From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • The main component of the patches is a polymer 98% hydrogel, saturated with active ingredients that tighten, moisturize and smooth the skin under the eyes
  • To restore elasticity, smooth shallow mimic wrinkles, eliminate sluggishness of the skin, manufacturers added the essence of collagen and coenzyme Q10 to the impregnation of the patches.
  • A pronounced rejuvenating effect is achieved due to the bioactive phytopeptide in the composition of the product
  • Extracts of Senegalese acacia, lavender flowers, green tea leaves, rosemary, freesia flowers and caviar help soften, nourish and smooth the skin
  • Sea water and hyaluronic acid provide deep hydration of delicate areas and maintain optimal hydration of the epidermis

For combination skin / For sensitive skin/ From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • The most valuable ingredient in patches is colloidal gold. This substance accelerates cell metabolism and delivers nutrients deep into the skin, bypassing the barrier layer. As a result, the mesh of wrinkles is smoothed, swelling is reduced
  • To provide a pronounced lifting effect, the manufacturer added butylene glycol to the composition - a moisturizer that retains moisture well in the upper salts of the epidermis
  • Aloe extract makes the skin elastic, vitamins C and E in its composition stimulate the production of new collagen fibers. Regular use of patches restores youthfulness to the skin
  • Beta-glucan is a polysaccharide that activates local immunity. Promotes regeneration, eliminates inflammation
  • Carrageenan or Irish moss extract contains components related to the epidermis, binds the proteins of the skin, making it dense and uniform

For sensitive skin/ From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • One of the main ingredients of these patches is rose extract, which restores the walls of blood vessels, improves microcirculation. The skin is tightened, creases and wrinkles are smoothed out
  • The gum creates a thin, breathable film on the surface of the skin, due to which the effect of beneficial components is enhanced and the effect of patches is noticeable faster
  • Grapefruit extract tones and disinfects. If there is inflammation, the remedy will help to quickly deal with them.
  • Bamboo extract is a source of silicon, and it is the lack of this element that leads to flabbiness of the skin. Regular use of patches can accelerate the synthesis of new epidermal cells
  • Glycerin is one of the most powerful moisturizers. Thanks to this component, the skin becomes firm and elastic

For sensitive skin/ From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • The hydrolyzed collagen contained in these patches contains essential amino acids and is actively involved in the "building" of collagen fibers. Several uses - and the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed
  • Colloidal gold is another valuable ingredient that the manufacturer has added for a greater anti-age effect. It is both an antioxidant and a regeneration stimulator, which is necessary for aging skin
  • Seaweed extract softens, smoothes the relief and reduces puffiness, this is especially noticeable if you apply the patches in the morning
  • Niacinamide in the composition gives the skin a sleek look, brightens spots, evens out tone
  • Raspberry ketone eliminates fluid retention, stimulates epidermal renewal

Show all products in the category "Puffiness / bags"

Eye patches: For all skin types

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • Hydrogel patches with colloidal gold and snail mucin extract in just 20-30 minutes moisturize the skin, remove puffiness, reduce bruises and dark circles under the eyes
  • The serum with which the patches are impregnated contains active ingredients (extracts of hondurus seaweed and green tea, snail mucus filtrate, and others). Gold ions penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and act as a "conductor" for these components. Such a complex effect guarantees a quick and visible result.
  • The patches adhere well, do not cause irritation and do not constrict. Almost invisible on the face, do not interfere with household chores
  • After application, the skin is nourished and elastic, fine wrinkles are filled, decorative cosmetics fit better
  • Patches enhance the effect of other products, along with them the effect of the use of serums, creams and gels becomes more pronounced

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin/ From wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • The action of the patches is aimed at preventing age-related changes, improving skin tone, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. With constant use, a rejuvenating effect is noticeable already after 2 weeks
  • The patches themselves are made from a natural gelling agent derived from the root of the Konjac Mannan plant. This substance is able to penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis and retain water molecules there, thereby plumping and smoothing the skin.
  • The patches are good at smoothing out wrinkles formed due to dehydration. Active ingredients (cucumber and rose extracts, allantoin) activate metabolic processes and help to quickly get rid of swelling
  • The shape of the patches makes it easy to attach them under the eyes, during use they do not slip and do not interfere
  • If you store the patches in the refrigerator, then the effect of the application will be more pronounced: the puffiness will go away, the look will become more open, and the general appearance will be fresh and rested.

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin/ For dry skin / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • The patches have a tonic effect. They can be used both in the morning to quickly relieve swelling, and in the evening as a moisturizer and nourishing agent.
  • Even after the first application, bags under the eyes are reduced. This is possible thanks to the damask rose extract, which has lymphatic drainage and antioxidant properties.
  • With regular use of patches for two weeks, small mimic wrinkles disappear and large
  • The composition contains the smallest ruby ​​powder. This component not only increases skin turgor, but also visually makes it fresher and more even, thanks to reflective particles
  • The concentrated serum with which the patches are impregnated can be used alone as a moisturizer

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Main advantages
  • Patches with "Photoshop effect". Thanks to their rich composition in just 20 minutes, they smooth the skin around the eyes, reduce swelling and even out the tone
  • The elements themselves are thin and soft, adhering tightly to the skin. This allows you to saturate it with nutrients as much as possible in a short time. The effect of the application is similar to the effect of using a lifting mask
  • The patches are great for dry and thin skin. The main ingredients - pearl extract and shea butter - perfectly moisturize and create a protective film on the surface
  • Regular use of patches can help remove wrinkles caused by dehydration and make your skin firmer. The active ingredients trigger the natural synthesis of collagen, resulting in less expression of wrinkles and creases
  • The patches do not irritate or tighten the skin. Can be used after peels to relieve sensitivity and redness

For all skin types / For oily skin / For combination skin/ For dry skin / For wrinkles / For edema / bags / For dark circles under the eyes

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • With the help of patches, you can increase the level of skin moisture several times in just 15-20 minutes, as well as saturate it with anti-aging and nourishing components.
  • The patches contain a large amount of hyaluronic acid, it is she who gives the skin elasticity and increases its turgor. It also contains niacinamide, which helps fight inflammation and soothes sensitive skin.
  • If you have severe problems in other areas (dryness, peeling, irritation after cleaning, etc.), the patches can also be used. In addition, they are recommended for the prevention of glabellar wrinkles and nasolabial folds.
  • Immediately after use, the skin becomes smoother, decorative cosmetics are better placed on it
  • Due to its gel structure, the patches are tightly attached, do not slip. The feeling during use is comfortable

Indications and contraindications for the use of "gold" patches under the eyes. Their description, useful properties and a list of components. Blending tips and results.

Description of patches with gold under the eyes

This is the most common cosmetic mask, sold ready-made. You don't need to mix any ingredients, get your hands dirty and wait a while for the product to infuse.

Typically, the patches follow the shape of the upper eyelid and the shape of the eye so that it can be applied directly to the skin underneath. The length of this female “helper” is about 3 cm, height - 1-2 cm, the color is deep brown or dark beige with a beautiful golden tint. The round shape is also popular, which, however, is less convenient.

Usually 60-90 pieces are in one set. mini masks, which are in foil packages or in small plastic jars. Often they put a small spoon in the latter, which is convenient for removing patches. After opening the pack, they can be stored for no more than a year. For this, a closed shelf in a closet or a refrigerator is selected, while the freezer should be excluded. The main thing here is to protect the product from direct sunlight and moisture.

These patches are virtually odorless, very thin and skin-friendly. Their texture is uniform, the surface is smooth, suitable for all types of dermis and can be safely applied from the age of 15 years. They are recommended for use with crow's feet, bags under the eyes, edema, and simply for the prevention of wrinkles.

Gold hydrogel patches are easy to use, safe for humans and the environment. After being applied and cured for a certain time, they dissolve imperceptibly without polluting the air.

Composition and components of patches with gold under the eyes

All patches available on the market are gel-based, not fabric-based. Their main component is bioactive gold, most often colloidal, which easily penetrates deep into the skin and acts on it from the inside. It occupies about 10% in the composition, while other ingredients may vary, depending on the manufacturer. Usually there are about 10 components in one product, we are talking about various herbal juices and decoctions.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular extracts:

  • Lavender, rosemary and chamomile... They can be expected to deeply moisturize, nourish and soothe irritated skin. The ingredients relieve inflammation, eliminate redness, effectively fight rashes and acne of various origins. The remedies are widely known for their ability to suppress irritation and eliminate severe itching. They are especially effective for dry and flaky dermis that is deficient in moisture.
  • Freesia... Its extract normalizes the water-salt balance in the tissues, thereby tightening them from the inside and creating a reliable framework. Thus, age and expression wrinkles under the eyes are smoothed and prevented.
  • Mint leaves... They cool the skin, restore normal blood circulation in it and thereby improve its color.
  • Needles... It contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is necessary to activate collagen production. With age, this process slows down, and the skin begins to "sag".
  • Bamboo stalks... This component is required for most products. And it is not surprising, because it is characterized by tonic, moisturizing, soothing and decongestant properties. With its help, the patches effectively help with varicose veins on the face, which are often concentrated near the lower eyelids.
  • Grapefruit seeds... The extract obtained from them is a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature skin aging. In addition to this, it is recognized as an effective antibacterial agent that removes pathogenic microorganisms from the surface of the face and thereby prevents the appearance of acne, acne, and allergic rashes.
  • Baikal skullcap root... This component is used infrequently and mostly only in Chinese products. It is urgently needed for women over 25 years old who want to postpone the appearance of crow's feet for as long as possible.
  • Guttuinia... This plant grows in the north of Thailand, and, accordingly, it can most often be found in Asian cosmetics. With its help, the outflow of lymph is accelerated, which determines success in the fight against puffiness under the eyes. It is also important that the extract obtained from it removes dangerous toxins from the skin, which accelerate the aging process.
  • Artemisia... Quite popular ingredients that are actively used by manufacturers from Europe. The plant grows at the foot of the Alps. Experiments have shown that the extract from it has antioxidant activity and shows itself favorably in the fight against photoaging.
  • Sagebrush... Its extract contains a lot of oligosaccharides necessary to create a protective film on the face. Thanks to this, he is not afraid of the influence of either the sun or the wind. Naturally, this reduces the risk of premature skin aging.
  • Senegalese Acacia Resin... The seeds of the tree are collected throughout Africa, especially in Senegal and Somalia. An extract is made of them, which provides deep hydration and nutrition of the dermis, its softening and removal of inflammation, elimination of irritation and redness, and acceleration of regeneration.
Naturally, extracts from different plants are far from the only components in the "gold" patches. No less important is hyaluronic acid, which hides one of the constituents of human connective tissue - a kind of polysaccharides. It is she who is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, its toning and cleansing, water balance in the tissues.

In addition to it, rose water is often used, which softens the dermis well. To retain moisture in it, the addition of adenosine to the composition is practiced. The leveling of the fine mesh of wrinkles around the eyes and the stagnation of fluid in the tissues is possible with the help of a collagen growth factor, RH-Oligopeptide-1.

Red caviar is another component of eye patches. He is a rare participant in the composition, and if present in its composition, then increases the cost of the product at times. This is due to the effective action in terms of strengthening, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin. At the same time, microcirculation improves and cell regeneration is stimulated.

To give the mask a gel-like structure, carrageenan is used, obtained by processing red seaweed.

Benefits of Gold Collagen Eye Patches

The patches have soothing, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory, cleansing and regenerating properties. They are essential to fight wrinkles, improve blood circulation, and prevent premature skin aging. Thanks to them, you can quickly relieve fatigue, eliminate redness and itching, and give your face a healthy color. It is an effective remedy for dark circles, lethargy and tissue swelling. It is recommended for use with crow's feet and to protect the lower eyelids from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Here are the problems for which the use of gold patches is shown:

  1. Bags... They can be the result of fatigue, an imbalance in the water-salt balance in the body, or kidney problems. This product removes excess fluid from the skin, restores lymph flow, improves blood circulation and thereby eliminates puffiness.
  2. Bruises... The product effectively soothes the skin, accelerates its regeneration and restores microcirculation. This significantly speeds up the fight against this defect, from which not a trace remains.
  3. Wrinkles... As a result of applying such patches, they will gradually be smoothed out. This applies to both expression and age wrinkles, which become more noticeable near the eyes after 25 years.
  4. Edema... Most often, the reason for their appearance is chronic lack of sleep, an excess of moisture in the body, constant stress. To cope with this "gold" patches will not help, but will quickly eliminate the consequences of such a lifestyle.
  5. Pallor... Since this remedy improves blood circulation, as a result, the face takes on a natural, even pink or bronze tint. This is especially important for those with a "winter" type of appearance.
  6. Dryness... The patches are made on the basis of various extracts and hyaluronic acid, which penetrate deeply into the skin and effectively moisturize it. Thanks to this, peeling of the dermis is prevented, itching and redness are eliminated. It will be very useful in the cold season, when the skin suffers greatly from the effects of low temperatures and cold wind.
  7. Slow down tissue regeneration... The composition of the patches penetrates deep into the skin, supplying cells with biological active components that contribute to their renewal. This effect allows you to postpone premature aging of the skin, reduce the number of keratinized particles and give it a healthy look.
  8. Skin contamination... The gold ions contained in the product bind toxins in the tissues and remove them outside. It unclogs pores, slows down the aging process and improves complexion.
Gold-based patches are suitable for all skin types, but they are especially good for dry, adult dermis, as they saturate it with collagen and thereby prevent “sagging”.

Contraindications to the use of patches for dark circles under the eyes

You should not use them more often than 1-2 times a week, because, penetrating into the bloodstream through the wounds, the composition can cause minor intoxication. Also, after that, it is very undesirable to go outside for 3-5 hours - you need to give your skin a rest from decorative cosmetics and exposure to the sun.

You should be careful with a large number of acne in the eye area, their number can only increase if you are allergic to gold.

There are no strict contraindications to using patches for bags under the eyes, but it is better to exclude them in the following cases:

  • Disrupted work of the sweat glands... At the same time, an oily sheen appears on the face, and since this product has moisturizing properties, this effect is only enhanced.
  • Dermatological diseases... You can not use such a mask for hives, dermatitis, psoriasis and any rash of unknown origin. In this case, itching will bother even more, and in addition to it, inflammation may be added.
  • Having sunburn... After applying the patches, ugly light spots may remain on the skin, which will stand out against the general background.
There are no strict contraindications regarding age, but it is still not worth resorting to them before the age of 15.

How to apply gold eye patches

The most important rule is that you cannot take them with your fingers so as not to wrinkle, for this they put a special spoon or spatula in the package.

Before gluing the patches under the eyes, the skin must be cleaned with a scrub and dried. Then you should carefully lay out the mask along the lower eyelid, carefully smoothing it with your hands to avoid the appearance of folds. The distance between it and the lower eyelashes should be at least 1 cm. The presence of any tubercles and air bubbles is unacceptable here, contact with the skin should be as close as possible.

After the patches for puffiness under the eyes are applied, you need to lie down for 5-10 minutes until they are fixed securely. You need to leave patches on your face all night, remove them in the morning. In the first minutes, a slight tingling and burning sensation may be felt, which is associated with the activation of blood circulation, there is nothing wrong with that. After removing the mask, it is undesirable to immediately wash and apply cosmetics.

The number of procedures per month should be at least 4, otherwise there will be no visible effect. This is enough to prevent wrinkles, puffiness and bags under the eyes. If defects are already bothering you, then to eliminate them, it is recommended to apply a mask 2 times a week.

For those who want to refresh their skin before some important event, the product can be kept for 20-30 minutes. It is allowed to use it constantly, that is, without interruption.

One patch cannot be applied several times, otherwise it will only worsen the situation. A used mask should not be stored with new ones, it will ruin them.

Applying patches from circles under the eyes: before and after

After applying this unique remedy, the circles completely disappear, but this takes about a month.

Certain results will be noticeable after the completion of the first procedure - the skin near the eyes will become cleaner, fresher, smoother. For those who are worried about crow's feet, they cease to be so noticeable after 2-3 applications of the mask.

This is an excellent express assistant in case of signs of fatigue, with its help the face really becomes younger and fresher. But you should not expect a long-term result from it, since it lasts for a maximum of one week. To look great, the procedure must be carried out constantly.

In the first hours after applying the mask, the skin may bake slightly, which is explained by the normalization of blood circulation and the action of biologically active components. If this problem arises, you can apply a soothing cream with chamomile or sage.

If an allergy occurs, you must immediately stop the procedure.

How to use gold eye patches - look at the video:

The patches on the market for bruises under the eyes, bags, dark circles and many other defects are quite effective. But even in this case, they cannot cope with some serious defects, for example, deep age wrinkles or severe swelling caused by a malfunction of the internal organs. Therefore, they cannot be called a panacea for all ills.